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Misc Discussion: Anyone else like this? Only drug I can't seem to control is cannabis


Feb 1, 2016
TD;LR: The title

Been thinking about this many times. I've been a poly drug user for most of my adult life (M44) with many long sober periods. Medically needed and recreational use. My list psychoactive drugs I've tried is very long and in most categories. Most helpful by far has been the "heavy" Psychedelics like DMT and Ayahuasca.

I've used opiates occasionally (Tramadol, oxy, morphine, O-DSMT, Kratom etc) for 20+ years and never developed addiction. Ive gone trough mild Oxy physical withdrawals after a big spine surgery, which made me hate them. I think I'm an odd case with Oxycontin though. Never went over 10mg, they got me very high for 3-4 hours then depressed. IR ones last for 2 hours maybe. Seems like i hyper-metabolize them. I'm also sensitive to Tramadol, and actually prefer them over oxy. 50mg gives me a functional nice high for 5-6 hours. Now I walk around with cronic pain after a failed surgery, and still I dont use painkillers daily as im so dead scared of getting addicted to them. (I do take "Pain Breaks")

I love ketamine, have periods i IM 80mg or so once a week. And the occasional snort evening in front of the TV. Used to partake in coke in my younger days, but always found it overrated. Coke and MDMA i dont touch any more. I vastly prefer small lines of speed. I get dexamphetamine for my ADHD, but I hate being on them daily. I have periods on and off. (My shrink is very prescribe happy). I almost dont tough Alcohol, besides a good dark red with steak.

Been prescribed benzos since I was 16, have nice selection. But always managed to keep it under control, despite they are probably my favorite category of drugs and I suffer from insomnia.

Weed however! Its my damn kryptonite. I can never just use occasionally. Every single time I try to get back to it, it spills out into habitual daily use within a few weeks. And the older I get the worse the withdraws seem to be. Nightsweats, anxiety and debilitating depression lasting for weeks. Weed makes me lethargic, apathetic, binge eating and when my tolerance goes up the Cannabis Emetic syndrome kicks in. (Horrible morning nausea). For context I was a full on pot head in my 20s and well into my 30s.

Anyone else like this? I suspect I'm not alone in this, but perhaps not typical. The "harmless" softdrug seem to be the most addictive drug for me. I suspect Its a psychological thing.

I have a deep fear of addiction, and ironically when I have depressive periods and life is bleak i try to stay sober to avoid getting dragged into a "life escape" thing. I am more prone to take drugs to enhance good times than escape bad times. (Except for Pain breaks). At the same time I do realize I'm not immune to addiction.
I'm like that I used to smoke like an 1/8th in 2 days, then I tried edibles and found that is way less compulsive for me, I recently found out that one 10 mg gummy makes me so high I can't keep my eyes open or do anything, I've been very successful in quitting gummies but not smoking because I love to smoke, maybe if you fall off the ol weed wagon again it should be with edibles?

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
I'm like that I used to smoke like an 1/8th in 2 days, then I tried edibles and found that is way less compulsive for me, I recently found out that one 10 mg gummy makes me so high I can't keep my eyes open or do anything, I've been very successful in quitting gummies but not smoking because I love to smoke, maybe if you fall off the ol weed wagon again it should be with edibles?

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
Hah, I wish. It turns out I'm missing the enzyme to metabolize edibles. I had with me gummies from Thailand last year, and though they were just bunk. They were 30mg a pice, i even tried eating half the bag and nothing. Then my ex ate 1 and was floored and traumatized, never to touch edibles again. I feel nothing no matter how much i eat. Tried 3-4 Amsterdam, muffins as well, other than sugar kick, nilch.
I've been hooked on everything but opiates. Speed, downers, alcohol... and weed. Like seriously hooked. In every case but weed, it's ended with me quitting, mostly completely, due to the adverse effects (life going down the tubes, etc.)
Pot has bad effects as well. but they're not nearly as bad. Your life is affected, but not destroyed. So yeah, I always seem to come slinking back to it. Has real medical effects as well, BTW.
Has real medical effects as well, BTW.
Just goes to show how different people can be. Im the exact opposite.

Even the withdrawal from just a month long weed binge kicked me into a deep depression. Didn’t used to be like that when i was younger though.

Quitting 3 months of oxy pain treatment was actually easier. (First week was not nice though)
Just goes to show how different people can be. Im the exact opposite.

Even the withdrawal from just a month long weed binge kicked me into a deep depression. Didn’t used to be like that when i was younger though.

