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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

the thread that wouldn't die, this is more of a "big and dandy" PD thread...
Expect dopamine to tell "I'm a thought, wow, I'm important" what to do, not the other way around. That's exactly why so many "can't quit" despite losing all their friends, their job, family, reputation, etc. Society has got to start looking at drugs that directly manipulate neurotransmitters as a biological issue, not a moral one.
<3 .
Hey guys!
One more Desoxypipradol-fail here...
Got 1g 2-DPMP some weeks ago and tested it 4 or 5 times eyeballed (I know thats fkin stupid!!!) low dosed (like the size of a needle pin). Improved the long time concentration at work and gave me minimal good moods which could also came from musik and setting.

Normally I practice safer use and also act as a tripsitter or "babysitter" for people that tend be a "mindless drug hoover" almost everytime they go to parties/raves (big thanks to uncle_stinky for this nice description!).
Im into chemical drugs for over 10years and learnt from older mates (HANOMAG-veterans of the 90's) how to USE them.

But this time I've been the hoover...
Had no alcoholics for a while and decided to go for a bottle of red whine monday evening. Been at work and on phone to long so it got late like ~3AM until the bottle was empty and i went to bed. Woke up around 10AM feeling very tired and lazy.
Around 11AM I decided to take some Desoxypipradol for boosting motivation and mind-clearence before I start to work (originally i planned to wait for my mg scale after reading about dosage mistakes)... that was around 10mg eyeballed. A tiny little bit more than the last times for the whole day. One half in my tea and the other in my nose for the burning flavour.
Around 2-3PM I decided to take just a bit more because it was like just killing the hangover without the "full enhancement". As the rocks rolled off the bag I thought: YEAH! GO FOR IT! <-- like a warning from my own mind if I think about it now.
Crashed a small rock - maybe 15-20mg and sniffed it all. The taste was surprisingly better. Dipped the shades from the mirror and flushed down half a bottle water.
Got me into a great mood, I did a lot work done and finished things that have been laying around for weeks. Later i had to go to my appartment (which is 20m from work) to get my wallet.
Getting Abused:
As I was there the craving suddenly got full control over me and I just couldn't stop myself sniffing one more 15-20mg. It tasted AWESOME!!! (a little bit like high grade cocaine i had some years ago. I'm happy that i lost the "great connection" because I felt a strong addiction coming up after doing it ~2times/month for half a year.)
All I know from then to 8PM is that i felt great, had no problems with work and been in a nice mood. Eating was fine but there were alot of "bubbling sound" from my stomach. I dont remember exactly if I took another line around 6PM. I think (and hope) not. Somewhere between 8 and 9PM I lost control over the craving again. Layed down like 100mg+ but THANKS TO MY BRAIN FOR THE LAST BIT OF CONTROL that dominated the "must-overdose-now-craving" and made me put almost everything back in the bag. "One little small line - what can happen?". Yeah right -.-' ...that was only 10min after putting everything away safe, cleaning the mirror, throwing away the sniff-pipes because i didn't want to overdose... haha!
I've seen a picture of Desoxypipradol powder and a cent somebody uploaded to give a little idea about the eyeball-fail. The Desoxypipradol looked much more on the pic so maybe (and hopefully) I had "only" ~30mg at all. The memories are a bit blury atm.
After some good hours (and going on toilet having a dejectation like a pressure washer - yay thats were the "bubbling sounds" came from) I got into bed just to see what happens around 2-3AM. After some seconds laying still there was a very intense rush on heartbeats like after overdosing strong amphetamines and going to bet soon. So up and in front of my PC again. Felt horny, but not as nasty as on amphetamine, so i watched porn for around 4hours, having a very intense feeling & finish. Smoked a cigarette and felt very awake like just woken up from a long good sleepy night. But it wasnt good. Gone to bed again and it was very uncomfortable with extreme high heartbpm, feeling very cold, having neusea and a feeling like my heart hits my chest from inside. I have an athletic heart so I often get scared from "side-effects" that feel like cardiac fibrillation. After hoping not to die - and after not dying - I decided to stand up and everything got fine again. Been at a medic saying I have stomach-problems and got MCP-AL liquid against neusea which contains benzos that make tired. NICE SIDE EFFECT :) Dosed it every 6hours with the minimum ammount the package sais to make the neusea and "higher-heartbeat-moments" go away. Around midnight I took a "normal full dose" dose for having a good heartbpm even when laying down and maybe finally sleep. Swallowed 3 "Sedacur Forte" Capsules which conatin herbal extracts for calming down. After ~45min+ I took got another and little higher dose. Got into dreamless sleep for some hours, maybe 3 or 4. Woke up with feeling the heart start running at higher bpm again and felt like 5min slept.
A feeling like I got the flu and fever is very present almost the whole time since the first night. No hallucinations, only minimal "fragments" that can also be caused by being awake to long, but everything looks a little bit red/rose like I have to recalibrate my eyes. Eating is not so hard or painful and i try to gain control over my stomach by eating pretzel sticks, rusk and banana. My hands look red and my "blood circulation" is not the best, but walking around is possible and feels good the first minutes. I am drinking ALOT water all that time having >10l till now. In the late first night the water went through my body so fast I could almost drink it at the toilet... No renal pain but had a strange feeling in that region. Like a prickling microspasm. No psychological disfunction, only thinking a little bit slow from time to time ^^
Just phoned with the local "drug helping point". The doc said "you have to go through this on your own without further medication" then i explained the problems caused by long-time-insomnia on Desoxypipradol and that Haloperidol and Lorazepam work well to get some sleep. In 10min I can call him back cause he has to look up Desoxypipradol...Maybe i can get my "sleep-medicine" there. If not I'll ask a friend who works in a hospital. I think he could get the little helpers. he is anasthasist ^^ But a dont want to abuse one of my best friends. I just dont want to go to ambulance - he said they will take me there for DAYS if I tell them what happened...hopefully next night will be a bit more sleep and the Desoxypipradol will leave my body within the next days. I'm still in good psychological condition and have a strong mind (mostly had "control" on psychedelic effects with shrooms or LSD) but i dont want to taste the nightmare that could get me the next days if I dont sleep.

