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Bupe Cotton fever type sick when injecting bupe


Jun 24, 2015
Hello guys, I'm a new poster and just made a new account on blue light. But was wondering about a certain thing that seems too not have very many threads regarding the subject. Swim has been injecting subutex for around 2 years now, and just now noticed that he has been getting a sickness very similar too cotton fever nearly every time he injects. Comes on slow, and is at its peak around 1-2 hours. Symptoms are: chills, freezing too the point of shaking uncontrollably (just like the fever) accelerated fever around 102-103 severe body aches, heavy feeling hands, headache, anxiety, fast heart rate.

Another thing Swim has noticed is that it happens more frequently while using menthol cigarette filters, swim doesn't have access to wheel filters or the "safer alternatives" other than cigarette filters, cue tips, or regular organic cotton balls. Any response would be great, in regard to if anyone else has had anything similar too this. The only thing swim injects is Subutex. Plus, it really sucks when Swim injects right before work and gets this illness during work unable to function whatsoever. Let me know what anyone thinks, it would be great to have a response please!! 8)
Menthol cigarette filters are probably the worst thing you could use. Do you not have a needle exchange around that has proper sterile filters? I'm talking regular filters, not wheel.

If not the rolling up a cotton ball from q-tip is probably your best alternative.
No needle exchange programs around but swim has access to clean needles any time most of the time. The rigs definitely aren't the culprit, plus when swim reuses needles, he cleans with bleach every time and rinses thoroughly. swim is very clean when it comes to his habit. Especially with the fear of HIV, sepsis, infections, ect. Thanks for the reply though!
It's been Happening to me lately too worn subtext and I'd why,evening is super clean I just don't use a micron filter I use a tips
Exactly, I honestly feel it coming on just like cotton fever. It kind of feels like my blood pressure gets really high or really low, then I just started shivering uncontrollably. My vision gets real blurry at first. Make sure you don't use menthol cigarette filters, it was giving it to me too.
I have had this problem but I was always using just sub strips not subutex. Subutex had never done that to me. But anyway the symptoms you are explaining are very similar to what I used to experience. It got so bad for me I just switched to putting them under my tounge. Then about two years later I tried it and had no problem. I wish I could have a scientific answer for ya, shit I would acculy like to know too. The only thing I can imagine is like you said it was prolly just a form of cotton fever if the subutex is doing that to you too. I used to always think it was the naloxone. Hmmmm
Maybe don't use menthol ciggerate filters.. I did that one of my first times doin it and I kept on thinking I was outta the vein, it really burns and probly isn't good, could be something in the filter, seems wierd it would happen from the Subtex pill after two years of doing it, unless they changed the inactive ingrediants lately???Maybe check that out. And switch over to cotton, not methol cig filters....
I do agree that using a menthol cigg prolly is not the best idea, cigarette cottons in general don't work as well as the cotton from a cotton ball or cue tip. But I have been there when your sick and that's all you got you will do what ever.. And I mean what ever lol.. I've used so many different, fucked up methods, cotton off my jeans that scraped on the ground, toilet paper, and the worst of all a peice of lint off something off the floor.(do not try this at home people)... I'd get some cue tips bro, roll the ball up tight I guess, idk
the only problems with Q-tips that I get are.. When I do my sub, I like to save the rinse for the next day. (I'm not a rich person) I do what I can to make it by through the week without getting sick. When I save the rinse with my cotton filter from a Q-tip, I always catch cotton fever off of it on the second use.. When I do it with a cig filter I normally don't catch it, except here recently. I can usually get 3 shots out of a cig filter without catching the fever, until the last month or so..
As others have said, I think menthol cigarettes are most likely the culprit. On first glance I was sure this was going to end up being the result of buprenorphine-triggered withdrawal, but that's clearly not the case as you've been using this ROA chronically. I don't have any medicine/science to back up the disadvantages of using menthol cigarette filters for IV preparation, although I've heard that it's a result of fiberglass, or an elevated level thereof. This of course could be just another trinket of useless junkie conjecture, so "take with a grain of salt".

Q-tips or other hygienic cotton material is so readily available, the only reason one should be practicing this is out of desperation. Most of us have done dangerous, reckless things, so I'm sure you're not alone. I bought ~500 q-tips at Walmart and I haven't had to restock in months.
That's weird I've never had that problem with specifically q tips, and you can get a box for a dollar at the dollar store. Another thing I always used to do was buy those little cotton squares that girls use for makeup, I like those alot. There also really cheap. I'm sure you know this but when you use your rinse/cottons over, your chances of cotton fever definitely jump up. But I hear ya, when I used to bang sub I would always save my cottons too cuz I would run out every now and again. And I would rather risk it than be sick forsure.
It's definitely difficult not too save my rinse. I might just have to do the rinse within minutes of the first shot instead of saving it.. But thanks so much for the input guys. I know the chances definitely raise when you save your cottons over night. One thing I like to do is put the end of my spoon in a cellophane baggy and tape up the open spaces so no air gets into it, slimming the chance of bacteria getting inside.. I'm not sure if it helps at all, but it definitely makes me feel more comfortable about spiking it. Lol