• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Creating new substances from Indoles. (MedicinalUser SAR thread)

Here's another gnat molecule. Its chemical structure is 1,2-Furan-3,4-Furan-2,3-azetidine-1-aminoaziridine.
Same with this one. Its chemical structure is 1,2-Furan-3,4-Furan-2,3-azetidine-1-methylaziridinepropan-2-amine.
Here's another gnat molecule. Its chemical structure is 1,4-Methylenedioxy-2,3-azetidine-1-methylaziridinepropan-2-amine.
This one's a tryptamine that almost resembles L.S.D. Its chemical structure is 8-Diethylamide-N,N-b-8-benzodimethyltryptamine.
Well this is a wacky one. I don't know if it would work. The chemical structure is 9-Dimethyl-N-lysergic-acid.
It would be very helpful to have images of these compounds. If you have the time to come up with all of these names I think it would be worth spending the small amount of time to learn how to use the sketching tool that Skorpio suggested in order to effectively communicate your ideas.
The substance I was going to post about next was 8-Dimethyl-N-ergoline. I guess I'm going have to post with pictures some time or another.
Please post images of your structures!
This works to draw them, and you can save them as a jpg or png and upload them on https://imgbb.com/ or https://imgur.com/

To post the images here, just copy the imgur/imagebb link from that image and post it here.
Ugh... I just can't download the one that I want to download. And the one that I did download sucks.
I'm not sure, I pretty much only bluelight from my phone, and I just save the image off the web browser app.
You can also screenshot on android and iphone

If you're on PC you can hit the print screen button on your keyboard to take a screen shot
Here's an antidepressant analogue of Protriptyline. It's chemical structure is 10,11-Methylenedioxy-Protriptyline.
This one's an analogue of Zoloft. It chemical structure is 4-(3,4-Furanphenyl)-N-methyl-6,7-methylenedioxytetrahydronaphthalen-2-amine.
Here's another one of my crazy designs. The chemical structure is 4-Iodo-2,3-Furan-5,6-Furanphenyl-1-methoxyethyl-6-morpholine.