• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Comparing IC 50 values?

I came across descriptions of "increased tone" related to that (central post-synaptic receptors), but didn't know how much of that was hand-waving and how much my unfamiliarity with neuro terms.

Tone makes me think firm and sweaty axons, the kind that don't jiggle when you slap them.
Clonidine is known to be--at least initially--sleepy. But it gets a lot of positive anecdotes for depression, anxiety and even focus. Although I've heard different mechanisms for mood and focus; mood through some 5ht feedback and focus by potential involvement with imidazoline receptors.

How imidazoline receptors aren't histamine receptors I don't understand either.

So if not better mood and focus, you were hoping for jittery energy?

I believe in regards to actions of clonidine on ADHD, its more so neuronal "tuning" in the PFC - via a means separate from that used via stimulants.
I don't understand the complete mechanism but, I know personally I benefit from adrenergic blockers, not agonists.

Focus and mood would go in tandem with energy for myself.

Ever get so tired from exertion, you can't move, can't think, lose your appetite?
CNS fatigue research would indicate that in some capacity is via a chronic depletion of monoamines that can come about via over exertion.
That, on a permanent basis, is my condition.
Noradrenergic enhancement doesn't provide jittery energy that one might equate to stimulant usage, so much as, simply restores a semblance of functionality.
That's the end goal.

Loss of focus and ability to concentrate for long periods is also a profound symptom.
Ritalin did assist with that for, perhaps 2 hours each dose?

That atomoxetine may confront that issue with great potency than reboxetine, definitely makes it an attractive possibility.

What I'm hoping for a is a serious yet sustainable noradrenaline kick, more so than reboxetine can offer, that will last the day, and can be synergized with a night time alpha 2 blocker.
Tone makes me think firm and sweaty axons, the kind that don't jiggle when you slap them.
You sound like the kind of guy who prefers a nice thick beaded-type axon, the kind that's resistant to substituted amphetamine neurotoxicity, turns me right on
Sorry, My only sub is N-me, and he's a jealous, paranoid bastard. But we'll take a three some if you bring that beaded-axon whip of yours.

Johnboy: That's a lot to ask for in a pill, so I wish the best of luck in your pursuit.

Meanwhile my half-year plus of low dose meth (between binges) has me pretty convinced my problems are not to be found with catecholamines. My energy and focus issues always come back to diabetes, and one wish I have is to know how it feels to go a week with steady (within range) 90mg/dL blood glucose. If my muscles are all insensitive to insulin, how does it feel to have a normal response to a Gatorade after a long hike?

For mood, a week steady, I would think it feels like you just had the best sleep of your life.

Then again, I was a pretty moody kid.
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