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Crazy dream I had


May 15, 2011
Actually the last part of a series of dreams I was having, but here we go...

I was having a picnic and towards one side of me was a lake with a bridge for cars going over it, and the other was a hotel. Out of nowhere a cat comes and is just hanging out. Then another comes and starts fighting with it and I break it up. The more and more cats come. Also worth noting is this isn't during the daytime, it's pretty much like right when the sun has gone down. The after that all of the sudden on the one side of the lake a volcano starts erupting so me and whoever I was having the picnic hightail it back to the hotel. Then we're sort of in a foyer on the first floor and there's two people working there who say to stay on the first floor because there's an earthquake happening. After that a family member and her ex emerge. My family member is freaking out about things but I'm trying to find my shoes because apparently I was wearing flipflops. From there I go to the second floor and go into a room where there's a bunch of people but I'm confused to who they are until I finally establish that they're friends or know my family member. They're watching tv and I ask them about the earthquake and volcano catastrophe happening outside but they don't really want to know.

Then I leave that room and am still trying to find my shoes. Another detail I forgot to add was the earthquake apparently knocked out the bridge so I'm realizing now this is a really bad situation because I can't figure out how myself or anyone else is going to get away from the disaster. Anyways, after that I'm going down one of the hotel isles for lack of a better word and realize there's flames outside one of the windows and that the hotel is catching on fire. At this point I realize I might not make it out but I'm going to try and go out the door and hear someone screaming who is obviously on fire but I don't want to see it, and at that point I wake up. Anyways, that's the best I could recollect this dream. Sorry if it's a little hard to follow but this is just a one time stream of consciousness because I knew I wouldn't be able to retell it. I've had a lot of disturbing dreams but this was probably the biggest one, and honestly shook me up a bit. The fact that I can even remember it at all right now which is probably 10 hours later is testament to that.

Something I forgot to add... Somewhere in the dream I actually had another dream where I prophesized the volcano happening. I've had prophetic dreams before, but never within another dream.

Some interpretations that I found were scarily spot on...


To see a volcano in your dream indicates that you are unable to control your emotions, particularly if the volcano is erupting. You are ready to burst. The outcome may be damaging and hurtful, especially to those around you. If the volcano is dormant, then it represents past issues that have been resolved and put to the rest.


To dream of an earthquake suggests that you are experiencing a major "shake-up" that is threatening your stability and foundation. The dream highlights your insecurity, fears and sense of helplessness. Is there something in your life that you feel at "fault" for?

If you find cover from the quake, you will overcome these challenges. If you become trapped or injured during the quake, you will suffer some sort of loss in your life. According to the bible, earthquakes symbolize God's anger and power.


So if anyone wants to discuss this feel free. I'm also going to add more on what I think the dream was about and why I had it. That's all I got in me for now tho.
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I have no clue now but I had another fucked up dream the other night that a warning siren was going off and I saw a crane crashing down crushing a bunch of people. I think I may be a bit mentally disturbed lol. I'm pretty convinced that I've had prophetic dreams as well. It could've been coincidence but some of it was just too accurate.
Lol... Psychedelics would probably either reset me or make me lose what little sanity I still have left.
As I've said in other threads, there's not much point in applying semantic meanings to dreams. When you walk down the street in the waking world, you don't apply semantic thoughts to everything you experience; you don't say, "What does that crosswalk mean? What does that restaurant mean? What does that woman with the baby stroller mean?" You just walk on by, because we have been conditioned to treat the waking world as factual and the dream world as fictitious. It's all one, seamless reality.

For that reason, I tend to not think about what dreams mean. Instead, I think about how I would like to interact with them in the future. I had a really vivid dream that I was at a pool party with a bunch of people I've never seen before, but we were all close friends. Instead of wondering what these people "meant", I wish I could have that dream again and ask them questions... like how we know each other, whose pool party is it, etc. If I'm having a nightmare and I can take control of the dream, I like to stop the assailants and ask them why they're after me. Often times they'll start talking back, or they'll transform into something non-offensive and continue the interaction. Though I hardly ever have nightmares anymore. This is all the approach that Carl Jung took with his treatise on Senoi Dreamwork. (The Senoi people live in the Asia Pacific region and they teach their kids from day one to consciously interact with their dreams.)

It's like a video game. You explore, interact, and make choices based on the real-time environment. Meaning is less important. Meaning is totally arbitrary.

I find this approach useful for the waking world as well. There is a tendency among people to reflect upon their own past and look for the meaning of what happened. This creates a story and a narrative that only serves to distance you from the experience. Even modern neuropsychology has figured out that what we are remembering of our experiences is a pale shadow of what actually happened. Each time you recall a memory, it's from this present time and thus your present condition changes the nature of the memory, until after years and years of visiting that memory it is nothing like what happened -- but you assume it is. As you learn from the memory, the memory changes. Memory is adaptive to present circumstances. Dreams are just like that. You can learn from the internalized experience of the dream for further application in your every day life. If you stand up to a nightmarish figure in your dream, then maybe next time you deal with someone difficult in the waking world you'll have that experience to draw on.

As a side note, I found learning martial arts really useful for confronting dark figures in my nightmares.
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