Detox help from "grey death" (fent chunks containing high grade fent/MDMA/who knows what else)


Dec 2, 2022
I have some other threads from a couple months ago, so I will detain from using info from there.
Long story short, I have found out that I'm addicted to MDMA, the fentanyl I've been trying to get clean from (big grey chunks, I buy a rock or a few at a time, it's dense and always the same exact stuff and has been for about a year) keeps popping me positive for MDMA in pee tests. Both at the outpatient clinic I've been going to on and off since January to get gabapentin/clonidine/sub prescribed and at the "medical detox" Tarzana Treatment Centers (this place was a nightmare and an insurance trap for addicted medicare patients, people were dying left and right and they told me that if I had to go to the hospital that it was considered a discharge, I would lose my bed.)
I'm asking for help once again, as now that I realize this is me detoxing off at least 2 known drugs and who knows what else could be in there. It's like the worst opiate withdrawal mixed with intense feeling of dread/uncontrollable suicidal thoughts/seizures/throwing up blood. It's been a fun 3 months to say the least, I'm at whits end. And now I have a huge tolerance to both clonidine and gabapentin, so those are both barely working even though I'm taking .5+mg clonidine a day and 3000mg+ gabapentin a day. My girlfriend is a nonuser and is 3 months pregnant. I'm trying so hard. But it's like banging my head against a wall and waiting to see sunshine. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If I was you I would test the stuff.

Test it and you’ll have much better picture how to proceed with cleaning yourself from something called “grey death”.

And a friendly advice, in the future better avoid drugs with death in the name.

That last line are words to live by..

I wonder if there’s some other possible drug giving a false positive for MDMA? It seems like an unlikely candidate to find in fentanyl unless it’s become even more cheap and common.

If I was you I would test the stuff.

Test it and you’ll have much better picture how to proceed with cleaning yourself from something called “grey death”.

And a friendly advice, in the future better avoid drugs with death in the name.
Lol it wasn't called grey death until I started watching the news. My people just sell it as "Fetty." I'm on the West Coast, live a few hours north of LA.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I gotta figure something out soon, I can't keep this up. I'm just about broken mentally and physically. Not to mention out of funds. Thank you for any and all replies.
i would think if you were taking mdma that frequently like it was in all the pills that the mdma wouldn't actually be getting you high or doing much to your body. i get a tolerance to mdma really fast and i need months or more off dosing before i can get high again. it doesn't make any sense why a drug dealer would be cutting fentanyl with E with today's drug economy as well.

maybe it's some type of research chemical mixed with fentanyl or something. i got a drug test once and i was supposed to be taking l.s.d. it was on paper and i only had one tab. for whatever reason the doctor told me that i tested positive for MDMA. i don't think piss tests are really that accurate. there are probably a lot of research chemicals that would test for E. i dunno...
Any help is greatly appreciated. I gotta figure something out soon, I can't keep this up. I'm just about broken mentally and physically. Not to mention out of funds. Thank you for any and all replies.
Man ya gotta change your mindset. Ya gotta think about your baby and what that is gonna mean 6 months from now when he/she is born. You can either be clean and healthy and a great parent or you can still be using and of no good to either Mom or the baby. You'll just be baggage at that point.

Ya gotta learn to start hating what the drug is doing to your life. Out of funds and why is that? Same reason I was always broke. Unhappy and hating yourself. Yep, same reason for me. Lying to the people I loved. Yep, me too. Buying drugs instead of food. Yep, me too. Always on the hunt for your next fix. Yep, same here. Can't keep a job because you use your gas money for drugs. Yep, all the time. Feel like shit unless you're high. yep, me too. Lie, cheat and steal for more drugs. Yep, so did I.

Fuck all that noise right. Drugs will be the end of us if we let it. It ain't easy quitting but it is doable. Get your butt to a suboxone Dr. or get signed up at a methadone clinic. It's a pain in the ass but so is being hooked on drugs. Most people don't come out the other one that does. Tell the drugs to fuck off and realize that you are way better than that. 6 months from now when your baby is born and you are in the hospital clean and sober with Mom and holding your baby I will guarantee you that you will feel great. You might not feel so good for the next 30 days but it's a small price to pay to have your life back !! <3
Dissolve it in a large, known volume of liquid and test it

MDMA is never, and I repeat never intentionally added to street dope.
i would think if you were taking mdma that frequently like it was in all the pills that the mdma wouldn't actually be getting you high or doing much to your body. i get a tolerance to mdma really fast and i need months or more off dosing before i can get high again. it doesn't make any sense why a drug dealer would be cutting fentanyl with E with today's drug economy as well.

maybe it's some type of research chemical mixed with fentanyl or something. i got a drug test once and i was supposed to be taking l.s.d. it was on paper and i only had one tab. for whatever reason the doctor told me that i tested positive for MDMA. i don't think piss tests are really that accurate. there are probably a lot of research chemicals that would test for E. i dunno...

