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Dirty Thirtys 2017-2023


Sep 15, 2023
Let’s talk about the progression of the pressed fentanyl 30s… id love to hear from others who have been using (and are still using or sometimes use) the ones around today. I’m talking when they first came around widespread, around 2017.
I have been doing tabs, oxys, dilaudid, etc since 2010. They all but disappeared by 2019 and I was left doing only the pressed fent m30s. Back in 2017 when I would get one of those, I could only do a quarter and feel like I might die. The euphoria was insane. It was the best feeling ever. They remained good until around Covid… since then the euphoria is totally gone and it’s just doing them to maintain feeling normal. Which I hate, because I feel like I’m killing my nasal passages and brain cells for nothing.
But I have to ask, is this just my tolerance now? Or do you think the 30s have gotten weaker? Very curious to hear from those WITH ACTUAL EXPERIENCE with these in the time frame above.

I’ve been lurking on this site since 2010 but only created an account now, not sure what topic this should be under.

A little more background info: in 2017 I could make one last two days. By 2019 was doing 3-7 a day. Still feeling effects. Now I do probably 25-30 a day. If I’m lucky I’ll fall asleep at the end of the day. I understand I have an extremely high tolerance and also never go into WD because I haven’t had a sober moment in 2 years, but I didn’t just get this way, at some point I think they got weaker too.
Sorry I’ve never experienced the fake 30s but do have lots of experience with fent/heroin and I can say with confidence fentanyl alone has never given me the intense euphoria you’re describing. There’s very little, if any. It’s always just made me nod out and sometimes feel like I’m legit dying if I’ve done too much.

Heroin/fent mix though always came with intense euphoria but extra hard nods, and again feeling like I’m going to die if I did too much. My guess is the ones you were getting pre-Covid were mostly H with some fent. Now a large majority of “heroin” is pretty much just fent, as the shittier quality pills.

Could be completely wrong, just my 2 cents.
I know it's not what you want, as I'm not a Fentanyl user. I think I can provide some useful information though.

As far as I can tell, in a very general sense, the Fentanyl has increased in potency if anything else. The creeping in of tolerance is something that occurs with essentially all Opioids. A Fentanyl addict on the street is likely receiving little to no euphoria whatsoever despite gigantic dosages. This is what most people tell me.

I think the short-acting nature of Fentanyl relative to Morphine/Heroin is a big factor. Instead of the more "regular" thrice daily dosing required by Opioids like Heroin, Fentanyl can require as many as 6 and often more.

In the life of an addict, this regimen can become easily fucked up. "Did I already do a shot this afternoon", that sort of thing. Most addicts, when presented with that question are likely just to redose. By my observation, folks on Fentanyl act more and more Crack users. They have to go all day constantly to keep the money coming through. Their high lasts a minute or two if it is present at all. You pass out, wake up after several minutes, sick and needing more.

The short answer is that this is unlikely. They're surely counterfeit and likely contain Opioids. That's the only thing you can feel confident in.
Hello, I'm a current user of dirty 30s
I live in Tucson, Az. I have been a regular daily user of those M box 30s since the beginning of 2021. And in my opinion I don't think that blues have got any worse in terms of potency. I think it all just depends on who your source is. Because since I first tried these until now it's always been like some times they are fire some times they barely get me well if I'm sick ya know? But I know a few signs that will tell me if they are good ones or not :)
I've been carefully studying the 'dirty 30' scene for some years. The Mexicans are putting increasingly large amounts of fentanyl into these pills. I for one don't think it's simply benevolence on their part. Now we are beginning to see pills with an admixture of fentanyl and carfentanil. The latter is x100 more potent than the former but longer acting so I'm sure that it will satisfy the increasing tolerance of users.

But when you consider that some pills were found to contain 15mg of fentanyl (so that's about 1200mg of morphine in potency) and now carfentanil?

