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Diphenhydramine HCL


Oct 18, 2016
Hello all, first post here. My friend decided to try Diphenhydramine for the first time last night. He is well aware of the risks, aswell as the popular negative trips it brings along. He orally ingested 350mg. As he was approaching the "high" he began drinking a lot of water in attempt to cure a nasty case of cottonmouth aswell as urinating every few minutes. This was tolerable, however the uneasy, jittery, inability to relax feelin left him incredibly unnerved. He was incredibly tired, but couldn't move. He had to constantly move, toss, turn, and walk around to attempt to beat this feeling. The feeling didn't pass until he finally fell asleep about 5 hours after ingesting the meds. Does anybody have any experience with this? Why did he experience this unnerving feeling? How can he beat it next time?

PS: He did of course experience an incredibly terrifying, yet enlightening trip.

Hi, I've taken Diphenhydramine in combination with other antihistamines before, but never just alone they've always been taken with opioids and I've not had the uneasy, constant need to move that you described but I've had the horrid cottonmouth, but with urinary retention instead of needing to go every few minutes.

I'm wondering if the symptoms were down to anxiety about using Diphenhydramine for the first time especially since you know the negativity surrounding it. I've found I'm uneasy with a new drug for the first couple of times until I know what to expect. Although antihistamines aren't that great on their own and they can produce many weird effects.

Although I recently developed "myoclonic jerks" during the "high" period, most likely due to combining three antibistamines causing some anticholinergic toxicity.
synthetic compounds such as benadryl and dramamine are deliriants, and as such they produce delirious effects.
your experience is not uncommon, many people find these sort of effects unpleasant to some degree - i personally can't stand them (sorry for being negative) and would advise against doing it in the future.
Your describing what benadyrl does at those doses. I use nicotine and caffeine for cholinergic effects. But, if you take those you may just reverse the high as its normaly used to boost the effects of other drugs not as a stand alone.
I don't know why you chose to replicate this experience OP, knowing full well that it's not an enjoyable experience. I've never dropped a 5 pound weight on my balls because the concensus from my fellow man is that such a move would hurt very badly and that I would immediately regret doing so. Take the advice of your fellow man. If everyone tells you that high doses of Diphendydramine are unenjoyable, there's no need to find out for yourself and you must admit that it's a little crazy to assume that your experience would be different than everyone elses.

So, to answer your question, you experienced a profound discomfort from ingesting high-dose Diphenhydramine because, well, those are the effects of ingesting high-dose Diphenhydramine. The anti-cholinergic properties of the drug have a profound effect on the level of discomfort felt by " " " Recreational " " " users.
Agreed, imo benadyrl has absolutely zero recreational value other than potentiating the effects of some other drugs by reducing side effects in some. Also, i keep benadyrl around as a potent treatment if i accidently poison myself with chlorine gas, nicotine, or have massive drop in blood pressure or breathing.
Your experience is common. There's no way around the feelings you described. If you continue to use in this manner you will likely experience unnerving effects at normal doses making this class if antihistamines something that you won't be able to take for legitamate purposes. There is no risk/reward balancing with this shitty drug, it will only make you feel pain.
it's also good for bee stings I think.

I only diphen'd one time and I saw my dead dog so that was cool, but then my carpet turned into meal worms, and that wasn't as cool. Then my internal organs hurt for a couple days, and that was really the uncoolest.
Agreed, imo benadyrl has absolutely zero recreational value other than potentiating the effects of some other drugs by reducing side effects in some. Also, i keep benadyrl around as a potent treatment if i accidently poison myself with chlorine gas, nicotine, or have massive drop in blood pressure or breathing.

Right on. The only reason I would ever use Benadryl would be to add to the sedative effects of recreational drugs or to stop the opiod itch (some people actually enjoy it which I don't understand why, because I like to chill and relax on opiods, not scratch non-stop.)

Benadryl cause dysphoria, which is the COMPLETE OPPSOSITE of euphoria, so that is exactly why you don't feel good after taking them recreationally. I remember the first time I did it when I was real young and had no access to real drugs, I literally wanted to die why I was on them. I couldn't walk, could barely talk, and couldn't even sleep the effects off because they gave me extreme restless legs syndrome. NEVR AGAIN.
Also, i keep benadyrl around as a potent treatment if i accidently poison myself with chlorine gas, nicotine, or have massive drop in blood pressure or breathing.

I've seen small ampules of diphenhydramine as a means to mitigate anaphylaxis before moving on to epinephrine but not to counteract pulmonary edema. Seems like an inhaled stimulant or albuterol might be more efficacious. Not to pry but do you work with chlorine gas in an inescapable environment?

IME I have always ran at first whiff of trouble.
Thank you all for your input! This experience will not be one he intends to replicate ;). Infact, he did thorough research and expected to feel such a way. He only decided to experience this first hand in attempt to kick start a journey of knowledge. He will be trying many more things soon, some he expects to react badly to, others he expects to react rather nicely to. Dex is next on the list. Trip reports will be coming soon. On a final note, to any of you thinking about trying this; don't. It is comparable to feeling as though you're approaching death, by far the worst feeling he has ever experienced in general.
the problem with diphenhydramine & other deleriants is that trips are never reproducable... even if you do get high enough to go delerious you cannot say for sure that the same dosage will work in future.

also, almost nobody ever enjoys deleriant trips. they have a tendency to have people hospitalized or otherwise incarcerated at the end of the day, and generally you need to be a very special kind of cupcake before you can mentally wrangle deleriant trips into "good times".
Its escapable but you never know. For example it could be under pressure and faulty seal all of a sudden you got a big burst before you could leave. Plus its not for chlorine per say but any chsmical exposure that causes breathing issues. I had albuterol but washed it like an idiot lol
When I was a kid , Gassing swimming pools with a huge tank of chlorine gas connected to a pvc wand/ manifold via a hose and held a few feet under the surface was a common practice in my area. Although it was never the same guy for more than a few weeks, I wonder why..... ?

But back to business, dyphenhydramine sounds even worse than nutmeg. The wikipedia page alone is a litany of side effects & complications requiring supportive measures as there is no direct antidote.
I think dph has more potential to imp rove other drugs like I take 125 mg Never More In two doses 4 hours apart
From personal experience of just taking even the normal recommended doses of benadryl I know that it gives me really bad restless legs that drive me crazy. Restless legs is a somewhat common side effect of some antihistamines in some people. Maybe that was the side effect you were experiencing?

Anyways...its good you came out the otherside alright. I have read reports all around the web about how terrifying deliriant trips can be. Consider youself lucky that it was not worse.
It was indeed hellish :p one side effect i've noticed... Not entirely sure if this is due to the Diphenhydramine but i've experiencing ED the past few days... Yes, erecticle dysfunction. I've heard Diph can cause this, but never thought it'd be a problem for me. I was unable to participate in sex multiple times the past few days due to the fact that it almost feels numb, or void of any pleasure. Has anybody else experienced this? Will it last for ever? Thanks.
Yeah don't ever use diphenhydramine to try to have a 'trip'. I had 600mg and ended up having an extremely unpleasant experience involving some very real life hallucinations which was ..well terrifying..

As for erectile dysfunction, I've never experienced that with this particular drug myself.
Benadyrl makes me horny. So I think again supporting its a deliriant and you dont really know what your gunna get but it prob wont be good becayse the only reliable effects across people is restless legs, anxiety, dysphoria,and stupor.