Day 1 of heroin detox


Apr 26, 2013
Been using for some time and today is the first day I haven touched smack. I feel Like shit and I have vals n xannies n Dionne subs strips to do it. Not to mention ice as well. I was feeling really bad yesterday so had a tinny bit of gear but that's all since then no great and just some I've and vals.

Any advice? I jabber gone to get mylantar
Poke around The Dark Side- lots of people in your shoes! Remember that H is an opiate, so anything that talks about opiate wd or opiate tapering will probably be something you can identify with. I've read several here on TDS, most with titles that make them really easy to identify.
I wish you the best of luck in kicking that demon out of your life!
Doesn't sound like your first time, with that stuff you should be able to diminish a big chunk of the effects. Good luck man.
Been using for some time and today is the first day I haven touched smack. I feel Like shit and I have vals n xannies n Dionne subs strips to do it. Not to mention ice as well. I was feeling really bad yesterday so had a tinny bit of gear but that's all since then no great and just some I've and vals.

Any advice? I jabber gone to get mylantar

Sooo, haven't heard from you in several days here, and just wondering if you are still there? Using or not, just want to check in and make sure you're still kickin' round.

Hope you found something helpful in here!
Hey i did stop for a couple of days and cos i was feeling better on the 2nd day I decided to use. Since then I have gone for 8 days straight tomo i have to start my day 1 of not using. Today I felt pretty shit n hence went to get on.
Hey i did stop for a couple of days and cos i was feeling better on the 2nd day I decided to use. Since then I have gone for 8 days straight tomo i have to start my day 1 of not using. Today I felt pretty shit n hence went to get on.

Congrats on 8 days
Not giving advise just past experience!
It sounds like you had a good plan of attack, you got things you need and will want. But you forgot one thing, someone to tell you to stay put and not go use. I know at like NA meeting, they say call someone. Fuck that, Im not calling nobody. If you're not here you can't stop me. That's how I saw that stuff. So when I'm ready to go thru the wd's I'll keep a trusted person close. To keep me in check. I've used meth, and Loperamide and kratom and thc/cbd oils, suboxone and methadone as ways to get clean. And they all worked, for a while. But if you don't change everything you do and everyone you know. You just wasted your time. I hate that MOST OF my childhood friends are addicts and I hate that the place I grew up and want to be, I know get anxiety when I know I have to go around there or might see someone I can pick up off. Why does everything I do and everyone I know revolve again drugs. In some way shape or form weither it be hard drugs or just some pot. It's everywhere I go. But cannabis is this opiate addicts god send. And cbd/thc/cbg/cbn. Can and will take away every withdrawal symptom, besides being hella stoned and still pretty sluggish and just no energy or want to do anything. For me, no anxiety, no upset stomach, but I still did poop more than normal but alot less than if I CT from h. I tell pepole all the time cannabis will save your life, but I think they try it and think I'm joking when I tell them the amount of cannabis I am ingesting. (Ill eat rso or make 800mg-1000mg brownies, like each little brownie piece after I cut em up are 800mg) no joke very high dose BUT no wd symptoms. By the end of my detox I'm usually sick of being stoned, for a good while. But that's just me.
Good luck.
Sending positive vibes.
Are polo doing okay? I recently quit H and my habit was bad. Well... I am 2 weeks clean. So I could relapse at any time to this fucked up thing that has become a part of me forever. I still have some physical symptoms at 2 weeks but I'm a great deal better. I started taking psychedelics to help me in this time of dire need.
First was dmt
Today was [(4-ho-met, 4-ho-mipt), 2c-c, 2c-t-2, eth-lad 75ug] - the doses were all (very) low enough to keep me tripping hardcore but not over the edge that I'd like, Like I get every time out of DMT. So, I see no reason not to hit some dmt right now too. I think it would help balance the trip out for me and the trip might help me break through or go deeper. It totally feels right to do right now so I'm just going to give into it and dab that dmt : )