• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand


It's well known U-47700 lasts much shorter when IV'd. And the only metabolites of U-47700 are desmethyl and bidesmethyl compounds, both inactive.
Having had a sample of 1 gram sitting around forever, and reading reports over and over, I decided to go for a small taste test at 20 mg insufflated as the numbing component is sort of a nifty mucosa sensation.

So far about 2 beers and 20 mg in, at 40 min mark, the lethargic after work feeling is leaving and I'm able to get back to side studies and productive activities.

Euphoria is pretty "meh", however the turnaround from the feeling of;

I just got home from a rough 14 day long workathon and don't want to do anything remotely associated with my "to do" list, to;

I have some mild interest in getting some of these things I need to do, crossed off the list

Is a pretty decent subjective effect IMO. The lack of Euphoria really helps with avoiding the urge to redose, as anything euphoric IME causes this urge to continually re up to maintain the effect. Which leads to disastrous outcomes every single time. This one *so far* seems like a decent tool for getting that second wind for the productivity drive that would otherwise be lacking.

Might update later on. So far though, it's got a place in the stash.

Unlike the 3-MMC I had got, that stuff isn't worth the odd comedowny heart stress from the one trial I've ran at 150 mg orally. The hammering heart effect is fairly ubiquitous in many user's experience reports, but the Euphoria at the 2-4 hour mark is decent. Weird one for sure, almost tossed it in the trash, but I'm a money minded individual. I'll hoard it with the rest of the obscure pharma curiosities I've collected for nostalgic purposes, or to regift to another curious psychonaut.