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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Diphenhydramine bad trip


Jul 29, 2012
Okay so one day I was walking around and met up with a ton of my friends, a few kids I haven't met before younger than me had the great idea of doing these sleeping pills with 25 grams of diphenhydramine in each pill, so I've never done it before and I took 40 of these pills as these kids instructed. For awhile I felt nothing round 45 minutes later I could barely walk, my legs felt heavy, everything looked beautiful, the grass was bright green, the sky a deep blue, and I wasn't tripping yet. So It started to rain we were having tornado warnings and I got soaked to the bone, so As my trip starts to peak, we walk back to my friends place and Im having a great great time I take a shower and change into my clothes, after that point I don't remember anything except for being stung by non existent bees all over my body, every time I went into his room, I freaked out and apparently went down stairs in nothing but my boxers, I went through his grandma's purse and said it was my computer bag, and picked up his sisters underwear and said "Wow feel this controllar its just so soft, and omg these analog sticks" Well anyways I start to freak out so I run upstairs to get my shit and leave and me not knowing its 5:30 AM, well anyways this 12 year old kid (For some reason a friend of my friend was there that night) Was fucking with me he was a dude, but pretended to be a girl and asked to get in my pants and to fuck 'her' and shit and it completely pissed me off, so I ended up putting on my friends shorts, my shirt, and his sisters hoodie and his beanie, grabbed my shoes threw them on and sat outside with my bag full of stuff. they both came out and told me to calm down and shit and I said "Fuck this i'm out of here" and started to walk off into the streets of the night where I saw shadow figures in the woods with glowing red eyes with Hatchets, axes, guns, and they were all coming for me. Luckily my friend came running after me and I had to beg him to use his phone, at 6AM I called home and had my rents pick me up, my dad was pissed off but he was worried about what I took, they lied to him for me and told him they didn't know and on my way home I told him it was shrooms and I was having a bad trip, as soon as I got home I went to my room and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and my eyes were still HUGE but I wasn't tripping, and I could barely speak, I ended up going to the mall that night and hot boxxed a trunk of a 4 door car with my friend (a very roomy trunk) and after about two or three bowls of some "Alpaca Gold" he said it was, I started to trip again, and I felt bugs all over my body biting me every second I could feel the pain as if they were there, and felt it all the way home. as I got home I found my bad trip was gone, and I started to finally have a decent acid like trip were the walls were moving, seeing color patterns, and multiples of everything out of my eyes. I tripped hard for about a good 30 minutes and found myself awake the next day.
lol, why were you relieved that a friend lied for you and said it was shroomz instead?

Thanks for the report anyway, I swear every single Diphenhydramine trip report I have read on here has been bad.

Every single one!
baha.. you and your friend hotboxed a trunk?
is this something that you do on a regular occasion?
may I ask how old you are?
also you should do some research before ingesting "new" chemicals.
1 g of DPH? Holy shit, kid - that was stupid. Take these words to heart so you don't end up snorting bath salts and eating a dude's face:

NEVER take any drug you can't identify. Before consuming ANY new drugs, research their effect on the body and learn about any risk factors. Drugs are fun, but also dangerous. Respect the chemicals - Use your head.
It's similar in effect to scopolamines/datura.

I'm not sure if DPH builds up in cumulative amounts like datura, meaning that you could eat fairly large amounts for a couple days in a row, and not even notice the deliriant effects kick in until day 3 or so, as I've seen happen with people smoking smaller amounts of datura days in a row, getting "a buzz", then completely losing it.

Deliriants are not recreational, nor spiritual at all.
Steer clear