Day 3 opiate free, have question about PAWS

Wow! I took 900 mgs of Gabapentin a few hours ago and I feel a lot better. I would say 70% of the WDs are gone.
I'm sitting here relaxing and reading some old Sandman comics. This drug works really well for WDs!
Oh sorry I got confiesed becasue with my stopping of DXM which I only took 6 ties always only pletau 2 strated knoticing the side effekts after my hang over which was 2 weeks later...
Feeling a little better today. Although, I had trouble sleeping even with the Ambien
I took.
Does anyone have any experience with using nootropics for helping to heal your opiate receptors after quitting opiates? For example, would piracitam help? There's so little research on nootropics and PAWS so I'm looking for people's personal experiences?
Does anyone have any experience with using nootropics for helping to heal your opiate receptors after quitting opiates? For example, would piracitam help? There's so little research on nootropics and PAWS so I'm looking for people's personal experiences?

I never had any luck with them. I really can't stress that you shouldn't really focus on PAWS until you get through acute, it's normal not to feel good at this point.

Things I have found that help with PAWS are meditation, yoga (as well as other exercise), and a healthy diet. There are dozens if not hundreds of studys about the positive effects of meditation, and I can't stress how helpful it can be. Here is some reading to get you started (and hopefully interested):

Mindfulness meditation training changes brain structure in 8 weeks
Psychological Functioning in a Sample of Long-Term Practitioners of Mindfulness Meditation
The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Cognitive Processes and Affect in Patients With Past Depression
Loving-Kindness Meditation Increases Social Connectedness
Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation
A Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Clinical Trial: The Effect of a Mindfulness
Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Program on Mood and Symptoms of Stress in
Cancer Outpatients
Effectiveness of a Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Program in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Mindfulness meditation increases well-being in adolescent boys
Mindfulness Training Improves Sleep Quality; Lessens Need for Sleep Medicines
Mindfulness meditation may ease fatigue, depression in multiple sclerosis

While none of this is directly related to PAWS, I can personally attest it has helped me more than anything else.
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I really hate to say it but this is only the beging. The real side effeks are gonna get going in like 2 weeks. I belive until you have totally quited it and your mind doent crave it any more it will take up to anywhere from 3 onths to 1 year. But I am glad you are trying your best to stop the nonesense. I will pray for you and even if you are an athiest you should try to find trust ingod sense it does realise a lot of pain and gives you more hope :) I use to be athiest until I quit DXM which I am still at but the side effekts are going away now finally after a month. I belive in you you will be able to do you can do it man.

Kid, no offence but you have said yourself in a different thread that you are 14yrs old, and have only taken DXM 6 times. That's it. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to opiate withdrawals or post acute withdrawal symptoms so why even attempt to type out that longggg post when you really do not have any idea about what you are trying to talk about. Like I said, no offence intended, but you have no experience when it comes to opiates, or the extremely nasty side effects that follow continued/high dose use. Please think before you post.

Fascination, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better today :) And huge congrats on beating this demon! As you know, you're over the worst, so keep it up :) Take care.
What exactly is "mindful" meditation? Is that like using the tapes iconoclast56 mentioned above?
Just got finished watching it. Very interesting vid. The meditation was very relaxing, it almost felt like an altered state.
How often do you recommend doing this? Like 10 minutes daily or more?
Just got finished watching it. Very interesting vid. The meditation was very relaxing, it almost felt like an altered state.
How often do you recommend doing this? Like 10 minutes daily or more?

Please post the link you used to watch this. Or message it to me. Thanks :)
Just got finished watching it. Very interesting vid. The meditation was very relaxing, it almost felt like an altered state.
How often do you recommend doing this? Like 10 minutes daily or more?

The highest and most sublime states of consciousness come from meditation, not drugs.

Fast(er)-track advice: imagine what it's like to lose all 5 of your senses... now stop imagining it.
Just got finished watching it. Very interesting vid. The meditation was very relaxing, it almost felt like an altered state.
How often do you recommend doing this? Like 10 minutes daily or more?

Hi Fascination. I find you posting your progress as motivation for me to bite the bullet and go through WDs from a 240-300MG Roxy addiction. it took me so long to realize I have had this addiction because I would never go more then a week of taking them. I was an idiot and would go 3-4 days then go through 2-3 of pain, and keep the circle going. With that I have lost about 25-30lbs and I just don't know how much longer I can tell my Wife that I have the Flu. I feel so bad inside that I hide this from her.

When it started 3 years ago she would do them with me (she never took more then a 1/4 of one) but then I was telling her then I only did 1 while it was 3 and now I think if I told her, she may leave me because I have lied to her for such a long time that I was
doing them. I was prescribed Subs but that just made my addiction easier. On my off days i would just do that. I really think the only way to do this is cold turkey.

I was curious of how many days you have been clean and how you are feeling? I own my own
business which is probably my enabler to keep doing them but if i need to take a few days off I will. Everytime i go cold turkey I know what I need to do (Drink Water, Exercise, Eat Healty) but I find myself walking (If I can get up) to the kitchen and don't even have strength to open the Fridge and wind up not eating or drinking for days and I get the most Horrible Stomach Pains that I have ever felt.

