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I have tried everything. I've gone 14 days at the longest. The shortest time while on opiates was 4 days, and that's when I completely stopped taking them and waited to go. I have to stop taking my meds like once every other week for 4 days to go. It's absurd. I'm losing my mind. I've tried lots of water, dietary changes, movantic, lactolose, milk of magnesia, straight up laxative pills. Nothing.
I struggle with opiate constipation due to my daily suboxone. But before that, it was due to heroin. What I find works best for me, is a daily fiber supplement, with plenty of water.
The supplement I use suggests 1 scoop / 4 oz of whatever, and 5 scoops / day (max). The powder is flavorless and really has no texture, so it can be added to anything (water, juice, cereal, yogurt) and there's no issue with flavor/texture. That is something I use everyday to ensure I poop regularly (once / day ... Before opiates I pooped 2 - 3 x / day)!

However, I'd also recommend trying dulcolax once (just to clear out), or even once a month if this continues. With dulcolax, it's important you are well-hydrated because it can induce pretty painful cramping. I use to be able to take 1 dulcolax before bed, and wake up 8 hours later to an urgent need to shit: VOOSH! Flushes you out, effortlessly, and you feel reborn! The recommended dose is 1 - 3 pills, but the higher the dose, the more likely you are to wake up with some painful cramps. However, if one pill doesn't flush you out, I'd try taking 2 pills before bed the following night. 3 dulcolax just doesn't seem necessary, lol.

Good luck!
Opioid induced constipation & your experiences

Hey all! This could get graphic, so bear with me.

As a longtime opiate user, I'm unfortunately no stranger to opioid induced constipation. Suffice to say, constipation is homeostasis for me, it's my messed up norm. I can regularly go 7-9+ days without moving my bowels, and I actually have to track my BMs on an app because it's hard for me to remember the last time I've gone. I have stock of rubber gloves and vaseline in my bathroom, and have to physically excavate every. single. time. otherwise it just won't happen - it will be too large and too hard to pass. While I've succumbed to this routine, it's recently been getting worse as I get older. I'm currently on 125 mg splits of methadone, and this is the worst it's ever been. I get physically anxious when I have to use the restroom, and don't even want to leave my house at times for fear that I'll have to go in public and won't have the proper supplies on hand.

I'm fed up. This needs to change. I currently drink about 10 glasses of water a day, walk about 5 miles a day, and eat a decent amount of fiber, though I could use more. I also take Colace daily.

So please, tell me I'm not alone. Tell me somebody can relate. What have you done to help? Has anyone tried Movantik or any other medication specifically made for OIC? What were the results? Or do you have any tips, tricks, or advice to help?

You're definitely not alone, I ran into a big script of morphine 100mg last year and was taking those like every other day.in a month I had 2 bowel movements. I got friends that have 2 A DAY. but I was and am okay now. I domt want suggest other drugs but I snorted Meth a few times that month and it worked quite well
I still go once a day but feels like giving birth lol. I find some yoga poses help get it going , exercise is always good !
I keep Miralax at all times. It has no taste so I put a couple of tablespoons in my bottle of water, shake it well and drink it normally. If you drink coke or juice you can do the same time. That stuff works like a charm. Don't let your body go for a week without a bowel movement.

I do not have problems anymore and I'm prescribed 3 narcotics.
probiotics have helped me through this same thing. I buy the little shots you see at the store next to the yogurt section, works like a charm and your not having to take any stimulant
What opioid are you on? Dose and frequency?

I've been where you're at and it is no fun. I'm off opioids now, but it took some time. I still have issues with constipation and have to eat a lot of raw vegetables, beans, drink a lot of water, exercise regularly, probiotics, Miralax, etc.

Just like the above posters mentioned.

Maybe try running or biking instead of just walking? Coffee helps me in the morning, perhaps a smallish dose of a stimulant would be a good idea. Just to get things moving and then discontinue its use.

Good luck!
Guys all you need is milk of magnesia and plenty of fluid I also find a few puffs of a ciggarate or spliff or any tobbaco and weed mix can give it that little push it needs I have been uncomfortable before and had blood in my early day but never really experience constipation unless I'm dehydrated.
What about all those TV commercials for Opioid-Induced Constipation? The one where they make a purple cartoon turd suddenly shoot down a woman's colon?

Lubiprostone/Amatiza (non-opioid)

At the Children's Hospital I worked (briefly, no one was killed), the pharmacy had an entire cabinet devoted to making kids shit. Every kind of enema and colonic, and I remember sticks coated with something, IDK. But it's mostly the usual dulcolax, biscodyl, PEG, magnesium citrate.

I know just accidentally taking a double dose of regular magnesium supplements will give me the runs. Out of the usual, I think biscodyl is a stimulant, which might not be good if your colon just tries to massage a rock. PEG forms a gel that retains moisture, magnesium retains water through some osmotic thing, and I'm too lazy to look up dulcolax.

The approved for opioid-constipation/indoor allergies above are all (except for one) non-centrally acting opioid antagonists. Sort of anti-loperamides. Makes a lot of sense since that's what's causing it.
Miralax is the answer. Trust me. I know from this from personal experience, and from a medical professional. Also, don't be shy about using a lot of it. Its pretty safe. Go ahead and take 5x what the bottle recommends if its not working for you. It can take a couple days to work. The only possible complication is electrolyte imbalance, but you would have to take a lot for that to be an issue. Drink some gatoraide if you're worried.
OP - If you're having problems like you described, you need to be taking something for it, period! There is no reason why you should be putting yourself through all that just to poo. Talk to a pharmacist, a doctor, anyone Please.

I consider myself pretty lucky in that department. I go almost every day but usually it takes a little effort but its not too bad. One suggestion if things get really bad is to push back your next dose of your narcotic (whatever the drug is that's causing the problem). Kind of do a forced mini withdrawal and you should go with no trouble. Good luck with things, I know it can be difficult.
I'm telling you buy bulk vitamen c powder. Mirilax is expensive and doesn't work nearly as well. I've been on bupe for a long time I tried everything. Vit C also detoxes you and boost your immune system. It's cheap too.
How would vitamin C powder do anything to make you shit while on opioids? Not rhetorical, maybe all that acid turns your colon sour and your butt pucker, something something free radicals, and out comes a dense-as-lead turd?
How would vitamin C powder do anything to make you shit while on opioids? Not rhetorical, maybe all that acid turns your colon sour and your butt pucker, something something free radicals, and out comes a dense-as-lead turd?

Do a little research anything more then 5-7 grams for most people makes you completely empty your colon. I didn't believe it either until I tried. I take a tablespoon put it in my mouth and wash it down. Toss and wash. People use this method to "detox". If the first dose doesn't cause you too empty everything you redose until you do. After the first time it doesn't take as much. After doing it for a few days things start moving again. Once they start moving change diet up. More fruits veggies etc. I eat 1-2 apples a day. If my diet is shit I get backed up again and go back to the vit c.

I swear to you it's amazing.