Quitting 3 months of oxy pain treatment was actually easier. (First week was not nice though)
Pot withdrawal does seem to last forever and it does get worse as you get older. Valium withdrawal is as long or longer, though.

But, I was talking about the adverse effects of habitual usage. Heavy downer and stimulant abuse cost me jobs, etc.. I'm impaired by heavy, daily, pot use, but I can keep my life together. Thus, I know I can't go back to the heavier stuff or things will get bad, but I know that I can smoke pot again.
I got into Delta 8 a few years ago. I just use once a day and only at night it lasts about 6 to 8 hours.

I don't smoke it or vape it. I have a concentrate liquid about four drops will give me absolute sedation, pain relief, as well as a good case of the giggles.

I got into it due to a interruption in quality flower at the time. However given the more desirable effects by much rather prefer Delta 8 high over traditional marijuana.

And my tolerance is still super low. Like I have some Delta 9 /CBD chocolate bars. One piece is 15 mg THC/15 mg CBD and that certainly does the trick.

So 75 mg delta8 is equivalent to 15 mg delta9 for my applications.

I don't know try to keep an open mind. Maybe smoking might not be beneficial to you anymore. I'm not saying get into edibles or Delta 8 but you might just try to change it up a little bit. After all I never thought that I would stop smoking weed either it just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

I can get all of the desired effects without smoking... Without the paranoia... For pennies on the dollar. I would say it is still habit-forming because it is fairly euphoric. But like tonight I don't feel like getting high out of my mind so I'm going to take one drop and supplement it with some CBN CBD mixture.
1. Weed is able to produce nasty withdrawal symptoms after daily single for period of time.
As i am getting older, that weed wd is more and more like opioid withdrawal. Ofc not as bad but it feels like a mild opioid wd.
2. Tolerance is raising rapidly but u still use cause of 30 minutes of raised libido, hightened music appreciation but it will turn into lazy, letargic idgaf high.
3. Combined with stimulants it makes u super horny and it's more enjoyable overaly and combined with sedatives, it results in coma and very unpleasant waking up moments.

It's good for many health conditions, it is strong and very fun but this change once u need to get stoned just because u'r bored and what once made u magicaly high will be not even enough for getting relaxed. It is not so mild and harmless as we made it seem to be.

If u use it and don't abuse it, then it's completely ok drug.
1. Weed is able to produce nasty withdrawal symptoms after daily single for period of time.
As i am getting older, that weed wd is more and more like opioid withdrawal. Ofc not as bad but it feels like a mild opioid wd.
2. Tolerance is raising rapidly but u still use cause of 30 minutes of raised libido, hightened music appreciation but it will turn into lazy, letargic idgaf high.
3. Combined with stimulants it makes u super horny and it's more enjoyable overaly and combined with sedatives, it results in coma and very unpleasant waking up moments.

It's good for many health conditions, it is strong and very fun but this change once u need to get stoned just because u'r bored and what once made u magicaly high will be not even enough for getting relaxed. It is not so mild and harmless as we made it seem to be.

If u use it and don't abuse it, then it's completely ok drug.
Absolutely agree
My cravings last only two days with mary jane, but I kinda want some anyway for medical reasons when I realize that it would help them. And when I possess some bud or hash, I gotta get it every evening. I don't always do that even with oxy or amphetamine. Only alcohol is worse.
I've been smoking weed since high-school and now in my 40's. I get no withdrawal at all. I use opioids daily so maybe that's why.
I wish it was the same for opioids
Cannabis withdrawal is so gnarly. When I quit I couldn’t sleep. I had to relearn how to eat regularly.

I did love it tho. Nothing helped me feel better when I was sad than cannabis. When I gave it up I just kind of accepted being sad and having to deal with it as part of quitting cannabis.

A lot of my life changed when I quit because cannabis was useful on so many levels. Now it feels like I don’t have an important medicine in my toolkit. But it also feels like I’m not high all the time.

I crave cannabis sometimes. Especially when in pain. Also when sad. But ultimately it’s not for me.

It was an absolute horror to quit. Restless legs for days and days and days. Completely unable to sleep in any context. Craving for the feeling of stress just being gone after the pull of the bowl from the bong. Just having to learn to cope with things like pain, sadness, anxiety without any kind of adulterant to aid me in their processing.

Now I’m cannabis free but I still know it’s a solution out there. Just existing in case things get too bad. But I really don’t want to start using it again. It was so difficult to break the psychological fixation and the physical dependency took almost a month to pass with occasional intense cravings arising.

