Dieting and Speculations


Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2015
I finally got back from my G.I dr and got my results from my double colon/endo probe. As suspected nothing came back. I was perfectly fine in every area. Had no lesions, no polyps.... even the entrance to my small intestine showed no signs of inflammation. (Crohn's disease runs in my family paternal side)

What brought about all of this nonsense probing? Well I've had mild weight loss issues going on for about 2-3 years. After stopping all recreational drugs as well as anything PED related about a year prior to the weight loss (2017ish) I went through the usual re-adjustment period and then promptly started losing weight at maybe 5-6lbs/year. Total T and protein intake was fine and the only thing that really changed was the amount of time I was in the gym and lifestyle choices. At that time I was waxing/waning between 177-183lbs. Then i just started rapidly dropping weight and couldn't keep it on even with moderate calisthenics which I still practice today. Thats when I started running myself through the bloodwork gauntlet and essentially begging my PCP to do any and all work we could finagle out of the insurance system.

Only issue to ever come about during these 2-3 years that was alarming was a invasive explorative procedure on the joint of my left pinky as it had swelled to an extreme size and needed draining. Upon biopsy of bone and tissue and fluid that was drained....nothing came back and further UC of tendon 3 months after surgery showed inflammation/edema of tendon with no visible decay of surrounding tissue... I mentioned before a while back I did a cortisone injection just once to see how it goes and it didn't net me any benefits and just permanently discolored the skin around the joint.

So now comes my next move. I reached the lightest I ever weighed at 165lbs at 6' 3''. I've still retained a little bit of LBM, but I've pretty much devoured everything I ever gained from gym and AAS use and atm I'm not interested in jumping on any cycle to regain anything as it'd be more detrimental than anything imo. Chemistry panels are fine. Hormone panels are fine and I'm still in the mid 600s for total T so no reason for exogenous usage in my book.

Thyroid panel is still normal after abusing the shit out of clen in my early 20s. EKG is normal. Had a UC of gallbladder through GI and they looked at my kidneys too. Everything was normal there.

I have pics of myself if posting physique was really that necessary, but I'm honestly just wondering wtf is even going on. I actually went through the normal practice of consulting licensed medical professionals first before going to the forums and now I'm back to ground zero. I was waiting for the clearance from a G.I on my colon/endo op before I started anything like BPC/TB500. Anyone got any random rabbit holes that come to mind that I can go down?
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Lol everything that came to mind you answered in a following paragraph. Hormone panels ruled out thyroid issues and other common metabolic issues. Hmmmm. The only thing that comes to mind now are different wasting conditions to explore. I'm definitely keen to follow along with this and will do some digging when I get home to a computer for more uncommon conditions
Homeostasis sucks, If no medical issue exists, what has changed.?

Back to basics:
Increase training intensity/duration.
Increase calories, and protein consumption.
Get adequate rest..

Whats the quality of your food like, fresh organic.?
Or possibly lacking in nutrient density, processed, caged/barn/corn fed/antibiotic/glyphosate exposure (leaky gut)..etc ?
Homeostasis sucks, If no medical issue exists, what has changed.?

Back to basics:
Increase training intensity/duration.
Increase calories, and protein consumption.
Get adequate rest..

Whats the quality of your food like, fresh organic.?
I'm going to record my diet macro/micro for the next few weeks and will post back accordingly.

Organics I don't 100% focus on. Over here on the east coast of US you got Wal-Mart, Hannafords, Shaws and Whole Foods in obscure locations. Hannafords and Shaws are where I usually go for my fruit as they have a larger organic section. I mostly eat blueberries, blackberries, bananas and strawberries. Also binge on dark chocolate roasted almonds for magnesium and potassium as I'm a coffee addict. I very distinctly notice my heart beats way harder when I don't eat a couple ozs of almonds in the morning after a 3-4 cups of coffee when I wake up. I'm also a massive milk consumer as I'm not lactose intolerant and can consume copious amounts of yogurt and whole milk 24/7.

I will post detailed diet here in a few days. Hopefully others can learn from my own nonsense.
I'm going to record my diet macro/micro for the next few weeks and will post back accordingly.

