  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Console Console Gamers - Whatcha playin?

Can second this recommendation for younger kids. Our 5 year old can play it for a good chunk of time without drafting my help to get through sections of it. Other suggestions for that younger age bracket are Animal Party (kind of like a mix of human fall flat and super smash bros) and there is a pretty decent Disney Park (it's called "Disneyland Adventure") game that has a ton of mini games in it that she can handle on her own.

As for me: Still playing NHL 24 if anyone wants the smoke lol. I did just dl MLB the Show 24 and Diablo IV though so am open to playing some of those if anyone wants (probably more fair since I will absolutely rock you in NHL). Unfortunately my gaming time is extremely limited these days to about an hour between 1030 and 1130 PM
Love the NHL games, ice hockey is class on the Series X.
LOL, I guess I'm just a big kid.

Mario Wonder is at the top of my list right now. Don't judge me, please.
Don't get me wrong - I'll play the shit out of those games w/ them (for them) if they want and I've the time.