Dissolve it in a large, known volume of liquid and test it

MDMA is never, and I repeat never intentionally added to street dope.
To both of you, I don't get street level dope. I'm connected, I get my stuff straight off the brick from the boys over the border. I watch it get broke with a hammer. I smoke it, and it's been the EXACT same stuff for about a year now. Before that it was a slightly different brick. Not as good as the one now.
I'm not the only one popping for MDMA either, when I was in TCC (a horrible treatment "hospital" in L.A., right next to a huge open air drug market, Tarzana smells like Fetty and piss) there was another dude who said he was popping for MDMA.
Either way I'm hanging in there, 3 days clean so far. Gabapentin and clonidine are helping GREATLY. This is by far the craziest shit I've been addicted to. And back in the day I used to get my H off the brick, it was a light brown powder that looked like sand. Or sometimes it was tan. And you could take the powder and breathe on it, and it would rock up and instantly turn to tar and darken. I was under federal investigation for that one. Had my girlfriend's house and my friend's grandma's house raided. We were tipped off because my dad had just stolen my car from me moments prior, he had a spare key. Told me there were people watching the pad. Over 40 people went down. Not me or my circle though.
Either way, fuck all that. I'm lucky to have had all my felony drug charges dropped to misdemeanors, and I'm lucky to be alive. I still gotta be careful, I live in a wack city that isn't where I'm from, and my gang tattoos have gotten me into trouble more than once. Can't wait to be free from this lifestyle. I'm turning 28 in July.
Man ya gotta change your mindset. Ya gotta think about your baby and what that is gonna mean 6 months from now when he/she is born. You can either be clean and healthy and a great parent or you can still be using and of no good to either Mom or the baby. You'll just be baggage at that point.

Ya gotta learn to start hating what the drug is doing to your life. Out of funds and why is that? Same reason I was always broke. Unhappy and hating yourself. Yep, same reason for me. Lying to the people I loved. Yep, me too. Buying drugs instead of food. Yep, me too. Always on the hunt for your next fix. Yep, same here. Can't keep a job because you use your gas money for drugs. Yep, all the time. Feel like shit unless you're high. yep, me too. Lie, cheat and steal for more drugs. Yep, so did I.

Fuck all that noise right. Drugs will be the end of us if we let it. It ain't easy quitting but it is doable. Get your butt to a suboxone Dr. or get signed up at a methadone clinic. It's a pain in the ass but so is being hooked on drugs. Most people don't come out the other one that does. Tell the drugs to fuck off and realize that you are way better than that. 6 months from now when your baby is born and you are in the hospital clean and sober with Mom and holding your baby I will guarantee you that you will feel great. You might not feel so good for the next 30 days but it's a small price to pay to have your life back !! <3
Thank you so much for the reply, I've always loved your posts and have been a lurker on blue light since I was a youngster.
I'm currently seeing one of the best outpatient clinics in the country, it's called Santa Barbara Bridge Clinic. Fucking greatest place ever. They have tried giving me both Suboxone and Subutex, and I've tried taking barely any of each at around 5 days and 7 days clean off the 'grey death' and it through me into bad withdrawal. And at Tarzana Treatment Center, which I went to a few weeks ago, they were pumping me full of methadone and it was doing NOTHING. TCC is supposed to be the ONLY medical detox for medicare/medicaid patients in the greater L.A. area. They told me after pumping me full of methadone and other crap that I was "too addicted for them to help me" and that if i needed to go to a hospital that it would be considered a discharge.
Wildly enough the Bridge Clinic has me on Gabapentin, clonidine, hydroxyzine, and dxm (which my insurance won't cover so I'm not taking) and the gabapentin/clonidine is helping very, very much. I'm having a hard time but it's not unbearable. Ive been able to sleep here and there. Eat. I'm not shitting or throwing up blood or seizing out like I was before. I'm just scared still. Scared of the long journey ahead, scared for the future. But I know I got this. I gotta work my ass off and pull myself and my loved ones out of the hole I've created.
Thank you again for the reply!
3 days + now going to keep updating here. Thank you again for all the replies. This shit is no joke, it's nothing like quitting H. And I used to shoot up a gram or 2 a day. My tolerance to fent is wild. It does nothing to me now. I just hope i haven't done damage. But I'm not going to let myself dwell on that. I got goals set and a future to build to. Love ya'll, stay safe out there.
To both of you, I don't get street level dope. I'm connected, I get my stuff straight off the brick from the boys over the border. I watch it get broke with a hammer. I smoke it, and it's been the EXACT same stuff for about a year now. Before that it was a slightly different brick. Not as good as the one now.
I'm not the only one popping for MDMA either, when I was in TCC (a horrible treatment "hospital" in L.A., right next to a huge open air drug market, Tarzana smells like Fetty and piss) there was another dude who said he was popping for MDMA.
Either way I'm hanging in there, 3 days clean so far. Gabapentin and clonidine are helping GREATLY. This is by far the craziest shit I've been addicted to. And back in the day I used to get my H off the brick, it was a light brown powder that looked like sand. Or sometimes it was tan. And you could take the powder and breathe on it, and it would rock up and instantly turn to tar and darken. I was under federal investigation for that one. Had my girlfriend's house and my friend's grandma's house raided. We were tipped off because my dad had just stolen my car from me moments prior, he had a spare key. Told me there were people watching the pad. Over 40 people went down. Not me or my circle though.
Either way, fuck all that. I'm lucky to have had all my felony drug charges dropped to misdemeanors, and I'm lucky to be alive. I still gotta be careful, I live in a wack city that isn't where I'm from, and my gang tattoos have gotten me into trouble more than once. Can't wait to be free from this lifestyle. I'm turning 28 in July.
1) "Popping" for MDMA on a UA means just about nothing. You could be ingesting any number of drugs to get that result. Sounds sketchy

