Confessions of a middle-aged Ecstasy eater

took me f#%king ages to read, but was a good read
i wonder if this guy posts on bluelight

if your out there, let us know. youd be an asset to our community.
The world was suddenly guilt- and worry- and wrinkle-free, palpably, beautifully buoyant - visually, texturally, aurally - transcendently right and glorious and divine.
nice find, i wish everyone would read that.
especially all the ignorant adults.
worth a bump i must say
Just because people don't approve of illegal drugs, or believe that it is in the best interests of the community for them to be legal does not make them ignorant.
I really liked this when i read it.. although admittedly the guy does sound like a twat.
My main gripe is with people's perception of an Us vs Them mentality of drug users (who are so "in the know" and right) vs non-drug users (parents, governments, peers - who are "so uneducated" and "ignorant").
Apart from that, there are a few of these similar type articles on ecstacy all very very good.
Here's an old one, but a goodie (i think it was haste who found this):
Matthew Klam - Experiencing Ecstasy
perhaps we could share some others here?

Dead Link
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WoW,took me forever to read but it was the best post i've read in along time.
Tari aja the cat
unashamed bump...
this is one seriously good article... please read... it is good for you!!
embrace subreality
Wow. Takes a writer to put into words what the rest of us know but might not find it easy to express. I've never heard a better argument put forward for ecstacy and I'll definitely forward this to people who are apprehensive or have never tried.
An hour from now, perhaps less, you are going to experience something that shall forever change such time as remains to you on this earth.
Think of the best day of your life, or recall the sweetest, purest, most special thing along the way - person, place, moment, experience, accomplishment. Now multiply that tenfold. That does not begin to describe how impossibly delicious E is.
And dropping to Van Morrison... hehe so old school.
Well thats it then. Ecstasy solves all your problems. Case Closed.
(hey Australians are supposed to take the piss guys)
Good read though. Does sound like a bit of a tool but hey he's 50.
Gorgeous... pure poetry.
As a writer myself I cringed slightly at some of the hyperbole - but then he goes and balances it out nicely with a sentence like this:
So here, in a word, a most sober, solemn, even a sombre word, is what I know: yum. Ecstasy is delicious.
lol! Simplicity and descriptive indulgence in a perfect ballet.
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This has to be the best thing i've ever read, beatyfully written, i wish my ppl could read this and understad what he's saying, but all the ppl i've shown it to are all ignorant to it, they consider it drug propaganda.
wow, if drugs hadn't fried my brain i might actually have the attention span to read past the 2nd page.