COUNTDOWN2K2 - March 23rd - Key Skate, NYC

okay, so i'm a lazy ass and waited for gmni13's follow up post so that i wouldn't have to write out the story of our night (since, as usual, we were together for the whole 'adventure' ;) )
anyway, it was great to bump into the few BLers i did. i was looking forward to meeting many more of you, but i felt so sick that i just needed to get out of there
gmni: thank you for taking care of me and letting me pass out while we were waiting for the various trains. i'm sorry i made you leave early... but hey, at least you got to see your goddess, space girl, huh?
i think this party most definately had the potential to be fuckin' amazing. i wish i didn't feel like shit. oh well. next time, kids :)