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Cooking With Cannabis


8g Royal Cream flower, a local breeder project of unknown potency, so fairly sure lowballed @ 20% thc for calculations. 😉


4oz. infused coconut oil, made entirely in a toaster oven. 😁

Decarb @ 240°F for 45 minutes, then split between two short stack 4oz. jars and placed in a perfectly sized silicone dish. Filled with 2oz. melted coconut oil each, lids on and dish filled with water to just above level in jars, then a 45 minute slow warm to 180°F, kept there for an hour. Took out, cooled for 15 minutes and then strained.

So yeah, the hard part is fuckin' over, let's make some BROWNIES!!!!! 😁

brb 😎

omg i just wanna drink it

i've only ever decarbed in a toaster oven, because i can plug that thang up outside and not make my house reek for a day.

i had no clue you could go even further with it.

i don't mean to get too intrusive but what kind of toaster you got?

i also have no clue how to dose my edibles made from black market weed. every snickerdoodle's a friggin' gamble, y'all.
omg i just wanna drink it

i've only ever decarbed in a toaster oven, because i can plug that thang up outside and not make my house reek for a day.

i had no clue you could go even further with it.

i don't mean to get too intrusive but what kind of toaster you got?

i also have no clue how to dose my edibles made from black market weed. every snickerdoodle's a friggin' gamble, y'all.

Thanks lol, it wad very much a fly by the seat of my pants operation, but I'm glad to know it can be done that way too. I have a black and decker ove, one of the standard white plastic countertop models. You definitely wanna utilize an oven thermometer at all times, mine's pretty accurate with a light load, but full it requires compensation upward, and monitoring.

And yeah, lol, I wanted to drink it too, kinda, ended up taking the dregs that were left, about a mL full of drifting trichomes after I poured it off, and just brewed a cup of coffee into it. Magical. 😁

Love the oven, man... taking it a step further and doing everything in jars, I can do it inside and not even stink the place up. I really need to get experimenting with the instant pot. 😉

As far as the calculating... yeah, tricky. I tend to just research the listed thc percentage for that strain, assume that to be all thca and then lowball that a little, and calculate for decarb loss and hope I got it somewhat right lol.
Thanks lol, it wad very much a fly by the seat of my pants operation, but I'm glad to know it can be done that way too. I have a black and decker ove, one of the standard white plastic countertop models. You definitely wanna utilize an oven thermometer at all times, mine's pretty accurate with a light load, but full it requires compensation upward, and monitoring.

And yeah, lol, I wanted to drink it too, kinda, ended up taking the dregs that were left, about a mL full of drifting trichomes after I poured it off, and just brewed a cup of coffee into it. Magical. 😁

Love the oven, man... taking it a step further and doing everything in jars, I can do it inside and not even stink the place up. I really need to get experimenting with the instant pot. 😉

As far as the calculating... yeah, tricky. I tend to just research the listed thc percentage for that strain, assume that to be all thca and then lowball that a little, and calculate for decarb loss and hope I got it somewhat right lol.

My stink always comes with the decarb. I swear, makes the whole house smell strange. It smells the way plain cannabutter tastes-- not necessarily skunky but there's some skunk to the smell for sure. Stays for a day or two and I end up dealing with endless comments about it.

I'm interested in looking into a sous vide (sp?) decarb which some beautiful soul mentioned to me in another thread a little while ago. I haven't really delved into it yet, but maybe that's the rabbithole i'll dive down into tonight.

I've honestly given up on dosages with my black market edibles, though. There's no way, dude. At best I just throw in some pretend numbers that feel right and then do some conversions, lol.

makes me wish there was a home test kit.... something like the MDMA kits but for weed....

mannnnnn, i'd bet $20 that shit already exists. lemme go to google real quick

[EDIT: alright alright alrighhhht, so 30 seconds later and if anybody's interested in the type of product described above, simple copy and paste "tcheck.me" into google and hit that search button]
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My stink always comes with the decarb. I swear, makes the whole house smell strange. It smells the way plain cannabutter tastes-- not necessarily skunky but there's some skunk to the smell for sure. Stays for a day or two and I end up dealing with endless comments about it.

