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Current popular synthetic cannanbinoids


Jan 19, 2021
I personally prefer hash rosin but im wondering if people are still into synthetics, i remember an old roomate of mine who loved jwh-18.
I haven't heard of them being around in many, many years. Doesnt mean they arent, but I think peak was 10 years ago during the k2 years.
I follow "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation", in respect for the simple fact that mother nature already provides some excellent packaging.
I remember jwh-018. I used a marshmallow base and it was all a pain in the ass. With weed laws changing, I'd just as soon avoid compounds with limited safety data.

For me, weed > synthetics.
Hemp products and their derivatives have taken over the grey market here in the states. They are partial agonists mostly similar to regular d9.

I doubt full agonist will ever be as big as they once were, I don't have interest in them anyway.
from what ive seen, most people use synthetic cannabinoids when they cannot get access to real cannabis products or when there are loopholes in the law which means they can get away with using synthetic cannabinoids which deeply disturbs me. Cannabis is a blessed drug in that it has an excellent safety profile and these synthetic cannabinoids that attempt to mimic these effects with actual risks of strokes or seizures are around and being used in place of cannabis due to a failed 'war on drugs' or drug policies of a country does make me sad.
Never intended to try any synthetic cannabinoids but one night i was given some 'weed' at a party and i tried it and it really was not an experience i would like to repeat. Not sure if it was because of my higher cannabis tolerance at the time but the worst part for me was seeing other people have seizures or become very ill suddenly from smoking it where as i just felt very odd and 'funny' not in a good way. Sent that shit off turned out to be JWH something and from then on i always checked what i was smoking thoroughly (it was sprayed cannabis plant matter, therefore looked and smelled just like weed because thats what it was)
These days i'm mostly hearing of synthetic cannaniboids in contamination scares regarding regular cannabis.

MAM2201 that was some good shit. I believe i mostly got into the synthetics due to scarce and unreliable sources for original product, but the above mentioned and a few others stood out. I don't bother with them anymore, same for the people i know and the general vibe.

For some reason, all the ones i tried seemed very tolerance inducing compared to cannabis itself.

I wonder if we ran out of good ones. We don't seem to have run out of good dissociatives and other classes yet.
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I know a websit that sells synthetic cannabinoids, and it’s a big problem among the homeless population in Austin texas
Big problem in parts of UK and Ireland. Used among homeless or at risk types. Sometimes as a substitute for or in an attempt to steer clear of heroin.
Also used in prisons as drug tests and far easier to smuggle. U could nearly photocopy the stuff!!

The stuff here is incredibly potent knocks lads out stone cold or has them goofing like they on strong heroin after a few pulls of a joint.

I don't smoke weed or these synths but I'd love to know what chemicals are likely going into the leaf shit that is definitely clandestinely produced with powder from China..

Anyone any ideas? 8 cla?? Does that ring any bells I have know idea as I said I'm not a smoker.

I'm delighted to see stuff like delta 8 and things come out for places that don't have legal weed. And the whole vaping cart thing is a cool development too.
Brinin da herb into the future, by way of the present! Lol
In the interests of Harm Reduction, I would like to post this journal article on the dangers of synthetic cannabinoids and how it is known to induce psychosis. When I was a social worker in homeless services, I had some clients who would smoke this shit and wake up in jail or in the ER handcuffed to a bed not remembering how they got there. I would not ever recommend anyone to smoke it. Hell, even the K2 packages are clearly labeled "incense, do not smoke."

Hell, even the K2 packages are clearly labeled "incense, do not smoke."

Literally the only reason they're labeled that way is to pretend they're not drugs, though. They are meant to be smoked. To say otherwise is like claiming that bongs really are for tobacco use only.

I agree with everything else you said. Synthetic cannabinoid use is definitely still huge but as has been said multiple times in this thread, it seems to mostly be by homeless people or longtime addicts. To my knowledge though, even the people using them think the actually good ones have mostly been gone for a long time. I enjoyed every K2 blend I tried but things definitely seemed to get progressively shittier in an even more intense way after that.
Literally the only reason they're labeled that way is to pretend they're not drugs, though. They are meant to be smoked. To say otherwise is like claiming that bongs really are for tobacco use only.
I can't disagree with that, however the labeling of the package does not diminish the dangers of smoking the stuff.
Last time I came across it was 2017 in Vietnam. Regular shitty weed that had been laced with unknown cannibinoid synthetics. It got me royally fucked up. I didn't know when I bought it but it was pretty obvious when I smoked it. I smoked synthetics when they were big on the legal market and to me there is a specific taste to most of them. This weed tasted like synthetics and they obviously put a shit tonne in there because I had intense CEV from it.

Personally I think they are all garbage. Real weed or nothing for me nowadays. I would throw that Vietnam weed away if it happened to me today and try find a better source rather than just smoke it.
im getting a sample of ad-18 soon. its also known as ADB-FUBIATA. from the structure i suppose its somewhat similar to AB-FUBINACA, which was popular around 2012. but for me it was just one of these vile cannabinoids being sold. wondered at the time why because it was patented only some years earlier by pfizer.
I remember when K2 was so strong that 2 puffs off a joint would put you in a psych evaluation room of your near by ER
I would rather the delta 8 based. Just an experience I had with other synth can products.
Takes a bit more and it is a little more compulsive but wth it's discreet and gets me there mostly.
Hitting on that ∆8 now waiting for the bnz syndrome. <3
Calling the semi-synthetic, partial aginist, cannabinoids like ∆8 available at gas stations and such "synthetic" is irresponsible. It could make a naive individual think that a full agonist is no worse than them. Convulsions and the like could be the result.
  1. JWH-018: One of the first and most well-known synthetic cannabinoids, developed for experimental purposes in the lab of Dr. John W. Huffman.
  2. JWH-073, JWH-200, and other JWH compounds: These are related compounds, also developed by Huffman's team.
  3. AM-2201: Another synthetic cannabinoid that has a close structural relation to JWH-018 but has a fluorine atom added.
  4. 5F-ADB (also known as 5F-MDMB-PINACA): This is a more recent addition and has been associated with a number of overdose incidents.
  5. BB-22 and 5F-PB-22: They are quinoline-based synthetic cannabinoids.
  6. AB-FUBINACA and AB-CHMINACA: Synthetic cannabinoids that were originally developed by Pfizer.
  7. UR-144 and XLR-11: Both have been popular in various "Spice" or "K2" blends in the past.
  8. 4F-ADB and 4-CN-BINACA-ADB: More recent additions to the market, these compounds have been reported in various drug seizure analyses.
However, the landscape for synthetic drugs is continuously evolving, with manufacturers frequently changing the chemical structure to avoid legal regulations or to produce more potent compounds. This results in a continuously changing market with new compounds appearing regularly.

It's crucial to understand that while these substances may mimic the effects of cannabis, their pharmacological profiles can be significantly different. Synthetic cannabinoids can have unpredictable and sometimes severe side effects, including hospitalizations and deaths. Always approach such substances with caution.