Organics I don't 100% focus on. Over here on the east coast of US you got Wal-Mart, Hannafords, Shaws and Whole Foods in obscure locations. Hannafords and Shaws are where I usually go for my fruit as they have a larger organic section. I mostly eat blueberries, blackberries, bananas and strawberries. Also binge on dark chocolate roasted almonds for magnesium and potassium as I'm a coffee addict. I very distinctly notice my heart beats way harder when I don't eat a couple ozs of almonds in the morning after a 3-4 cups of coffee when I wake up. I'm also a massive milk consumer as I'm not lactose intolerant and can consume copious amounts of yogurt and whole milk 24/7.

I will post detailed diet here in a few days. Hopefully others can learn from my own nonsense.

Or possibly lacking in nutrient density, processed, caged/barn/corn fed/antibiotic/glyphosate exposure (leaky gut)..etc ?

I'd be more concerned about the above, if living in the USA..
I'm also a massive milk consumer as I'm not lactose intolerant and can consume copious amounts of yogurt and whole milk 24/7.
If I may ask, have you tried no dairy for 2-3 months?

i never had severe lactose intolerance until i stopped cold turkey for a few weeks and tried to go back. I realized I had symptoms of the intolerance my whole life but never noticed until I stopped. ofc, your mileage will vary
If I may ask, have you tried no dairy for 2-3 months?

i never had severe lactose intolerance until i stopped cold turkey for a few weeks and tried to go back. I realized I had symptoms of the intolerance my whole life but never noticed until I stopped. ofc, your mileage will vary

Commercial dairy is a known inflammatory agent..
If I may ask, have you tried no dairy for 2-3 months?

i never had severe lactose intolerance until i stopped cold turkey for a few weeks and tried to go back. I realized I had symptoms of the intolerance my whole life but never noticed until I stopped. ofc, your mileage will vary
A large number of people are lactose intolerant to a degree. As we age, I want to say the number of lactase enzymes decreases and if a product is not consumed, enzyme production for that product will also decrease (body doesn't like to produce things it doesn't have a need for). I experience this with other complex carb sources if I restrict them for too long. It's part of the reason I try to keep a good variety of carb sources, so the body continues to produce the enzymes needed to break them down. Or else those complex carbs will go to the bacteria in the gut to be broken down via anaerobic respiration which produces gas and other byproducts which is what causes GI distress
A large number of people are lactose intolerant to a degree. As we age, I want to say the number of lactase enzymes decreases and if a product is not consumed, enzyme production for that product will also decrease (body doesn't like to produce things it doesn't have a need for). I experience this with other complex carb sources if I restrict them for too long. It's part of the reason I try to keep a good variety of carb sources, so the body continues to produce the enzymes needed to break them down. Or else those complex carbs will go to the bacteria in the gut to be broken down via anaerobic respiration which produces gas and other byproducts which is what causes GI distress
Yeah even as a baby I had issues with it. But most certainly worsened over time. And after going plant based there’s no way I could handle it now
I had to stop dairy, and not from the lactose, I found it was the casein that fucked me up. Butter has no effect, milk is bad, and cheese just destroys me. I get a headache 30min after eating cheese now, along with body inflammation. Goat products are better but still get me after awhile.

I should mention I really didn’t start putting on the muscle til I dropped dairy from my diet. Trust me it was hard, I grew up with a fridge that didn’t have much but always had at least a block of cheese in it.

Interesting, my me is pretty much opposite. I basically only eat cow: all kinds of dairy and beef. And I digest it like warm air.

The moment I take a green leaf, I have alergic reactions everywhere
The only dairy I consume is organic raw A2 milk..

Ive been getting curious about A2 milk, and where I’ll be moving soon raw milk would be accessible again. How badly are you effected by regular milk and dairy?

What does the A2 stand for?

So milk has two different forms of casein, A1 and A2.

Up until very recently in human history we always drank A2 milk but now much of the milk these days is A1 which supposedly induces more of a inflammatory response than the old A2.

Despite most people thinking they’re lactose intolerant, it’s more often the casein that gets people.