I'm interested in looking into a sous vide (sp?) decarb which some beautiful soul mentioned to me in another thread a little while ago. I haven't really delved into it yet, but maybe that's the rabbithole i'll dive down into tonight.

I've honestly given up on dosages with my black market edibles, though. There's no way, dude. At best I just throw in some pretend numbers that feel right and then do some conversions, lol.

makes me wish there was a home test kit.... something like the MDMA kits but for weed....

mannnnnn, i'd bet $20 that shit already exists. lemme go to google real quick

Bro, put your weed in a Mason jar, lay it on its side on the tray in the toaster oven, decarb indoors. Zero smell. I usually shoot for 245°F for 45 minutes with the oven thermometer right next to the jar on the tray, but you're gonna have to crank it a little but at first after you put the jar in, to get it up to temp most likely. Monitor it closely, when it's done, take the jar out and take it outside to burp it, releasing the smell.

Bro, put your weed in a Mason jar, lay it on its side on the tray in the toaster oven, decarb indoors. Zero smell. I usually shoot for 245°F for 45 minutes with the oven thermometer right next to the jar on the tray, but you're gonna have to crank it a little but at first after you put the jar in, to get it up to temp most likely. Monitor it closely, when it's done, take the jar out and take it outside to burp it, releasing the smell.


I'll try it!

How much do you decarb at a time that way?

I normally use a half oz to an oz every time I cook and end up making more edibles than i can eat before they start to go stale.

What I mean by that is that sometimes less is better. ;)
I usually do between 3.5 and 8 grams, but in that size jar you could probably do an ounce easily, just take it out a few times and shake it around, about every 15 minutes. You actually should do this regardless of the amount, I forgot to mention it initially.
I usually do between 3.5 and 8 grams, but in that size jar you could probably do an ounce easily, just take it out a few times and shake it around, about every 15 minutes. You actually should do this regardless of the amount, I forgot to mention it initially.

Got it, man.

Normally I use a "decarbox" that came with my magical butter machine but I find that it always gets hotter than it's supposed to (but that could be all on my toaster oven, which is why I asked about the brand you use. I use this old ass, dial-with-faded-anonymous-settings that was laying around my garage so it's not exactly top-of-the-line lmao) Crossing my fingers that this new technique might be the one that lets me make uplifting edibles instead of ones that make you comatose.
Got it, man.

Normally I use a "decarbox" that came with my magical butter machine but I find that it always gets hotter than it's supposed to (but that could be all on my toaster oven, which is why I asked about the brand you use. I use this old ass, dial-with-faded-anonymous-settings that was laying around my garage so it's not exactly top-of-the-line lmao) Crossing my fingers that this new technique might be the one that lets me make uplifting edibles instead of ones that make you comatose.

Lol dude, believe it or not, the "silicone dish" I used as a vat for the water that surrounded the jars during the actual infusion... it was a decarbox. I had a MBM sitting right there the whole time, but didn't use it because it said the minimum amount of oil to infuse in a cycle was two cups, and I only wanted to do a half cup.

My biggest advice with this method, invest the 8 dollars for an oven thermometer, play with it a little bit beforehand to familiarize yourself better with the oven.

Lmao I just thought to dig in the gallery, this is why I document this shit. 😅

You can see the cable running in where I was using the temp probe that came with the decarbox, but it wasn't reading right. (Also reg thermometer is flatlined because I just put it in there lol.)

"Life will find a way!" *cue Jurassic Park music*


And fuck it lol, while we're at it, here's a close up of that dregs I said I made the coffee into. 😎

Also for less coma-inducing edibles, the best thing I would say is just use a balanced hybrid strain and make very sure you don't overdo it on the decarb - that dark decarb results in higher cbn conversion, and more 😴.
Also for less coma-inducing edibles, the best thing I would say is just use a balanced hybrid strain and make very sure you don't overdo it on the decarb - that dark decarb results in higher cbn conversion, and more 😴.

Jesus Christ

This (plus the last) is the best post ever, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about and showed photographic proof, lmao

And yes sir, this last part is what I struggle with. I keep shortening the times but still end up with a deep brown product after decarbing.

