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Coming off Oxycodone, how much Suboxone?


Jul 19, 2017
Hey everyone. This is my first post. I'm just getting off 6 months of Oxycodone. I was taking 60-100mgs/ day. I came across some 8mg Suboxone strips (I'm assuming I'll need to cut them?) I've been on Oxys on and off for many years but it's gotten bad and I have work and a toddler & these WDs are no joke. Any advice welcome. Curious on what dosage/how many days I should take it? I'm hoping I can be done with suboxone within a week. In the past, the worst of WDs lasted 4 days.
Hello Blue, I have been on suboxone for 1 year and can help you with some advice but long story short this is a battle that is going to be rough either way and im sure you know this. That is a fairly high does of oxycodone so if i were you i would wait 30-35 hours from your last does of oxy or until you are in FULL withdrawal. I would then does 4mg (cut strip in half then dose) and wait 45-60mins. If you feel much better then you know that this is probably going to be a good dose for you. If not then dose the second half of the suboxone and wait 45-60mins and see how you feel. I would take it as many days as you feel are comfortable for you but do understand that you will still go through withdrawal regardless but it will be somewhat easier. BUT- In all honesty if I were you I would try to go cold turkey that way I don't have to worry about taking anything to help me feel normal. GOODLUCK!
Welcome to BL!:)
You came to the right place seeking advice..
My advice would be to dose in 1-2mg increments of suboxone.

Here is what I recommend:

-Wait until you are withdrawing. Go as many days/ hours as possible until you are 100% w/ding (this is important).
-Next, Once you have entered w/d, take 2 mg of suboxone. It will give you some relief and it should be at least enough relief to function and eliminate a lot of the w/d. just remember, although it'll suck, it beats cold turkey and it beats using a lot of suboxone.
-After your first dose of sub, wait an hour or two hours before evaluating if you need to redose with 1-2 more mg (you probably will). I highly recommend taking the lowest possible dose of suboxone. With suboxone, less is more!!
-Last, I do NOT recommend being on this routine for longer than 2 weeks.

Also, I highly recommend looking into kratom for the next week once you run out. And once you run out of the 8mg strip, do not get anymore, stick with kratom.

Again, I realize my dosing recommendation is very low. If you decide to use this advice, and you feel that 1-2mg doses aren't doing shit, then consider 4mg doses but just know that you are here to quit, not maintain.. I just am adamant on using the bare minimum with suboxone.
I really hope this advice can help you, and I really hope the best for you.
Keep us posted!
Cheers and much love,
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Welcome to BL!:)
You came to the right place seeking advice..
My advice would be to dose in 1-2mg increments of suboxone.

Here is what I recommend:

-Wait until you are withdrawing. Go as many days/ hours as possible until you are 100% w/ding (this is important).
-Next, Once you have entered w/d, take 2 mg of suboxone. It will give you some relief and it should be at least enough relief to function and eliminate a lot of the w/d. just remember, although it'll suck, it beats cold turkey and it beats using a lot of suboxone.
-After your first dose of sub, wait an hour or two hours before evaluating if you need to redose with 1-2 more mg (you probably will). I highly recommend taking the lowest possible dose of suboxone. With suboxone, less is more!!
-Last, I do NOT recommend being on this routine for longer than 2 weeks.

Also, I highly recommend looking into kratom for the next week once you run out. And once you run out of the 8mg strip, do not get anymore, stick with kratom.

Again, I realize my dosing recommendation is very low. If you decide to use this advice, and you feel that 1-2mg doses aren't doing shit, then consider 4mg doses but just know that you are here to quit, not maintain.. I just am adamant on using the bare minimum with suboxone.
I really hope this advice can help you, and I really hope the best for you.
Keep us posted!
Cheers and much love,

