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Creative Delivery Methods??


Apr 27, 2010
I have personal experience with MDMA in powder forms and Tablet forms and was wondering if there are any other cleaver ways to take MDMA. I have a half baked theory about making Gummy Bears with about 115-125mg of MDMA as a tablet replacement, but dont know if the effects of the chemical would be reduced or destroyed by mixing it with the gummy mixture before you let it solidify. Anyone with experiences in other methods or thoughts on my crazy idea, please let me know.
Putting such a thing into gummy bears is one of the most stupid ideas i have ever heard.,

Children are far more likely to be drawn towards something like that.

What is your problem with just taking a pill or capsule?
While the gummy idea may make it a more interesting in terms of marketing, there is the issue that Mazza just identified that if a child were ever to see it, or somehow get their hands on it, they would be very likely to ingest it.

I agree it just keeping it in a pill or a capsule form. The method is known to work and people are familiar with it and know what they are getting. :)
What about dropping acid onto gummy bears or sugar cubes? Kids are very likely to want that but I don't think I've ever heard a story of a child taking acid by accident. I think the acid would be worse for a kid anyway (or better haha).
I've read that heat accelerates the decomposition of MDMA (as it does for most other substances) and I imagine it takes considerable heat to liquefy gummy bears. Plus, then you would need to worry about getting the MDMA evenly distributed through the very viscous gummy bear goo, and then you would need to remold them...seems like way more trouble than it's worth. Another thing is that the resulting gummy would probably still be very bitter.

I do like the idea of the gummy bear though, despite the very sensible thought from mazdan about kids finding it...as long as there are no kids in your home I imagine you'd be fine. maybe if you sliced open a gummy bear from the back and just slipped a pill in (preferably use only the clear bears so you can still see the pill) and then resealed the cut with a quick lighter job...you could either try and swallow the gummy bear with some water or chew it all up together. It would be a cute presentation
What about dropping acid onto gummy bears or sugar cubes? Kids are very likely to want that but I don't think I've ever heard a story of a child taking acid by accident. I think the acid would be worse for a kid anyway (or better haha).

Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

IMO the less drugs which are made in candy/children's food form, the better.

And excuse me if I'm wrong but this is this guys first post and he is probably a dealer. Which means he doesn't have only his own kids to worry about.

LSD seems like the thing that is being distributed this way more often.
Scary if you ask me.
You can get gummy budderflys or gummy octopusses and crush the pills into those or mix it with some sour punch straws or a fruit roll up if your mom goes to the grocery store
Thanks for everyones insight on this matter. First off i am very careful with where and how i store and use MDMA of any type so it finding its way to children is very unlikely. Also as some stated i am not a dealer, just an avid user. The idea came from the though a bag of gummy bears is much less likely to get you arrested then a bag of pills. As for the production of gummy bears, you can make them at home and if you add MDMA to them in thelast step of molding you can seriously reduce the amount of heat the MDMA is exposed to. Thanks again.
What about dropping acid onto gummy bears or sugar cubes? Kids are very likely to want that but I don't think I've ever heard a story of a child taking acid by accident. I think the acid would be worse for a kid anyway (or better haha).
There has been incidences like this.. 1 was last year some time.. Maybe you should do some research before posting? xP
Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

It's happened.



Mother arrested after child reportedly ingests LSD

10:33 AM CDT on Wednesday, June 21, 2006


A 3-year old Cedar Park boy remains in intensive care after police say he reportedly ingested nine pieces of candy laced with LSD.

His mother, Ashli Rene Freas, 22, was arrested for endangering a child. Investigators say she waited for more than an hour before her friends called 911 to get her son some help.

Police say Freas and her boyfriend took the child to a party Sunday night somewhere in the Parmer and Duval area. They say the youngster ate nine Sweet Tarts laced with LSD while his mother and her boyfriend were both outside.

Police and paramedics who responded say the 3-year-old was showing obvious signs of hallucination when they arrived.

"As the mother was carrying the child down the stairs, he was grasping in the air. He was reaching out for things that weren't there, calling out crying, screaming then calming down and then going right back into that and she said this was not normal behavior for him," said Jeff Hayes, Cedar Park police.

Cedar Park police are working with austin police trying to find out where the party was in Austin and who was there. They want to know how a 3-year-old was able to get to LSD.
I imagine it takes considerable heat to liquefy gummy bears.

