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COVID ego death?


Feb 4, 2009
This will be the first of many entries about my resent run in and subsequential unheard of side effects.

March 9th of this year boyfriend and I came down with what could be described as allergies or a cold at first. By March 11th his had cleared up and mine had intensified. That night was very difficult for me in that I was convinced I had maybe strep maybe the flu but I was just sure that I hadn't contracted COVID because although I had a fever and I was coughing I was in very high spirits mentally. I jokingly professed to several people around me that this was as intense as withdrawal from opioids. And even though I was in high spirits I still found myself sobbing uncontrollably as well as mixed in with intermittent bouts of confusion and racing thoughts. I had several out of body experiences that night. The next day I took a COVID test and it was positive.

So this was March 11th my boyfriend drove me to probably the nicest emergency room I've ever seen. It was like an urgent care but a really freaking nice one. They instantly gave me a cocktail of IV fluids, checked my vital signs and really were just amazing people I felt like I was at the Hilton spa. They treated me with a round of steroids which within 6 hours had brought me back from seemingly the brink of death all the way back to almost back to normal. Now when I say normal I mean physically I'm still very weak and I do feel confused I have muscle spasms and My body's ability to regulate the temperature has also been affected so I'm basically a salamander.

Probably the biggest side effects I'm experiencing is an elevated mental outlook. I would compare this to the afterglow of a significant DMT release. Or a afterglow of a profound LSD experience.
It's important to point out that I'm not on any drugs currently nor have I taken anything besides Tylenol or very low dose cold medicine I'm not robo tripping I don't do any of that stuff anymore. These feelings became so intense I found myself calling people in my phone who I have avoided for years because of some bad blood. I called my parents I called my sister I called my brother-in-law I reached out to old friends and family like like I would if I had taken a dose of MDMA. It's like as if the COVID reactivated all of those drugs I used to partake I feel amazing mentally. Has anyone heard of this happening to anyone else?

Also I've been sweating through my clothes since I received treatment. And time passage has seemingly increased like we're all sit down seemingly for a moment and have a profound conversation with myself about anything and everything and I go to get up a glass of water and it's been 6 hours feels like 10 minutes. I don't know if this is a side effect because of the lack of sleep the undue stress the fever or the disease itself but holy hell. Everybody I try to talk to about it just assumes I'm on the stupid about a cold medicine or I'm having a mental breakdown but if I am having a mental breakdown it's pretty damn nice feeling.

If it was just the steroids, why then did some of these racing thoughts start before I went to the hospital. I don't know what's going on but mentally I feel f****** phenomenal.
I'll try to keep a running update on how I'm feeling mentally and physically as the days progress in the interest of science at the very least.
I've experienced very altered states before during fevers. Kinda like a weed high. I would even say it was quite euphoric, if I ignore all the other side effects of the virus which make you feel crappy.
Curious as to how high fever got and for how long until meds were introduced to lower fever.
Curious as to how high fever got and for how long until meds were introduced to lower fever.
First 4 days my fever only got as high as 102 and was affected by OTC 500mg Tylenol every 4-6 hours. I also found that I felt the worst when my fever fell. So my mood was up and down as well. I'd find myself sobbing uncontrollably because I felt so horrible during the lower fever parts. Then when the Tylenol wore off my fever would rise, I'd start cracking jokes like I was on the tonight show.

The morning of day four is when I went to the ER finally, that's when I was treated with the steroids, they gave me an IV bag they gave me some fluids Mucinex lot of like normal treatment type stuff. After that point my fever never came back and even though physically I felt very decrepit that's when I noticed the heightened mental outlook that I still have by the way.