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difficulty getting suboxone prescribed in NJ

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Dam 2mg's of suboxone is so fucking low lol, I would think they would give you at least 4mg's at first, half a 8mg pill..Or at least a 2mg pill twice a day, but 2mg's a day, god dam lol.
I had the same problem with a suboxone doctor. Solution: Go to a cash only suboxone doc. I swear some of these guys don't give a fuck, you go in, piss (mine didn't seem to care so long as I didn't have benzos in my system), talk for 3 minutes and you get the script.

Maybe try to find a place in a worse part of town that takes cash only. Odds are they'll be happy to take your money. Not the best for your recovery but hey if you're seeing a shrink and doing NA you're on the right path.

edit: if they don't write enough go somewhere else and just be honest with them. My guy wanted me to start me on 24mgs a day (lol wayyy too much) and i settled for 16mgs. Or if you can't/don't wanna switch doctors just call up the dude and tell him it's not working. If he won't up it, take your money somewhere else.

just as a reference my doctor charged $80 a visit plus $60 for a drug test...thing is after a couple months he didn't drug test. And IME $80 is close to what some prick doctors charge AFTER a co-pay.
I don't think we can really advise you on doctors, sorry.

so its still sourcing even if its legal? seems like the harm reduction benefit would be large, but glad to learn that rule the easy way instead of getting cracked by a mod.
my step mother works in an mmt, she got my step cousin a doctor in nj around the fort lee general area (give or take 15 miles) a doc to prescribe him subs no problem, no wait list. my step cousin is from pennsylvania and lives there too. my father offered to do the same thing with me, you for sure just need to find a good sub. doc. one thats not going to give you the run around.. if theres money to be made they're out there.

in regards to the amount ppl are getting prescribed, holy shit. in rehab the most i ever took was 8mg suboxone and i got so sick. when i was using i'd take 1 - 2mg and be good for the whole day. why would i need more than that?
^^That shit wouldnt hold me when i was usin on a good run, i needed a large amount of that shit to get me anywhere straight. When you are chippin its easy to be cool on 4 mg but the larger habits need larger doses IME (its different for everyone) and once u over a certain point sub just wont hold you. thats the experience i had, it just could never get me right no matter the dose i tried i always still felt sick, thats why i needed methadone to get clean really. Sub is great if you got a small habit tho. I was scripted 20mg a day and it didnt make a diff. from 16...Sub just wasnt for me.

but anyways,i still dont see how anyone could ever have a problem findin a sub doctor, that shit is like pickin fruit off a foot high tree in june.
The recomended dose is 16mg's. I think suboxone can make people sick even with a tolerance, that's why you usually take 8mg's for a few days then go to 16.

But dam I couldn't imagine having trouble finding a suboxone Dr., or going to one that wouldn't give benzo's. Most suboxone Dr.s are more then happy to take your money so they can keep buying new bimmers.
hi I am in northern new jersey and I need to get on suboxone. I went to one doctor who would not treat me and paid 185 dollars for the evaluation. So I am asking if you could let me know what doctors I should call. I am near nutley, nj Any and all help would be appreciated. I can pay cash if necessary.
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