• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Cortisol/Cortisone, Amphetamines and Cocaine.


Nov 27, 2002
Does anyone know the average amount that amphetamine (And MDMA if you know that too!?) increases cortisol and/or cortisone by?

Like say "10mg of Dextroamphetamine increases it by ....." and "20mg increases it by 3x so you can't just double the dose and get double the cortisol/cortisone realease!", that's what I mean. Does anyone know?

The reason I ask is because I have Adrenal Suppression and take 20mg Hydrocortisone to replace my none existant cortisol levels and obviously if I took amphetamine then I'd have to increase my dose.

Does anyone know also how much Cocaine increases cortisol and/or cortisone when taken?

Thanks in advance, much appreciated!
Does anyone know the average amount that amphetamine (And MDMA if you know that too!?) increases cortisol and/or cortisone by?

Like say "10mg of Dextroamphetamine increases it by ....." and "20mg increases it by 3x so you can't just double the dose and get double the cortisol/cortisone realease!", that's what I mean. Does anyone know?

The reason I ask is because I have Adrenal Suppression and take 20mg Hydrocortisone to replace my none existant cortisol levels and obviously if I took amphetamine then I'd have to increase my dose.

Does anyone know also how much Cocaine increases cortisol and/or cortisone when taken?

Thanks in advance, much appreciated!

I am not really sure how much cortisol is released by these drugs. However I have read that the corresponding increase of glucocorticoids are responsible To some extent for neurotoxicity, addiction and dependence. In some studies it has been shown that slightly lowering cortisol levels to just below the maximum increase caused by a drug of abuse offered some protection against neurotoxicity and addiction. However other studies show that although there is some benefits to lowering glucocorticoid levels, they are likely insignificant and so far researchers cannot be fully sure of whether anti glucocorticoid therapy is beneficial for drug users.
However in your case I would advise you speak to your doctor before trying any of this or using any recreational drug.
Just out of interest have you taken any recreational drug particularly opioids are stimulants whilst taking your normal dose or skipping a dose of hydrocortisone? If so have you noticed any difference between your response to drugs and that of anyone else you know Who has no adrenal problems.
Thanks for starting this thread it sounds very interesting
As I recall club goers taking MDMA in a rave setting had about an 800% increase in cortisol (I think searching that figure you could probably find the study and find out if that's 800% increase relative to the sober club goers or non club going controls).

I've wondered what role cortisol is playing in psychostimulants acute euphoric effects, as people have reported euphoria and amphetamine like effects from Prednisone. But cortisol (in line with the neurogenic hypothesis of depression) does indeed seem to result in decreased neurogenesis and such.
As I recall club goers taking MDMA in a rave setting had about an 800% increase in cortisol (I think searching that figure you could probably find the study and find out if that's 800% increase relative to the sober club goers or non club going controls).

I've wondered what role cortisol is playing in psychostimulants acute euphoric effects, as people have reported euphoria and amphetamine like effects from Prednisone. But cortisol (in line with the neurogenic hypothesis of depression) does indeed seem to result in decreased neurogenesis and such.

Glucocorticoids probably play a key role in the effects of psychostimulants, though I imagine they are mainly involved in the negative effects.
I have read about people getting a pleasant or you Foric response to how strong glucocorticoid drugs such as methylprednisolone. However such euphoria is usually short lived and followed by depression or cognitive decline and in extreme cases psychotic reaction is particularly when high doses are used.
I would be really interested to hear about anyone with adrenal suppression or access to anti glucocorticoids has taken any recreational drugs such as cocaine or opioids and how did lowering glucocorticoid levels affect the drug experience
I think caution should be used with glucocorticoid antagonists to avoid a crisis but I would be curious too... I think they made CRH antagonists for alcohol dependence?
Everyone's body chemistry is so different there would be no real accurate way of knowing. You could take a number of tests subjects and get an average, but it still wouldn't directly reflect X number of cortisol increase.
I dont see why cortisol increase is all bad, i took extra on stims which made me look tanned, and i used a inhaler to lower it and my body started blowing up like a balloon.

But thats before i read the text, anyway a big issue with stim abuse if receptor downregulation but also cortisol depletion, so a proposed treatment is the addition of adaptogens with the lowest dose of cortisonw for a certain ammount of time to restore the body.