• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Creating Real Vape Liquid - One For All


Mar 21, 2013
I know this has been discussed before, but what I found was mostly about the psychoactive properties of one or another chemicals contained in cigarette smoke. And we are still left with these vaping devices that are without question much much better for your health, but they only administer nicotine and for me - as well as pretty some smokers - nicotine alone just doesn't cut it. It works, indeed I stopped smoking at least twice by using e-cigs and after two weeks or so the smell of cigs begins to feel disgusting, yet what remains is why the fuck am I not quitting completely as this is almost useless.. nicotine gives some energy, some concetration but the effect is so fucking short that I repeatedly overdosed on the search for "something real".

No surprise, after all tobacco alone contains MAO inhibiting harmaline related alkaloids, and according to a friend that pyrolysis product acrolein has MAOI properties too.. So the idea of mixing some peganum harmala extract into vaping liquid is not exactly new and has been discussed in some places, yet apparently it always remains discussions. I want to do/try this for real now.

Any experiences, concerns etc? How to proceed to get most of just the pure alkaloids out off the leaves, or an extract bought at e.g. eBay as I'd imagine that plain mixing would result in bad taste, toxic smoke and damaged equipment..

Are there possibly even more, yet neglected psychoactives in cigarette smoke?

Is it possible to extract natural tobacco aroma at home with some minor effort, or does this require professional equipment? Might lead to a full alkaloid extract too. Have experiences with snorting tobacco ("Snus") though and while it's better than plain nicotine, there is huge difference between that and real cigs. Am looking for a way to re-create the experience of true cigarette smoking without the associated health dangers.. :) some harmaline CEVs would be welcome though.
Honestly, after reading alot i couldnt find that much specific evidence. I dont claim to know what im talking about. But, if be curious if you could find harmala alkaloids where present in or created by smoking in high enough levels to significantly influencr maoi. Other than smokers may have slightly low levels of maoi b which is just a correlation. And the rat studies with doses that are found in tobacoo smoking or leaf

Sorry if this comes across rude. I mean i seriously want to know ive given up all hope. Lol
I know this has been discussed before, but what I found was mostly about the psychoactive properties of one or another chemicals contained in cigarette smoke. And we are still left with these vaping devices that are without question much much better for your health, but they only administer nicotine and for me - as well as pretty some smokers - nicotine alone just doesn't cut it. It works, indeed I stopped smoking at least twice by using e-cigs and after two weeks or so the smell of cigs begins to feel disgusting, yet what remains is why the fuck am I not quitting completely as this is almost useless.. nicotine gives some energy, some concetration but the effect is so fucking short that I repeatedly overdosed on the search for "something real".

No surprise, after all tobacco alone contains MAO inhibiting harmaline related alkaloids, and according to a friend that pyrolysis product acrolein has MAOI properties too.. So the idea of mixing some peganum harmala extract into vaping liquid is not exactly new and has been discussed in some places, yet apparently it always remains discussions. I want to do/try this for real now.

Any experiences, concerns etc? How to proceed to get most of just the pure alkaloids out off the leaves, or an extract bought at e.g. eBay as I'd imagine that plain mixing would result in bad taste, toxic smoke and damaged equipment..

Are there possibly even more, yet neglected psychoactives in cigarette smoke?

Is it possible to extract natural tobacco aroma at home with some minor effort, or does this require professional equipment? Might lead to a full alkaloid extract too. Have experiences with snorting tobacco ("Snus") though and while it's better than plain nicotine, there is huge difference between that and real cigs. Am looking for a way to re-create the experience of true cigarette smoking without the associated health dangers.. :) some harmaline CEVs would be welcome though.

I think the “full spectrum” alkaloid extract might be the ticket. After all that’s an exact replica of what people are after.

Extract some mapacho for the increased MAOI profile. Speaking of, just found me a ‘pacho smoke n gonna go burn it now ;)

Tobacco has what are called Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines (TSN's) naturally, which are harmful. Many of the added chemicals to commercial tobacco help create the, according to a substantial portion of the population, superior experience of smoking (compared to vaping), but are likewise toxic to the human body.
I quit smoking using an eighty-some dollar vaporizer. I started out using 1.2mg (per ?) nicotine oil and am surprised how quickly it turned me off to cigarettes. I wonder, does anyone have a source for how much nicotine is in your average cigarette and how it compares to how many "puffs" (or what have you) of the oil vaporized?
Yeah it's possible to quit smoking with vaping, for that these devices are really good. But what it you don't want to stop, in the sense of doing it "only" for the health, and you like to keep the psychoactivity? In this regard, I am a connaisseur of psychoactives xD
The harmala seeds can be grinded to a powder, kept in boiling diluted vinegar and then filtered from the liquid (which becomes dark brown in the process). Then add some potassium or sodium hydroxide and the liquid becomes opaque and very light brown colored from the precipitated alkaloids. Filter with vacuum suction and wash with a small amount of water to remove traces of hydroxide salts. You can also keep it exposed to ambient air for some hours and any remaining lye should absorb CO2 and convert to soda. Some harmaline and harmine can also convert to hydrogencarbonate in the process. I have done this but don't have any photos right now to show.

The alkaloids are likely to dissolve in propylene glycol and glycerol in amounts large enough to be equal to actual tobacco, but in the worst case the temperatures sufficient for vaporizing nicotine are too low to effectively vaporise harmaline. Too much harmala alkaloids in the mix could cause a risk of interactions with serotonergic medications. Actually, one thing I find suspicious in the claims about inhibited MAO-A and B in tobacco smokers is that apparently no matter how many packs a day you smoke, you won't get serotonin syndrome from SSRI:s you take. Why is a small amount of tobacco smoke exposure enough to inhibit 40% of MAO enzymes but even an ardent chain-smoker dose level doesn't cause 80% inhibition?
I think vaping is a great alternative to cigarettes, so I hope to quit smoking thanks to it. Thank you for your comments. It's great to have a place where you can find like-minded people and support. As for creating a real vape liquid, I think this is not the best idea, so I plan to order flavors and coils for vape in reliable online stores. By the way, if you anything about them, please let me know. Perhaps you can recommend some social media pages, where I can buy everything for a vape. Meanwhile, I found an online store (https://www.vapetown.co.uk/collections/smok-replacement-coils) and want to make my first order. I hope they have quality products and I won't be disappointed.
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another question: how do they make c-liquids with canabinoids? these strongly lipophilic compounds doesnt dissolve well in glycerine, does it?
Can I grow tobacco and dry it then powderise leaves and make a tincture with propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin? Vape that?