I can pass a drug test now which is great. But for the first time in my life I can’t seem to get a job lol. I’m completely drug free for the first time since I was thirteen, absent a few 300-500 day stints, and I am desperately unemployed ahhahhahahahha.

The whole world breaks down into mischievous elves playing tricks and a god who believes that everything is just fine the way things are and will only stop the truck if it grinds to a halt.

I’m being annoying to god so the elves are playing their tricks. You want to pass a drug test and get a better job huh well I still think of you as an unemployed stoner and I don’t want to change that perception; it would take time and effort that I don’t have, I’ve got to drive this truck. I got a load to deliver!
“Keep him busy elves! He’ll either sink or swim! I’ve not got time to be granting wishes!”

I seriously wish I could find a job. I can’t believe i am this sober and this unemployed. Jesus Christ.

I miss the job security that came with just not caring if I worked in a pizza restaurant or was a janitor or any of that stuff. Trying to get “a better job” has been a fucking nightmare.

So yeah. I miss smoking weed. I miss the stability of being an underemployed stoner. But it was so hard to quit smoking after twenty years and I just don’t want to go through it again.

All in all, weed is so hard to quit because it’s useful and innocuous until your withdrawal symptoms get so severe you can’t sleep and you can’t eat and you can’t cheer yourself up.
Cannabis withdrawal is so gnarly. When I quit I couldn’t sleep. I had to relearn how to eat regularly.

I did love it tho. Nothing helped me feel better when I was sad than cannabis. When I gave it up I just kind of accepted being sad and having to deal with it as part of quitting cannabis.

A lot of my life changed when I quit because cannabis was useful on so many levels. Now it feels like I don’t have an important medicine in my toolkit. But it also feels like I’m not high all the time.

I crave cannabis sometimes. Especially when in pain. Also when sad. But ultimately it’s not for me.

It was an absolute horror to quit. Restless legs for days and days and days. Completely unable to sleep in any context. Craving for the feeling of stress just being gone after the pull of the bowl from the bong. Just having to learn to cope with things like pain, sadness, anxiety without any kind of adulterant to aid me in their processing.

Now I’m cannabis free but I still know it’s a solution out there. Just existing in case things get too bad. But I really don’t want to start using it again. It was so difficult to break the psychological fixation and the physical dependency took almost a month to pass with occasional intense cravings arising.

I can pass a drug test now which is great. But for the first time in my life I can’t seem to get a job lol. I’m completely drug free for the first time since I was thirteen, absent a few 300-500 day stints, and I am desperately unemployed ahhahhahahahha.

The whole world breaks down into mischievous elves playing tricks and a god who believes that everything is just fine the way things are and will only stop the truck if it grinds to a halt.

I’m being annoying to god so the elves are playing their tricks. You want to pass a drug test and get a better job huh well I still think of you as an unemployed stoner and I don’t want to change that perception; it would take time and effort that I don’t have, I’ve got to drive this truck. I got a load to deliver!
“Keep him busy elves! He’ll either sink or swim! I’ve not got time to be granting wishes!”

I seriously wish I could find a job. I can’t believe i am this sober and this unemployed. Jesus Christ.

I miss the job security that came with just not caring if I worked in a pizza restaurant or was a janitor or any of that stuff. Trying to get “a better job” has been a fucking nightmare.

So yeah. I miss smoking weed. I miss the stability of being an underemployed stoner. But it was so hard to quit smoking after twenty years and I just don’t want to go through it again.

All in all, weed is so hard to quit because it’s useful and innocuous until your withdrawal symptoms get so severe you can’t sleep and you can’t eat and you can’t cheer yourself up.
"Well I don't know, but I been told
If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load
I don't know who's back's that strong
Maybe find out before too long"

The darkness will give. A job search is one of the more stressful things there are, and you are handling it without pot. You're learning and growing right now.
"Well I don't know, but I been told
If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load
I don't know who's back's that strong
Maybe find out before too long"

The darkness will give. A job search is one of the more stressful things there are, and you are handling it without pot. You're learning and growing right now.
Thank you. I really liked hearing that. I have a copy of a concert at Watkins Glenn that’s a ride on that train kinda dead song so I liked hearing a message like that from these guys. It’s true. We really do have to carry the load and we don’t really know how strong we are. Damn. I’m trying to find my strength. Not drinking. Not smoking. Not doping. Trying my best.