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Opioids could my opioid withdrawal reset to square one?


Dec 1, 2019
long story short, I relapsed on oxy for the last couple of months, got to a dose of 2-3 x 80mg per day, took my last dose during 5pm last sunday.

so 7 days have passed, it was pretty severe but I managed to do it CT with weed and loperamide (small doses for diarrhea like 4-6 mg per day), my biggest problem was with sleep, tomorrow I have to go to work physically so in order to sleep a little better to be more fit, I did a CWE of codeine ( 300 mg approx. ).

my question is: will my withdrawal start from 0 due to drinking this CWE? I am not planning on doing another CWE since I will get my hands on some benzos for sleep ( I really hate benzos recreationally so I usually take 1 xan or 1 clonazepam before going to sleep while I'm in w/d).
Ive asked this on other threads and people said no it doesnt reset to 0 probably just be mild. Of course I full on relapsed so I cant say for sure one way or another. Stay strong!
Yeh, that is so hard to judge, but I would say that a little dabble with a mild opiate such as codeine won't completely set things back, but it may prolong the agony...
In my experience dosing after a week has passed will put greater risk on your psychology than physiology. If you are determined to stop opioids then don't beat yourself down because of the one-time slip. It should not bring back significant withdrawal. Just learn from the mistake and try not to explain every symptom from now onwards as a result of that 300mg codeine intake. If it gets rougher then endure 1-2 days of that rougher period. Your week off is not erased by this slip-up. Just try to not rationalize full-on relapse because "you ruined it anyways". Recovery is not a one-way process. Even if you stay sober till the end of your life you will have ups and downs in your recovery. You are doing a great job as 240mg of oxycodone is certainly not a small dose and it requires a great determination to make it to day 7. If you don't give it a huge significance it will not impact you greatly. Not when compared to what you are kicking. If you start to do it again it will lead to full-on relapse in no time though. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
thank you for all the answers guys! I really appreciate it. I don't plan on relapsing at all, if I would've managed to get some benzos today, I wouldn't even did the CWE. after years of fucking up I put myself in a pretty good position now with the job and everything and I really don't want to depend on this shit after all these years. honestly I can say that beside the insomnia and RLS, I felt already pretty good physically during this weekend. the first 4 days were hell, ( still better than tramadol, although it has a less opioid type withdrawal, I really hate the SNRI/SSRI withdrawal part of that substance).

so if it is only 1-2 extra of feeling a little rough, it's not that a big deal for me, I will get some benzos tomorrow and more weed for sleeping and I will deal with the other symptoms mentally.

my concern was to not feel the intensity that I felt the first 4 days, especially on day 1 and day 3. so if this is not the case it's perfect.
Yeah, my concern would also be for your psychological health and continuing your efforts to stop rather than any withdrawal.

I doubt you'll experience any significant withdrawal. I certainly don't expect it to just reset as you describe.
greaaat, I'm really happy about this. the thing is, I was psychologically prepared to stop the relapse about o month or so ago, but at my job I'm managing 2-3 projects at once almost every month so I have people depending on me to guide them plus clients to talk to since we are outsourcing stuff and I can't really show up sweating, shitting myself and walking around non-stop due to RLS. I managed this past week to get a vacation finally to stop all this BS.

I'm really stupid with my relapses. spontaneously the thought comes to my mind, I ignore it, then I convince myself,find myself buying a dose or two like I used to take with my old tolerance,when I have the pills in my hand of course I'm not taking those kind of doses due to my tolerance being low, so I find myself having 4-6 doses instead of 2. so I used 1 day then I say to myself that it won't hurt if I finish everything I have and booom 4 days have passed on day 5 my body is in complete withdrawal, I have to go to work to support myself so I get in this cycle of not being able to quit so I buy some more. it happened this way during this relapse too, after 1 month passed I already knew that I was out of control again but I was physically bound. not going to lie, the first two weeks I fell again in love with the nod, I would drop 40mg just to get into bed to get to sleep through nodding, so that made me up my dose too.

it's ironic that I already know every behavioral characteristic of mine when it comes to using and wanting to use, but I still manage to fool myself. it's like I have two people in me for sure ( I don't consider myself bipolar so I'm not meaning it in that way ).

