Mental Health Coping when in bug out mode

treezy z

Aug 2, 2008
Post about what you do when ready to bug the fuck out (throw a chair, slap someone etc.) when in an elevated psychotic/manic/whatever mindset.
I am too old now to be doing stupid shit (almost 30.)

Here's mine:

1)Hard exercise, the exertion wears me out a touch and brings me down.

2)Singing at the top of my lungs. I usually sing rick james - mary jane, super freak, cold blooded, barry white, isaac hayes or psychedelic rock. I'll do this in public if need be people staring bothers me less than jail/state hospital.
I dont normally operate in such an aggressive fashion. Dont get me wrong I can get upset and angry but theres only been maybe two incidences where I cared enough to experience rage. If I am angry i tend to listen to music that reflects that and entertain revenge or victory scenarios in my head but that doesnt make the situation worse.

Everyone is different and I have known people prone to getting angry over things I was just never like that. Its not a choice but it takes a lot to get me to care about stuff most things arent worth the effort and thats why i can dispel my anger through music and fantasy easy enough.
I have atypical music no doubt, relative to my intellectual potential and familial background. Sometimes I wonder if it's best to conform more.

These are good suggestions. If it comes down to something that must be done in public, singing is sure better than flinging chairs around. It's when physical danger isn't assured that things escalate quickly and to a high level, and cops get called. Dramatic blaring lights and serious people in serious uniforms. Not exactly the most calming action for one who's already upset, but hey it's what we got.
I fling bad feels energy tricks all over , never hit the itended basterds, then eat food. after I sleep and cry a lot.