I know of five chemists who broke rule 1. Two are dead, one is in prison, one was still suffering acute withdrawal symptoms a year after stopping and one recovered after about a year. Now they had reached the 1.5-2 grams/day so truly ridiculous, but it does underline that fentanyl and especially carfentanil allow a level of dependence no other class of opioid (apart from one or two of the nitazines) can produce.

I honestly believe that they have created a captive market. Carfentanil is capable of increasing tolerance by two orders of magnitude. No dose of methadone could possibly halt the acute withdrawal syndrome.

I guess someone with the money could have the acetyl methadol derivative of Spirodone (R-4066) produced since it's x212 morphine in potency and has a duration of action is about 22 hours. But it's rather a complex compound and costly so I do not see any government stepping in and paying for it. I would struggle to find anyone capable of the synthesis and that's my job.

So consider carefully where this is leading. I do not see any good outcomes. I wish I could say otherwise.
Let’s talk about the progression of the pressed fentanyl 30s… id love to hear from others who have been using (and are still using or sometimes use) the ones around today. I’m talking when they first came around widespread, around 2017.
I have been doing tabs, oxys, dilaudid, etc since 2010. They all but disappeared by 2019 and I was left doing only the pressed fent m30s. Back in 2017 when I would get one of those, I could only do a quarter and feel like I might die. The euphoria was insane. It was the best feeling ever. They remained good until around Covid… since then the euphoria is totally gone and it’s just doing them to maintain feeling normal. Which I hate, because I feel like I’m killing my nasal passages and brain cells for nothing.
But I have to ask, is this just my tolerance now? Or do you think the 30s have gotten weaker? Very curious to hear from those WITH ACTUAL EXPERIENCE with these in the time frame above.

I’ve been lurking on this site since 2010 but only created an account now, not sure what topic this should be under.

A little more background info: in 2017 I could make one last two days. By 2019 was doing 3-7 a day. Still feeling effects. Now I do probably 25-30 a day. If I’m lucky I’ll fall asleep at the end of the day. I understand I have an extremely high tolerance and also never go into WD because I haven’t had a sober moment in 2 years, but I didn’t just get this way, at some point I think they got weaker too.
Yes I think they are different now. And I feel like each time it’s a different batch. I will say it takes a long time until I get dopesick. Normally I’d need it first thing in the morning but when I’m doing dirties it’s like it stays in your system for a whole day because the next day I could go basically all day without getting sick. And often times the next day I’m super tired/nodding off. Sometimes the falling asleep/nodding off is even stronger the next day than it was the night before.

It’s hit or miss sometimes. I’ve never gotten a batch that literally did nothing because I’m not getting sick so obviously they work. Sometimes though I just don’t feel high. And sometimes I’ll notice the person I’m with is high and nodding out and I just don’t feel it. And I have done the same or more.

First time, I Got them by accident like 2 years ago…on real 30s I can do 10 with no problem. This night I did 1 and half and I’m pretty sure I was on the brink of overdose. Apparently I was doing the “death rattle” in my sleep. luckily someone was with me and awake and attempted to wake me up multiple times. Apparently I started to come to about 3 or 4 times but I just wouldn’t. Then finally I did. When I gained full consciousness I was sitting on the edge of the bed and they were shaking me as hard as possible. I’ve never in my life seen someone look that scared. And the look on their face is something I’ll never forget. They told me the one time they’ve heard someone make that noise was a sucking chest wound and the person didn’t survive. Had to do…other stuff to wake me up and ensure that I wouldn’t fall back asleep.Then the next day I had a lot of trouble waking them up and I couldn’t hear them breathing. (I can always hear their breathing) I remembered the night before and was just scared shitless. Finally after shaking more aggressively they woke up.

Second experience was a few months later. Summer 2022. Also unintentionally. Now that I knew what I was getting into I rationed myself and did a quarter or half at a time. I barely remember that week. They were very strong.

Recently I came across them again. The first couple days they made me super sick. Puking constantly. But after 2 days I guess my body started accepting them and they were strong enough to have me nodding out and falling down because I was sleeping standing up.