Sorry for the fkin length but I needed to write it down completely.
If anyone has some good ideas for health regeneration/eating/drinking/"sleep-helpers" that would be nice.
Thanks for everyone who read all the long way through.

EDIT: The drug helping doc said he only gives out medics to h-junkies -.-
EDIT2: Took the bus into the city and got 4Lorazepam from a friend. I'll try to sleep with one in some minutes. Ambient music helps to calm down atm begin to feel tired a bit. Maybe placebo. Man I feel SOOOO SICK like with a badass flu. And my head, specially eyes and forehead, feel very hot. Also had this "heated feeling" with spontaneous dumb headaches and strong pricklings in my head before I went off to town. Looks like fresh air and movement helped. good old friend oxygen... :)
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Am I the only person who feels a significant drop of effects after about 2-3 hours when taking like 3mg? When I'm studying, I feel that typical DARI shit feeling-comedown (very similar to MPH) , and can't go on studying, though sleep is impossible for 8-10 hours. I don't get such a bad comedown from amphetamine. Is this normal and am I just very sensible to dari comedowns?

3-4 hours for me, but the drop is noticeable on 1-5mg. After 3-4 hours of the wanted effects, I'm suddenly plunged into an amphetamine comedown, except this one lasts 5-6 hours. I'm just a miserable person to be around during that time, completely inconsolable and feeling extreme anhedonia. Luckily, that wears off as quickly as it came (6 hours later, mind you), to be replaced with a mild but persistent feeling of wakefulness for another 8-10 hours.

Due to the rapid onset of dysphoria and anhedonia around hours 3-4 and the incredibly long duration of 2-DPMP, I'm not much of a fan (although, mostly because it gives me diarrhea for 24+ hours).
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Glad I found this thread! I have 500mg on the way, and does it sound like a good idea to maybe split the 500mg into four piles of 125mg by eye, then dissolve it in say 125mg of vodka. Would it be ok to leave a solution like that sealed in a plastic bottle for a long period of time?
I've had quite some desoxypipradrol during last four or five years. It was my first acquaintence with stimulants, besides coffee and tobacco. No bad experiences, actually none at all. I don't get anything near as dysphoric as amphetamine come downs or sliding out of MDMA from it, and have had in it a trusty companion for times of very intense work or studies. At those times it has always politely served me either a day of mild but real stimulation (1-5 mg in the morning) or for days and nights on end working with projects or temporary jobs (10-20 milligrams) it keeps me up around 36- 40 hours unless I add small doses (5-10 mg) every 12 to 18 hours during that period and onward, which keeps me awake, relaxed and able to concentrate up to almost seven days in a row according to experience.