Well again thank you for your Positive Motivation which is really showing me that I CAN and WILL do this.
Mindfulness meditation training changes brain structure in 8 weeks
Psychological Functioning in a Sample of Long-Term Practitioners of Mindfulness Meditation
The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Cognitive Processes and Affect in Patients With Past Depression
Loving-Kindness Meditation Increases Social Connectedness
Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation
A Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Clinical Trial: The Effect of a Mindfulness
Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Program on Mood and Symptoms of Stress in
Cancer Outpatients
Effectiveness of a Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Program in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Mindfulness meditation increases well-being in adolescent boys
Mindfulness Training Improves Sleep Quality; Lessens Need for Sleep Medicines
Mindfulness meditation may ease fatigue, depression in multiple sclerosis

Wow, Villain, thank you for that list of resources! Mindfulness is a life changer IMO. I could not survive the host of overwhelming emotions that arise daily after my son's death without the tools this philosophy has given me. Learning not to hang on to pain in the mind and body is very liberating.
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I haven't been on here to update everyone on how my home detox was going in a few days. The reasons why were because I relapsed and then when I started up again I've felt too bad to go on the Internet. So, this is day 3 of my cold turkey detox and I want to die. I gave my pills to my father so I wouldn't slip up
again. I have 2 questions. Number 1: how much longer will this last? I'm WDing from 60 mg of hydrocodone a day but before that I was on percocet 10 mg 5 to 6 a day.
Question 2: Those of you who have read my previous rambling posts (like Toothpastedog) , and bless you if you have, know my history. That I was on methadone for a long time and was a heavy opiate user before that. The reason I bring it up is I've done a lot of thinking recently and I've realized that I haven't felt normal since I've quit methadone. I actually think I was happy when I developed medical problems which allowed me to be prescribed opiates. Because when I'm on them I feel normal. I don't take enough to get high, it's just to feel like a human being again. Obviously this is PAWS. So how long does this last? I've read that for some people it takes decades! I cant go that long like this. And I really don't want to go back on methadone unless there is no other option. It doesn't look like there's much medical help for PAWS sufferers out there (only trazadone and tegretol which has shown only limited success).
Did anyone on here beat PAWs after long term opiate use? How? How long does this s#*~ last?!!

Some people just don't realize how much sober life sucks, they been strung out so long on the heavenly effects of opiates, they forget they did it because how much better it will ALWAYS feel to be high, whether you're an addict or not. At least before they started using, they never opened Pandora's box and realized what they were missing. Now obviously I'm not condoning them... I'm just saying life sucks. Period. You will never feel half as good (physically or mentally) sober as you will high, the question you gotta ask yourself though is, what is the cost of staying high all the time? (As in tolerance, no social life, etc)... once you've done heroin (or pills, heroin's just my doc) so long being sober again is shitty too, even after all the withdrawals and what not. You just gotta ask yourself, which life is shittier? I think being high all the time is, for plenty of reasons, but shitty sobriety still has more perks... anyway I'm rambling... but IMO... once you've experienced the high that is opiate high, your life will NEVER, EVER be the same.
Telling someone in withdrawal they won't feel good for 3 to 12 months is not helpful in the least, and it also a completely bogus claim. You simply can't predict these things, everyone's brain chemistry is different. Keep toughing through it OP, you can do this.

agreed. According to my very highly accredited addiction shrink = the first 2 weeks are imperative ...after that, things start to level out in about 3 months. Seems like a long time, right? But not when you're using. Hell when you're fucked up 3 months goes by like 3 weeks.
Yeah, the notion of PAWS is far overhyped on this site imo. I'm in no way discounting it as a genuine problem but there are many people who suffer no symptoms at all.

Some people just don't realize how much sober life sucks, they been strung out so long on the heavenly effects of opiates, they forget they did it because how much better it will ALWAYS feel to be high, whether you're an addict or not. At least before they started using, they never opened Pandora's box and realized what they were missing. Now obviously I'm not condoning them... I'm just saying life sucks. Period. You will never feel half as good (physically or mentally) sober as you will high, the question you gotta ask yourself though is, what is the cost of staying high all the time? (As in tolerance, no social life, etc)... once you've done heroin (or pills, heroin's just my doc) so long being sober again is shitty too, even after all the withdrawals and what not. You just gotta ask yourself, which life is shittier? I think being high all the time is, for plenty of reasons, but shitty sobriety still has more perks... anyway I'm rambling... but IMO... once you've experienced the high that is opiate high, your life will NEVER, EVER be the same.

I totally disagree, adrenaline is easily as good a buzz as any drug I've ever taken (and I've taken a few). The notion that 'life sucks.period.' is bullshit to my mind too. Sure it can be suck a lot sometimes (or a lot of the time), but it can be amazing as well.
Not everyone gets PAWS. I never did. I just wanted to throw that out there because sometimes when you think it's inevitable, you experience it. Like a self fulfilling prophecy.
I meant to quote THECATINTHEHAT

I agree. I can't at some of the comments in here. I never find anything half as funny on pills as I do when I'm sober. That's most likely do to the fact that I'm numbed out and zoning out. I was watching how I met your mother last night and was cracking up. I was actually paying attention of course. I think people focus on missing a high so they ignore their ability to enjoy anything else. Like a toddler who wanted ice-cream but got a lollipop instead. If they would shut up and stop whining about the ice-cream, they'd be able to enjoy the lollipop. But they have a one track mind. Let it go. Move on.

This is all a simple version and I realize for many it goes deeper but for a lot, it's that they can't accept not getting their way.