Now I get them intentionally because they are stronger/last longer. And cheaper. But normal ones don’t really work anymore so I’m kinda screwing myself. It’s been a couple months now of doing dirties basically every day and I really don’t nod while doing them anymore. Now I do 4-6 in a day sometimes and dont feel high. But definitely not sick either. And I know they’re something because when I’m running out I can wake up and do a half and not be dopesick all day.
Well carfentanil is preferred by some Canadian users BECAUSE of it's significantly longer action. But given the potency of the stuff, if anyone cuts corners in the formulation of the tablets it could spell very bad news for someone. I mean, the etonitazine homologues have twice the duration of fentanyl and some of them are x3000 M in potency but the durations you mention are exactly as carfentanil was described to me.

The thing is that morphine has a practical limit because it becomes toxic in other ways. Even if you have huge tolerance, above a certain dose morphine induces seizures so people cannot keep going up. But fentanyl and especially carfentanil don't have that issue, or at least nobody has ever researched those extreme chronic dose schedules.

As I said, the only thing I know of that would allow substitution is the oddly named Spiridone and for perspective, I was quoted $2500/g for the main precursor. From their it's simple and I'm sure if it was produced commercially it wouldn't be vastly expensive... but I don't see any government investing in a drug to treat carfentanil dependence until it has totally replaced fentanyl.

I don't know what else to say. I just wanted to present the facts to the best of my ability so people can make informed choices.
Well carfentanil is preferred by some Canadian users BECAUSE of it's significantly longer action. But given the potency of the stuff, if anyone cuts corners in the formulation of the tablets it could spell very bad news for someone. I mean, the etonitazine homologues have twice the duration of fentanyl and some of them are x3000 M in potency but the durations you mention are exactly as carfentanil was described to me.
I am astounded at how the game has changed. If synthetics existed all along I wonder where the motivation to grow poppies and convert morphine into heroin came from. That is a lot of work. In a business sense the synthetics make sense. It makes me wonder how heroin was on the streets up until 10 years ago.

I never knew morphine could cause seizures. I guess that would mean so could heroin? And codeine if enough is taken?

The whole opiate game needs needs to be revisited from the medical/treatment stand point. I am reading about people getting precip withdrawals taking bupe as far out as 4-5 days after their last "dirty 30". And the fact that some of these synthetics are used by people who are on buprenorphine but want to cut through it is wild. This stuff sort of forces changes in treatment. There is still no accepted treatment of the xylazine dope. But as society adjusts we will lose a lot of people to OD's and other issues from the street dope of 2023.

This trend will hit world wide. We should be ready. Thank God the poppy is a common flower.
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I never knew morphine could cause seizures. I guess that would mean so could heroin? And codeine if enough is taken?

This trend will hit world wide. We should be ready.

Since the body metabolises heroin to morphine, I think it very likely although heroin is never given (medically) in quantities that would provide for a study.

Grisham's law kind of confirms that carfentanil or even more potent opioids (and yes, their are several classes known that are MORE potent - some by almost an order of magnitude) WILL become the opioids of the future. When you consider something that is say x40000 morphine in potency. You don't need a large facility or large amounts of precursors although someone was caught with 42Kg of carfentanil.

Now I actually suspect it was an admixture of fentanyl and carfentanil but that would detract from the media's shock value.

As others have said, when you end up with compounds THAT active, are they a drug or are they a chemical weapon. I think one avenue is to add them to the CWC and apply WMD charges to people found in possession of significant amounts (I mean kilos of the pure material). They will certainly kill non-tolerant people in similar concentrations to nerve agents. Now that would change the game a bit. While the US struggles with the Mexican governments will to stop the drug trade, a breach of the CWC would get producers classed as terrorists. Given their disregard for human life, they are certainly in a similar moral position.

If it's too potent to eyeball a safe dose, it's too potent. U-47700 was about as active as is possible to allow such methodology.