No fiending for more, no body load, no come downs (as in dysphoria, getting back lost sleep is of course a main objective after an invasion of Poland or a demanding project), no appetite suppression, no overly anorexic effects, no psychosis (amphetamine, on the other hand, evokes shadow people, whispering voices and paranoid mini delusions from T+38-40h or so), and just keeps me content with what I need to do by letting me do it until it's done. With breaks for food, water, toilet sports, perhaps some book reading.

Lovely substance, in my opinion. If I were to take Manhattan and then Berlin, follow up with Warszawa and then Paris, perhaps invade United Kingdom as well before a pause and some rest, I'd definitely assure victorious success by sublingually administering desoxypipradrol as described above and force the Chuck Norris as my army of one to do the dirty work.

0.25 milligram pills as someone proposed earlier, I find it to be a brilliant idea as far as those who have difficult experiences with desoxypipradrol easily can get psychiatric and medical help if it more turns out they're getting invaded by ghosts showing how to look polish in the future, rather than they invading Poland getting plenty done without hassle and on the side show future ghosts how to perform climate neutral hauntings.
I received 500mg a few weeks ago. Dissolved it all in 400ml (200ml vodka, 200ml distilled water), which ideally would give 1.2mg/ml. I predict that it is closer to 1mg/ml after losing some powder and other minor things. Anyway, I dosed right when i got up, i believe 2mg the first time. I definitely noticed something, but it was very minor, and as others have mentioned on here, I was either sweating a lot, or simply believed that I was sweating a lot ha. I should mention that other than nicotine and caffeine, this is my first real experience with stimulants.
I had read many crazy tales about people staying up for days on end after a fairly moderate dose, yet with my first eight or so doses the effects were very minor, and I did not feel as though I had a higher attention span or anything like that. These days, i nearly always took a dose right away when I woke up, usually around 8am, and I wouldn't usually have too much trouble falling asleep by 12 or 1.
Fast forward to yesterday. I hadn't taken any desoxy in probably 2 or 3 days. It's four in the morning, and I am desperately cramming information for my exam, which is in four hours. I decided I could either take a quick nap, and likely sleep in for my exam, or just take some desoxy and grind it out. Of course, I went with the desoxy, 4mg, and within half an hour I felt completely alert and awake. I stayed up all night and through to the next day without feeling tired.
So, now it's eleven PM today, and I have another exam at 830 the next morning for which I haven't studied. I've been awake for around 36 hours at this point, but still feel fine. So, I took 3mg desoxy around 5 hours ago, meaning I've been awake for 41 hours. For some of you guys that probably doesn't seem like much, but this is the longest I've been awake I think.
Surprisingly, I feel quite good. Just as I've been typing this and staring at the screen, I keep seeing things moving out of the corner of my eye, minor hallucinations I suppose. My body feels tired, but my head is not really at all.
I am really amazed at this stuff. The first few doses were either neutral, or for some I would feel minorly shitty for 6 hours. But this time, it's been so different. I imagined that my head would be rushing through thoughts so quickly that I wouldn't even be able to process them, but I just find myself very clear-headed, and able to focus in-depth on my study materials very effectively. In terms of euphoria, over this last marathon, there definitely hasn't been any strong euphoria. Again, I'm new to stimulants, but familiar with the opiate euphoria. I've definitely had phases where I'm feeling very good. It's strange though; with opiates, the feeling - while awesome - is so easy to identify as being from drugs; the warm feeling in your stomach etc. But the minor euphoria that I may have experienced seems to be related to me feeling good about getting things done, in this case studying. It is as though I am not feeling euphoric for no reason, but as though it is a huge accomplishment to have finished a chapter worth of questions, and therefore obviously I would feel happy with myself. It motivates you to keep doing what you're doing.

Haha, I've read all of the posts on this thread, and seen so many posts that everyone describes as typical desoxy-fueled post. While not as long as some, there is no way I would normally write this much out!
Anyway, I've never dosed more than 4mg, and I really think that if you dose low with desoxy, and try to save it for times when you can be productive, it is quite good.
Of course I've been up around 41 hours now, so if i can't fall asleep for another 20, maybe I won't be so thrilled with it by that time, but we'll have to see!

I have some of this ordered, will give my impressions when tried. It really seems like it is the kind of material i will like.
Dissolve in distilled water

Can anyone explain if dissolving 100 mg of Desoxypipradrol in water would amount to equal levels in the water? In other words does it evenly distribute? I ask as I would like to measure out amounts of 1mg and for amounts this small a scale isnt trusted.