2) "the boys on the border" is where fentanyl comes from. Going closer to the border, or buying re-rocked dope doesn't mean anything in terms of avoiding fentanyl

3) you got powder that would turn to a rock instantly under pressure... from a brick? Then how did you get it as powder? That only happens with a certain cut. I used to get it too. Once it rocks/gums up, there's no turning it back to powder without more cut.

Don't trust people's word as much, it'll keep you safer. Maybe you did get great dope, idk, but the things you're describing certainly arent proof, and could've gotten you harmed or killed, had you been less lucky. I'd try to do some reading up on Harm Reduction methods around here. Good luck with your new life.
1) "Popping" for MDMA on a UA means just about nothing. You could be ingesting any number of drugs to get that result. Sounds sketchy

2) "the boys on the border" is where fentanyl comes from. Going closer to the border, or buying re-rocked dope doesn't mean anything in terms of avoiding fentanyl

3) you got powder that would turn to a rock instantly under pressure... from a brick? Then how did you get it as powder? That only happens with a certain cut. I used to get it too. Once it rocks/gums up, there's no turning it back to powder without more cut.

Don't trust people's word as much, it'll keep you safer. Maybe you did get great dope, idk, but the things you're describing certainly arent proof, and could've gotten you harmed or killed, had you been less lucky. I'd try to do some reading up on Harm Reduction methods around here. Good luck with your new life.
Thanks for the words of wisdom, don't want to argue or nothing but basically let's just say I know it's coming straight from the chemists/factories from over the border. I live in the greater LA area and yeah, could divulge more but won't.
Yeah the stuff I used to get, the heroin back in the day I was under fed investigation for, was light tan looked like it was sand from the beaches of Hawaii or somewhere similar. You could keep it as powder and shoot it with water or smoke it like that or snort it, but if you were to breathe on it or apply heat or leave it in a hot spot for a while the powder would turn to tar. Still have never seen anything like it, miss it don't know if I'd be clean if I still had that. But then again that dried up quickly, fed investigation cleaned up that source, and I was very lucky to not get indicted, at least that time. Crazy how many cartel connected families live where I live lol. They love how quiet and beautiful it is out here up north from LA.
Glad to be getting clean. Just ate a good dinner. Watched some David Goggins shit all day and worked out a bit. I have no idea how long this withdrawal will last, but I'm trying to make it my bitch. I'm lucky that the gabapentin is keeping me from having seizures, and somehow my gastro is pretty decent on both gabapentin + clonidine. Been able to sleep a bit. Can't wait to be off everything though. I will keep everyone updated on here about my journey through this.
I have to be honest with this post and everyone else, last night around 10pm I woke up shitting myself profusely, and I knew I had a "tooter" (pen tube used for smoking fentanyl) with a tiny bit of resin in it. It was only enough for a few tiny hits. I'm not sure if it made me feel any better or not as I took 3 .1mg clonidine beforehand and Im sure they probably kicked in around then.
I'm just hoping that didn't set me back to square one. It's 4am right now I and woke up feeling pretty decent. I'm so mad at myself. I'm glad I didn't get a sack but I'm still so mad at myself. I got rid of all other paraphernalia. It's still just so hard living right near all my connects and knowing their numbers by heart.
I'm praying this didn't set me back to square one. This has been so hard. I've been eating well, taking my gabapentin like I'm supposed to (eating and only taking 600mg every hour and only doing 1200-1800mg at a time)
Does anybody know if I set myself back????
A little bit but but not to square one. Just a little set back, everyone gets them as they try to get clean. Don’t beat yourself up over it too much and just keep doing what you’re doing 🙏🏻

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I'm going to keep pushing myself to do better. I'm really hoping it didn't set myself back to square one. Woke up it's now 10am still feeling decent.
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I'm going to keep pushing myself to do better. I'm really hoping it didn't set myself back to square one. Woke up it's now 10am still feeling decent.
Hows it going now dude? Not posted for a while?