Thank you! I do want to start with 1mg, as little as possible. I don't want to be on these long. My last oxy dose was last night around 8/9pm. So I'm at 13-14 hours now, I don't know if I'll last much longer. This waiting time to take it is brutal. I'm praying it helps once I do take it, probably in the next 2-3 hours I should be hurting pretty bad.
So I gave in and took my first dose. 1mg. I'm terrified I'll feel bad. But I was already feeling bad... fingers crossed.
I'm not sure if anyone's reading this, but I waited ~30 mins after my 1mg dose of suboxone and definitely needed another, so I took another 1mg and it's been about an hour. I'm still hurting but I don't feel AS bad, that's for sure. I'm going to see if I can ride this out with just one more 2mg dose later today. Previously, the worst of my WD lasted about 4 days. Is 4/5 days of light Suboxone use going to give me WDs after stopping? I don't know how any of this works, all I know is I want to stop being dependent on any of this. Thanks again!
Suboxone is stronger then you think, 2mg alone is plenty to kill withdrawl if taken the proper way and high ROA
Suboxone is stronger then you think, 2mg alone is plenty to kill withdrawl if taken the proper way and high ROA

Yes it is! I think I should've waited a little longer before taking that second dose. I actually feel kind of buzzed. Seems to have taken an hour and a half to fully kick in. Im new here so forgive me but what is ROA? Any advice for further dosing the next few days? I just want to be done with all this. Thank you
There's a lot of sound information in this thread for you OP, but I was hoping you could briefly clarify what your most-wanted end-game might be for this scenario. Are you striving for complete abstinence? Why, moral/ethical/health reasons? This is important, as if you're looking to taper off completely in a reasonable amount of time and more importantly, with the current provisions you have, you might want to reduce your dose of Buprenorphine. Ideally, you're not going to want to "feel intoxicated", you're going to want to feel normal if not just a hair shitty.
There's a lot of sound information in this thread for you OP, but I was hoping you could briefly clarify what your most-wanted end-game might be for this scenario. Are you striving for complete abstinence? Why, moral/ethical/health reasons? This is important, as if you're looking to taper off completely in a reasonable amount of time and more importantly, with the current provisions you have, you might want to reduce your dose of Buprenorphine. Ideally, you're not going to want to "feel intoxicated", you're going to want to feel normal if not just a hair shitty.

Thank you. It's been 5+ hours and I am still pushing through feeling relatively normal right now. Will probably need to dose again in an hour or 2. I just want to be off everything. I solely did Oxycodone recreationally and I'm sick of chasing after my next high so I don't feel like shit. I can't be spending money on it like I was. I have a toddler and work and am a single mom so going through these awful WDs while doing everything else is borderline unbearable. Yes I'm striving for abstinence. I don't want to be dependent on any of this stuff. Health reasons for sure. What do you suggest a FAST taper off Suboxone program? I'm hoping I can be off them completely in 5 days. 7 max if I need to slowly taper off. Still at 2mg total for the day as of now.
Hang in there buddy. Honestly, just tough it out. Take really hot baths. Sub will definitely help. And like Keif said, "Ideally, you're not going to want to 'feel intoxicated', you're going to want to feel normal if not just a hair shitty." (while on subs) Also, Drink lots of water, maybe try to obtain a few valium or k-pins to help with sleep. potassium and magnesium are alright for the restless legs, too.
Also, you shouldn't have any serious withdrawals after a week or so using sub as long as you take Keif's advice on which I quoted above.
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Thank you all for such helpful advice! I'm hopping back on here to update you guys. Day 1 & 2 I took a total of 4mg Suboxone per day. I'm now on Day 3 at 4mgs again but feel like I'm going to have to take more. Today feels like the roughest and I work weekends bar tending so I'll be up super late and not sure I can push through without taking more. Is it normal to feel like you need to go up a dose Day 3??
It isn't anything strange, honestly. Just be careful because suboxone can creep up, and you will have w/d from that. Right now, you're fine since it has been about a week or so. But i'd suggest starting to cut your doses by .25mg to .5mg a day.
I am currently went about 30hours from my last dose and hit w/d tonight. But i have two 8mg subs, so i'm not even tripping lol. So clutch. I am gonna take a couple mg a day until the last couple days just take 1mg then last two days 0.5mg. Even though in my case it probably wouldn't make a huge difference, it is just my self discipline I am trying to conquer.
How is everything?