P.S: it's really weird that after we go through so many years of using and withdrawals, it takes only 3-4 days to be able to have such severe withdrawals even if the last time we use was months or years ago compared to the beginnings of our habits when it took months/years to reach the withdrawal state.
P.S: it's really weird that after we go through so many years of using and withdrawals, it takes only 3-4 days to be able to have such severe withdrawals even if the last time we use was months or years ago compared to the beginnings of our habits when it took months/years to reach the withdrawal state.

yes i'm on that now . it's crazy. last hit was v small bag and I'm going on fortnight of withdrawal. In my 50s now, opiates since teens but never used anything near dosage you've been doing. Only smoke n sniff. But i wondered past my max 2 days use min 2 weeks break usual rule somewhere a couple of yrs ago and game changed. Maybe inevitable in hindsight. Hangovers off heroin were hard and prolonged but withdrawal is another level. Convinced myself i had covid ha! I've crossed a line and I think for me thats the end of heroin. I hope it is, future use looks more pain than pleasure. Realistically I cant do a daily habit, I cant do fortnight withdrawal like this after a weekend high either.

Been taking occassional cocodomal, valium and plenty coke to help. Didnt plan to be here, just know i'm in trouble if i take more heroin. Best to you in getting off it.
This last detox I took a piece of suboxone 7 days off methadone (probably just 1 mg) and man I deeply regretted it. I felt amazing for about 6 hours then my withdrawals the following day were pretty terrible.

I’d pretty highly suggest against it. What you’re doing is basically stopping all the healing of your opioid receptors just to have them have to fight back to homeostasis all over again.

I agree with @JessFR too, it’s only going to hurt your mental health and resolve to get off opioids with the added struggle it creates.

I wouldn’t say it’s a back to zero, but it’s a pretty significant set back or it was to me at least and I hated myself for doing it
If you don't do again it could be a lesson that even further solidifies your resolve. Some drawback will be felt on physical side but I don't believe it will put you anywhere near days 1-4. But it is really true that it all depends on your particular biochemistry and past experience with opioids. Don't let it get you down @thefirm , but at the same time don't play with fire if you are truly dedicated not to relapse now. I believe that you will push through. It seems that you have the motivation and right reasons. Take care!
long story short, I relapsed on oxy for the last couple of months, got to a dose of 2-3 x 80mg per day, took my last dose during 5pm last sunday.

so 7 days have passed, it was pretty severe but I managed to do it CT with weed and loperamide (small doses for diarrhea like 4-6 mg per day), my biggest problem was with sleep, tomorrow I have to go to work physically so in order to sleep a little better to be more fit, I did a CWE of codeine ( 300 mg approx. ).

my question is: will my withdrawal start from 0 due to drinking this CWE? I am not planning on doing another CWE since I will get my hands on some benzos for sleep ( I really hate benzos recreationally so I usually take 1 xan or 1 clonazepam before going to sleep while I'm in w/d).
It sounds like you're quitting temporarily. Definitely use an anti diarrhea pill, some benzos, and if you can get your hands on some uppers try 20mg of adderral twice a day for a week. You may hate it but it beats the methadone clinic and its worth the loss of sleep if you're really quitting..

If you ask me how to do it I will tell you the most effective way but Adderall is a gate way drug. Be careful. Hopefully you have a friend helping you.
It sounds like you're quitting temporarily.
Why would you assume that? I think OP is trying to kick it for good. Almost every opioid dependent user have few relapses before the last one. I am not trying to be argumentative, just think that OP could use a bit of support and encouragement. :)

@thefirm How's it going? Has withdrawal turned for worse or better than expected after that codeine dose?