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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DMT - Aliens hijacking my music


Jan 9, 2021
I've trouble inhaling large doses of DMT, I cough and gag everywhere lol

So I don't weigh it and BTW I don't have a scale.

I just put a bunch of it in my meth bubbler then smoke it "little" by "little": I try to inhale as much as I can as fast as I can, but I can't inhale much but still..So I have to take easily about 8 hits before being where I want to.

From hit 1 to 7 I'm like " I need to reach this phase where I've read you have full blown crazy colorful OEVs" but appart melting, morphing, the OEVs are weak. There are some slightly multicolored visions of some of these: https://www.vaporvanity.com/wp-content/uploads/dmt.jpg

But nothing clearly defined. There are also many alien eyes appearing on my bubbler, but they are grey and black and not clearly defined.

So I'm going for a 8th hit, I inhale as much as I can and force myself to hold it without coughing.

Everything is morphing and melting. But no colors here! No fractal no nothing ! I'm a bit disappointed but whatever, I think: maybe I need to take more?

Just after this though "I" feel like I'm some kind of air and that I'm being breathed away. I feel like "I" will disappear, or cease to exist. This sensation lasts only a second. It discouraged me from taking more. Not due to fear or anything bad, but by the fact that if I don't exist anymore, how will I be able to take DMT?? Also I'd fear to fell my pipe or break it.

From there I decide to lay down. From the beginning I was listening to the album "matangi" by m.i.a for the very first time.

As soon as I lay down the music becomes totally alien. I still had no visual, yeah even eyes closed, but at this point I was deeply focusing on the music and nothing else mattered .

Then the music evolves. It seems to be alive, literally. The music is extrem. This is not music, no music this way could ever exist, it's impossible that anyone on earth could produce such a thing.

Then I realize the music is not music. It is a message send from aliens. I'm 100% convinced of that. I listen carefully: it "sounds" wonderful. The more I listen, the more I realize it is more than a message. THE MUSIC IS NOT MUSIC. The song-message IS the alien itself . it is living and I am living "it" fully.

The more I focus, the more I become it. The "sounds" (those are much more than sounds, it's a fully alive alien manifesting its existence by sound-based life) is starting to become seeable. The sounds are forming a chain that is growing and growing. Then an electric-like landscape appears. The sound/alien/me start to then morph into multiple electrical arcs. It starts to form a whole universe and "I" am fully this universe.
At some point I can see a large room made of golden electrical arcs with "furniture" made of deep red arcs, it was extremely wonderful.

Then at some point m.i.a starts singing and I slowly go back to earth. I stay there laying down for 30 minutes before continuing my other earthly occupations.

next day I listen again the whole album, sober, to try to identify which parts of the music was the alien.
Here is the alien:
it starts at 3:38 and lasts till the end of the music.
There it lasts only a minute, which seemed much more longer in my trip.
even now sober when I listen to it, it seems to be alive to me. Does it for you?
I can get what you are saying, its pretty far out sounding. I wonder if it isn't the collective unconscious reaching out?
So entity or alien they count as the same or just extradimensional ones perhaps the psyche conjuring an illusion or collective core data from somewhere in the multiverse harmonizing in a visible manner