Thanks in Advance
Worst drug experience of my life.Was offered some by a friend and redosed against advice as the stimulant effect didn't seem to be initially that strong. I didn't realise how incredibly long lasting and potent this drug was. 8 days later, still no sleep and in a heightened state of anxiety that valium wasn't touching. At the time, i was living above my workplace (a pub) and was too paranoid and sketchy to walk through to get any kind of assistance. Every time i sat up in bed i felt weak and shaky and my heart was hammering in a scary way.Being effectively trapped, I hadn't made contact with my crack dealer who, wondering in horror where a substantial source of income had gone, made his way to the end of my road with a quite generous freebie and rang me. I had to decline due to paranoia/inability to walk or stand properly without feeling i was going to collapse.THat alone shoud tell you the gravity of the situation.
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Why is this thread a replacement for a B&D?..

I wonder what did you guys conclude from the last 28 pages about 2DPMP. Any dosage strategies? Dose everyday or every few days?
fixingahole, how would you rate the level of euphoria present with this substances effect on creativity and comprehension enhacement? Because I always feel like I'm at my best with a euphoric substance (amphetamines, cocaine, cathinones, methylphenidate). The problem is if I can get really on a substance (all of the aforementioned ones) then I will do so, thereby rendering my abilities of the drug into useless levels, because I will be so tweaking every last sentence that I write that I will be unable to really do jack shit. So when you say that this stuff can get to you like that, I wonder out of what place that comes: is it from euphoria or a more clean feeling of concentration? Is there ever a compulsion to redose (there always is I suppose).
With a suitable delay...
I'd say that creativity in all areas is magnified, especially towards the contemplation of possibilities within one's particular field of interest. Only this morning I've been curiously drawn to the design of an ultra high vacuum sublimation apparatus! Certainly concentration may be enhanced, although I would say that it's affect upon creativity is by far the better application, since one's mind will tend to creatively wander whilst concentrating, leading to no concentration at all. With a high enough dose, one naturally achieves a pinnacle of supreme concentration, and completely unproductive creativity, as the aesthetics of a single letter on a page become as interesting to one's mind as the meaning of the word, or the meaning of the sentence; which one will certainly note to be completely devoid of meaning, due to the vast-multitude of different perceived-meanings.
Certainly the slightest experience with this substance will completely remove any compulsion to re-dose. I would say that over the years I have experienced the full range of effects, psychiatric ward included, and I would be very reluctant to re-dose even if I was feeling particularly reckless. DMT mixes very well with it.
Often I have thought that I have had in my possession a 'lifetime's supply' of a certain chemical, only to find it gone weeks later. With this one, I'm entirely certain that I shall have a lifetime's supply, since the most minute amount is appropriate to my tastes. It works best when smoked, slowly, with plenty of air, over the course of 5-10 minutes, holding one's breath each time. The 'smoke' is very harsh, and you barely want any at all, or else you will cough, and feel sick. Eating it works well too.
Oh, an "ultra high vacuum sublimation apparatus"?! Like that time I was gonna write a book about squirrels with my dog Cody.
Can somebody estimate the half-life in H2O for me ? I stored it in a 40% triple distilled ethanol/water mixture for 3 1/2 years. 1ml/1 mg . I thought because of the lipophilicity it would not degrade at all.

Yesterday I consumed 2 ml orally. After 90 min the first signs were noticeable. Being not satisfied with my wakefulness, I redosed 1 ml sublingually. After 10 min the (subjectively) typical piperidiney DRI effects were there (similar to Ethylphenidate). I have to add that I was really tired before dosing, because I overdid it with the exercise the night before, my whole body ached, and without any chemical help I would not have made it out the bed after 5 hours of sleep. I consumed another 1 ml sublingually. There were certainly effects, but nothing I remember from earlier trials (too dopaminey, less desired norepinephrine). Also I could sleep 14 hours after the last dose and the sleep was of okay quality. So my question would be, how long it approximately takes for the substance to degrade in H2O, app. 0.6 ml / 1 mg ? And what are the reaction products ? Thanks for the help :)

Edit : I just realized, that this must be the longest Trip Report - Thread in BL- history =D Maybe it should be pasted into a B&D in "Other Drugs".
Hello. Anyone know what's the duration when 2-dpmp is plugged? I'd assume it's shorter than oral, which I have found disturbingly long lived.