Day 1


Nov 25, 2015
So i have been trying to do this recovery for a minute. My boyfriend is locked up fighting a Fed case & if they let him out on bail in a couple weeks i have to be clean. I've been a meth addict for 10 years now. I never wanted to be a drug addict to begin with. I used it & liked it then prayed for God to heal me. He did. Then i got with a tweaker (i didn't know what that was back then). He'd offer & I'd decline, meanwhile falling in love with him accepting him as is with flaws & all. Little did i know he was blowing smoke in my face when i would sleep & put it in my water waking me aying i was thirsty & asked for water. After about 2 months i figured it out & gave in thinking "I'm doing it anyway." My life has been horrible ever since. Although i only smoke it & wont do anything else, i know that my boyfriends life is now depending on staying clean. So this morning, i woke up, ate, took my apple cider vinegar concoction & my vitamins. They say 2 cups of water = 1 cup coffee so I drank water also. At bedtime i will drink my magnesium vitamin & hope & pray for strength.
So i have been trying to do this recovery for a minute. My boyfriend is locked up fighting a Fed case & if they let him out on bail in a couple weeks i have to be clean. I've been a meth addict for 10 years now. I never wanted to be a drug addict to begin with. I used it & liked it then prayed for God to heal me. He did. Then i got with a tweaker (i didn't know what that was back then). He'd offer & I'd decline, meanwhile falling in love with him accepting him as is with flaws & all. Little did i know he was blowing smoke in my face when i would sleep & put it in my water waking me aying i was thirsty & asked for water. After about 2 months i figured it out & gave in thinking "I'm doing it anyway." My life has been horrible ever since. Although i only smoke it & wont do anything else, i know that my boyfriends life is now depending on staying clean. So this morning, i woke up, ate, took my apple cider vinegar concoction & my vitamins. They say 2 cups of water = 1 cup coffee so I drank water also. At bedtime i will drink my magnesium vitamin & hope & pray for strength.

Congratulations on beginning your lifestyle change bubbles! That's great, and I think you should absolutely do it, but you should do it for you.

What I am about to say is completely opposite of what you are wanting to hear, but why are you with your boyfriend? There are a few things that concern me, for instance his legal situation - if you are not involved, now is a great time to go your separate way and stay uninvolved. You don't want to get caught up in his drama, and it's very easy to do.

The other thing that really bothers me is that you were sober and he was slipping you meth. This is not an act of love. This is very dangerous. There is never an appropriate time to slip drugs to another person without their consent. Why are you with somebody who has no respect for you? He knew you were clean and disregarded your boundaries for his satisfaction.

You say your life has been horrible ever since, I'm not certain if you mean since you started using meth or started dating your boyfriend, but either way now is a great time to get rid of both. If you truly want to get sober it's best to just focus on yourself - your lifestyle and your mental health. You don't need to be involved in his court stress or criminal activity, nor do you need to be responsible for his sobriety. He is totally responsible for himself just as you are responsible for yourself. Take this time with having him gone to really evaluate your life. If he makes bail, he can stay elsewhere, you're better off without him. Please don't use your money and resources to help him, he has shown no regard for your life. Please don't take my words as an attack - just consider your situation for a minute as an outsider. You deserve a better life and it's not going to happen with him in it. I wish you the best!
I failed to boyfriend who got caught up doing dumb stuff
You got this!
Just take it one day at a time. Luckily meth doesn't have too much physical withdrawal and is mostly physcological. Eat healthy and exercise. You should be feeling better in no time! Much love my friend!