I don't cook often but I'm trying to find that Goldilocks range that leaves me with a golden/amber herb to work with

There seems to be a bit of finesse required, though. I'll get there
It's a bastard dude, definitely. All the trial and error necessary to dial in what's just right for you, each one of those errors hurts the wallet dearly, and I assure you that I am far from rich, lol. I can't really afford to experiment, and my latest issue with regards to cooking/edibles is that I can make my own strong enough and fairly economically, though I'm still pretty sure I have something going on internally where my body isn't fully metabolizing oral cannabis, but the issue now is that the extreme lipid content of the edibles gives me horrible indigestion where I'm puking up stomach acid most of the next day. (Not an edible-unique thing though, this is an issue I've been having lately with all high fat, high acid foods.)

We'll figure this shit out together, though. ❤️

My lungs are depending on it. 😅
Well, rainy shit day is rainy shit day. I'm bored and my stomach is back in working order, so let's see what I can do for arts and crafts, round three. 😁

I'm definitely noticing an increase in potency/efficacy of my edibles with my practice, though they're still not quite getting me where I want to be. But I'm also noticing more gastrointestinal trouble due just to the sheer amount of oil present in the finished goods. SO, today I'm gonna utilize my new decarb system on a micro trial run of this .6g Cereal Milk live resin, infuse that into a very small amount of coconut oil, and then do something with that lol.

After decarb and cooking, the finished edible, whatever form it may take, should contain right around 500mg thc. Will report back with findings, post haste. 😉 🫡 🤣
Did just that, mixed with a Yoplait orange creme whipped yogurt. Taste was pronounced, but not particularly vile on the these-edibles-taste-like-shit spectrum lol. Mostly empty stomach, ate 3 hours ago, so if it was done right, it should smack. 🔥

One thing that was actually REALLY fucking cool that I wish I could have got a picture of - when decarbing concentrate, you can literally see the chemical reaction taking place, with the carboxy ring bubbling off as a gas, where your only indication with flower is how brown it's getting. With the concentrates, you can watch the reaction, the bubbles slow, and as long as your temp is maintained, you know it's because your reaction is ending. Cool shit lol.
It's true, there's a wealth of info scattered across the subforum, and having a centralized hub for all things edibles would be a game-changer.

I just gotta get real into it and try to search for and compile links, man.

I wonder if I can get chat-gpt to do it for me.....
Y'all, I want to make a new megathread.
I haven't read everything in this thread (I do intend to) but I wanted to say thank you for creating it. Great idea!

I smoked (weed&cigs) daily for five decades. Early this year I quit smoking tobacco, as I detail in the thread Quitting Cigarettes. I'd already cut back considerably on smoking weed, doing edibles instead.

It's been nice to give my lungs a long overdue break and I don't miss smoking at all. I'd already been making cannabutter from what I grow (I haven't paid for weed in 7yrs), and I've been tinkering with cookie recipes.

It's been fun and yummy!
I haven't read everything in this thread (I do intend to) but I wanted to say thank you for creating it. Great idea!

I smoked (weed&cigs) daily for five decades. Early this year I quit smoking tobacco, as I detail in the thread Quitting Cigarettes. I'd already cut back considerably on smoking weed, doing edibles instead.

It's been nice to give my lungs a long overdue break and I don't miss smoking at all. I'd already been making cannabutter from what I grow (I haven't paid for weed in 7yrs), and I've been tinkering with cookie recipes.

It's been fun and yummy!

You're welcome, brother, but the thread's still in it's infancy. I need to get on the job and compile everything relevant.

I'm willing, but it's a huge task and i'm kind of waiting until that switch flips in me and I just go in on it.
Haven't had an edible since a couple years ago with my dad that he made from home grown. Haven't cooked myself for almost ten years. Eye-balled a half gram, hand grinded so probably not 100% fine, and sprinkled about a tenth of it on some cream cheese after 240 degrees for 30 minutes in the oven. Doesn't even look 100% decarbed so I should be fine, however I haven't smoked for about two weeks:

Edit - 0:60 minutes, perfect dose for what I wanted which was moderate without feeling couch-locked. That is, unless I pop the fuck off in the next 20 minutes.

Edit - 0:82 minutes, chilling. 👍

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