I would have thought so too, but I once forgot a pack of gummy worms (same stuff) in my car in the sun and came back to a solid block of melted ooze. MDMA wouldn't be harmed by spending a bit of time at such temperatures.

I doubt most kids would actually eat a gummy bear with an active dose of MDMA in it; it would be terribly bitter. Which is also why it wouldn't be a very effective way to make it tasty for your own consumption. Maybe Jello shooters? Just be very, very careful how you store such things.
It's happened.



Mother arrested after child reportedly ingests LSD

10:33 AM CDT on Wednesday, June 21, 2006


A 3-year old Cedar Park boy remains in intensive care after police say he reportedly ingested nine pieces of candy laced with LSD.

His mother, Ashli Rene Freas, 22, was arrested for endangering a child. Investigators say she waited for more than an hour before her friends called 911 to get her son some help.

Police say Freas and her boyfriend took the child to a party Sunday night somewhere in the Parmer and Duval area. They say the youngster ate nine Sweet Tarts laced with LSD while his mother and her boyfriend were both outside.

Police and paramedics who responded say the 3-year-old was showing obvious signs of hallucination when they arrived.

"As the mother was carrying the child down the stairs, he was grasping in the air. He was reaching out for things that weren't there, calling out crying, screaming then calming down and then going right back into that and she said this was not normal behavior for him," said Jeff Hayes, Cedar Park police.

Cedar Park police are working with austin police trying to find out where the party was in Austin and who was there. They want to know how a 3-year-old was able to get to LSD.

Wow... That is fuked up man. Like lets assume each piece of candy was equal to one tab, the kid effectivly consumed 9 fucken tabs, and he is only three years old... That would be the most insane experience in ones life, like wow, thats actually amazig....
You could most certainly make some sort of gummies containing MDMA. To make them palatable, you might want to put it into something bigger than gummy bears (or make each bear a low dose), otherwise they will be extremely bitter. You don't want children accidently eating them, though, so you might want to make them extra sour, and find some way of making them not look like candy, or otherwise dissuading an uninformed bystander from eating them (maybe put them in a container marked "biohazard" or "toxic").

Personally I would recommend finding some other form that doesn't look so tantalizing to a child.
dare I ask why you want to put MDMA in a gummy bear? It seems like you're intending to give it to someone with the intent of hiding the drug's identity. Does this appear a little date-rapey to anyone else? ;)
I imagine that he wants to have something that's difficult to detect, unlike pills or capsules which are clearly some sort of drug.
Put it into your toothpaste. Brush your teeth and swallow. Hey presto you're high.

You could put it into jello too I guess.

Trouble is mdma tastes so bad.

Plugging remains my preferred option.

These days you don't even need a syringe, buy a reusable "lube shooter" for greater comfort.
dare I ask why you want to put MDMA in a gummy bear? It seems like you're intending to give it to someone with the intent of hiding the drug's identity. Does this appear a little date-rapey to anyone else? ;)

Interesting thought process.

I didnt consider that. I thought the OP was trying to arrive at ways of taking iyt like how you can make cookies with grass.

I also noticed someone else up there thought it might be related to a dealer trying to find new ways to market it.

Its interesting how the brain works.

haha the truth of the OPs post will prolly never be known.
MazDan you lack creatvity.

To all who say that kid gunna be eatin this shit then you are all irresposible. kids shouldnt be eatin drugs at that age hell if I had started dat yong who knows how fucked up I would have become.

But theres nothing wrong with a thread about makin sum MDMA desserts to eat with friends or a specisl lady.

I didnt hear the op mention anything bout being sneaky, thats just what you all assume.
Thanks for everyones insight on this matter. First off i am very careful with where and how i store and use MDMA of any type so it finding its way to children is very unlikely. Also as some stated i am not a dealer, just an avid user. The idea came from the though a bag of gummy bears is much less likely to get you arrested then a bag of pills. As for the production of gummy bears, you can make them at home and if you add MDMA to them in thelast step of molding you can seriously reduce the amount of heat the MDMA is exposed to. Thanks again.
Instead of making the gummy bears, buy a bag from a store. Pick up some clean insulin syringe needles from a pharmacy. Put your desired single-dose In needle. Then pull up just enough distilled water into the syringe for the mdma to dislove. Once well disloved inject the liquid into vigorous points on the gummy. I would keep stored in aluminum full just like you would acid. No worries about heat destruction Or dosage per gummy. That way you also know exactly how much you put in each gummy.. let me know how that works out!