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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Delta-8 THC - Experienced - Trying something new


Moderator: H&R; Discord Sr. Staff
Staff member
Jul 26, 2009
Short background info: 33 yrs, male, long and checkered history of drug use, been whiddling down to clean over the last 4 years thanks in large part to an ibogaine experience. Currently kicking my last 5mg of oxycodone prescribed for pain related to 3rd degree burns/skin grafts.. Ok, so due in part to my general love of marijuana, and spurred on by the completely crazy situation surrounding opioid medications on a national level, my PCP dr and I decided that immediately tapering/ceasing opioid medications was in order. I was burned 5 mos ago in an electrical fire, and have been dealing w/pain and infection issues ever since. The obvious path to go in California if you are foregoing opiates for pain is, of course, cannibanoids. Starting this out I already had a healthy norCal THC tolerance, so I have been exploring fully the world of dabs and concentrates available on the medical market currently. Today I was in pain. I was tolerant to all the concentrates I had around, and wanted something different. I found a store near me that stocks a new product - delta-8 thc extract. Described as anxiolitic, analgesic, I said fuck yeah! The concentrate is completely clear, soft and gummy. Flavor nearly non-existent. Material very hard to work with, a flash in the freezer helps. Second dab in with no competing delta-9... definitely psychoactive. I can see maybe 75% by weight. Different though. I immediately notice some neck/shoulder tension subsiding, even a little flush like I would expect w/normal thc. The most obvious difference I can tell is additional pain relief/muscle relaxation and a distinct lack of tachycardia. I am still having some anxiety related thoughts, it's just the physical manifestations of that anxiety are not also reflected like it would be w delta-9. I wonder if I can dab this w/regular wax or if delta-8 and 9 compete for CB1 receptors? I think this is a worthy addition to the pain control arsenal.

PS: this stuff makes you hungry as hell. They are advertising it for wasting syndrome, cancer etc... and it works great for that.

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couple hours later - the reported increased appetite for this compound seems very evident, I am devouring everything in the house. Would be great for someone w/compromised immune system trying to gain weight.
Oh shit this sounds legit..

Edit: Guild Extracts? 0.5 G sap? They are a good brand of extracts. Definitely will be taking your recommendation.
indeed it was the guild material
Very cool! I have never read a report of delta-8-THC. Thanks for sharing! :)

I edited your thread title to conform to guidelines. Let me know if you want the title to be different, I had to wing it.
totally fine, thanks! Yeah, thought it would be a good addition as I hadn't seen anyone discussing it. Being in Norcal, and a legit medical patient I can really get after the cutting edge of cannibanoid medications. For what it's worth, the new topical cbd/thc preperations are REALLY GOOD too. Great for inflammation/injury they work great.
If anyone else is interested in some other cannabinoids I would check out @theclearscientist on instagram. Whether you support the company, The Clear, or not it's pretty cool to see the work he has done with Hydrogenated Cannabis concentrates and also THC-O-acetate has been something I can't wait to get a hold of. Also I remember once when he first showed off Hexahydrocannabinolic Acid, people were offering ridiculous to pay ridiculous prices for a single gram.

Some intersting links from Mark Scialdone (the patent-holder)
Ooooh injectable THC... I've been looking forward to seeing this developed not to inject. Nasal maybe
wow thanks! awesome replies!