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deep in the forest and seeing every tree


Nov 16, 1999
here is a flow of conciousness about a party i went to last spring here near asheville nc..gimmie feedback on it..i love opinions and advice!
an hour drive through backwoods and moonlight soaked trees to a party that untill then was only roumor and word of mouth. two in a car painted in glitter and coloring book-color clothes, trinkets and necklaces (a reminder of youth that never dies in the hearts of those who refuse to forget).
and just when they we were about to give up trying,a gate and a person beside it, with a clipboard and waving arm to drive closer.
"heard you guys were throwing down here tonight", from the driver.
"yeah...$10 and you're in"
instant revitilization of energy..the gate was opened and annother miles drive down a dusty road with car-rattling bumps and amber-glow in the distance.
a perfect grid of parked automobiles and the new addition of theirs. in the farthest reaches of vision, a cluster of a thousand wild souls dancing and hoping around a bonfire, rail-thin bodies adorned in clothes hanging off of hips and candy necklaces.
pushing through a crowd of blissed out eyes dripping with tears of joy, mouths kissing deep the love that permeated the crowd with a thickness
beans found behind a tree and graciously given by one who only wanted a hug in thanx...the joy is already welling as the bitter taste soaks the tongue and warms the belly
off into the crowd to watch those dancing with abandon and hugging with more...a forest a night with a thousand young souls twirling in unison...tents on the left and right filled with love-making and life-sharing...shaman man in the middle making life-beat music amidst the glow of blacklight and neon and the mad children whirling closer and closer to the rapture...a thosand miles an hour...unseen mallets beat the drum causing bass so strong that it shakes the earth and grows through your feet, double-dog daring your body not to react
then the vision thing comes again...white comming in the periphery and allows you to sdee the love dripping from the eyes of strangers...and all you can do to keep yourself from exploding is to run and hug them untill they themselves burst with joy...give them a gift of a yo-yo or sticky-sweet candy for the memory and move on to dance some more
THIS is sex without touching...this is the beauty of youth unadulterated by the constraints of fear and society and force-fed "releigion" this IS god and love unconditional...
this is a gathering of bodies as temples...and we are well-dressed
the rapture is comming
sounds fun, i wish i was there
"whatever it is i think i see, becomes a tootsie roll to me"
sounds fun, i wish i was there
"whatever it is i think i see, becomes a tootsie roll to me"