Dealing with people after another unsuccessful suicide attempt

Wow that it some really good news. Everyone here will be pulling for you, crimson. Being abused as a kid is a deep, deep wound. Don't blame yourself for trying to make the pain of that go away--no matter how misguided or self-destructive those attempts may have been. Read everything you can on the subject of childhood abuse--I guarantee that you will see how so much that you have internalized about yourself was forced on you by that experience. You can heal. You can make your whole life about healing. You are courageous and you are an amazing survivor--don't ever forget that you have that at your core. I wish you the best where you are going. Remember that no program, no matter how good it is can do the work--it is just the lot, you have to be the one to build the house. I'm really happy for you. Happy and hopeful.<3
I don't know who you are, but man I LOVE YOU.
I first came to bluelight a few years back when I was going through a very trying time in life. I had just been fired, my parents kicked me out, I was addicted to amphetamines, diagnosed schitzoaffective, I have chronic pain from shattering my body in a car wreck (pelvis into 5 pieces etc)
What I am trying to say is I can relate to this time of your life. The trick for me was to take baby steps, set goals that seem insignificant now. Do your best to change one thing in your life for the positive until it is a constant thing. Eventually your self-esteem will get a little bigger and you'll be able to start setting bigger and bigger goals it just starts with that first small goal. You may go 3 steps forward and slide two steps back but as long as your walking you will start a cycle of change
^That is a great post and your user name is a great first step/goal--simply imagine better. Then take small concrete steps that lead you in the direction you imagined for yourself.
this is a great community. I've been suicidal many times and needed help. kinda messed up now but not quite that bad yet. I just don't think I'm going to be able to stay sober through the next few hours much less days, weeks, years. man this is hard. I don't want to screw myself again. anyway just wanted to thank all the bluelighters who helped that guy out. It's really cool of you.
keep your head up dude and try to stay committed to rehab. Even if your family is still being prickly, they at-least have to feel a bit of hope now...seeing that ur in rehab.

and don't let your previous attempts bum you out the rest of your life. This is a problem for a lot of people it seems...they keep that stigma with them forever.. that "ohh, everybody knows I attempted to do this or that"...and they kinda look down on you for that. F them, and just be proud of yourself.
Thanks Sinclair yeah ill try to do that. I am not delusional enough to think ill never do a drug ever again. I just need to stop doing heroin I have never had a problem with anything else. I feel like if I can get help for my underlying mental health decisions then I have a fair chance to stop banging smack.
I'm flying out to Florida today. On my way to airport as I type this. So I will talk to you guys when I can.