Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (paliperidone)

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Hi! Im Csongor Ballay, I taking invega susteena a few month ago, previously taken risperidone, all together longer then a year ago. It was really interesting to read the posts, the effects created by invega sustenna, I have exactly the similar problems since I taking this medication. Feel an-hedonistic my self. I decided to talk to my doctor after I read the posts and ask him to stop the medication. I really want to get back my normal enjoying self . I believe I have been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Any suggestion what is the best strategy with a doctor?
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^NopainNogain, I'm curious how you got put in touch with Will Hall. He is someone I really admire and listen to. I'm glad the experience was positive for you.

Actually, I didn't. My Mom found him on google when she searched for my schizoaffective disorder... Blinde luck basically.

So, how are u doing on your end? U mind if I ask what's been your experience with your what it is, meds, how long, and what your plan is....? I'd appreciate it. U seem like u have a lot to offer.
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24 weeks off the clopixol depot

Just got to wait till the stuff leaves yer system and the dopamine and serotinin can start working again

Had some serious depression the first two months, but hoping for a better 2015
^herby, I tried to reply to your PM, but I don't think I did it I'm just copying and pasting here:

Yeah, the doctors never bothered to ask WHY I was feeling like people were after me. I was able to talk it out finally with my Mom, so I may not have as bad psychosis if I tried to get off this invega. But now, my pdoc is giving me the hardest run around with trying to get my prescription refilled before the appt. b/c I'm fixing to run out. If I'm not able to take it then I'll withdrawal definitely and have sever insomnia, and that will affect my work. I'm in the process of switching pdocs b/c this one is horrible. They act like they don't know ANYTHING, and don't want to be bothered AT ALL outside of the appointments. Plus, the blood tests I took over a month ago still haven't come in with the results. Ridiculous...

That sounds pretty bad about your story, especially since it could have been prevented. But yeah, this world can be cruel at times, but it is nice to share it with people like u. I appreciate your concern on here. We need all the support we can get...and provide to others. Thanks.

I´m over thinking about insomnia.
If we do nothing and don´t sleep for few days and keep on doing that.
Does it bet better or maybe we go into wave where you sleep well for a couple of days and not at all for few others.
We can´t use prescribed medications forever, so if you need to wake up early to work, take care of your family and dresses accordingly...
What are the odds this won´t be malfunctioning without proper sleep.
It´s a dilemma for me. I won´t use meds but need to be okay to be able to work and so much more in life, besides being sleepy.. or facing the boredom of having a night without going to bed..(?)
Well i ended up talking with will hall and had a great talk... its good to know that its not just me whos going through/gone through this. I guess im just going to have to give this more time
24 weeks off the clopixol depot

Just got to wait till the stuff leaves yer system and the dopamine and serotinin can start working again

Had some serious depression the first two months, but hoping for a better 2015

Clopixol get's a worse rep the Haldol for causing that nasty zombie effect as well as movement disorders so i couldn't imagine being on the depot injection of it. I would have it in instant release form for acute mania or a mixed state if i didn't have anything less unpleasant like Olanzapine or even Thorazine/Largactil. The stuff sounds almost as bad as Orap (Pimozide) in terms of side effects.
Hi guys , I was given Invega Sustenna for 8 months and have been off it for ten months , I have gained 35 kg in a year am obese I saw a top endocrinologist today , hormone doctor , and I have thyroid problems for life, I have sexual dysfunction in that I hardly produce any siemen at all , have no desire , libido , pleasure , my growth hormone is also unbelievably low so its quasi impossible for me to grow muscle or lose weight because of the thyroid , I am at wits end , I was a bodybuilder for 9 years and was fully chiseled and athletic and had a very strong libido , I have lost all interest in living and , you cant really say it without sounding melodramatic , i have lost hope according to common knowledge by 300 days or 6 half lives the drug left in your body which was 100 mg shots they were giving me , is roughly 1 to 3 percent , negligible , yet i havent greatly improved it has ruined me , i have such sadness its undescribable i cant feel anything but pain , i continue to work and study , force myself too , but i dont want to live , if anybody can bring light to the situation , tell me why it is i have the testosterone of and old man , and what may be done about it , id appreciate it , the doctor says nothing can be done about it and that if i do start testosterone shots it will shrinks my gonads and ill stop producing it naturally at all , all other kind of side effects are there with other drugs so i am screwed , if anyone can think of a reason to live , let me know , because other than not wanting to hurt my family , im stumped
Actually if your Test levels are below normal alot can be done about it. I have seen Test treatment work wonders for people and although it can raise the risk of causing certain cancers is the risk any worse then feeling like you want to kill yourself? I would definitely get a second opinion on whether to go with testosterone treatment or not because in your case it could help you alot. Also doing certain exercises such as heavy weights with low reps raise your testosterone levels naturally.

Invega like Risperdal is possibly the worst offender of the atypicals for causing your hormones to go out of wack. Actually since Invega (Paliperidone) is the active metabolite of Risperidone they both have the same side effect profile. Risperidone is notorious for raising prolactin levels and even causing man boobs. Thankfully even though i was on it for about a year at doses between 2-4mg's a day it didn't seem to fuck my hormones too much.
I have successfully stopped taking Invega Sustenna for about 3 months now and I feel a little bit better. I feel more happier, my anxiety has gotten a bit better even without my herbal remedies. I read somewhere in this forum that it takes about 6 months to feel like your normal self and get rid of the medication for good. I think that's the time period your body starts to adjust not having to rely on the chemicals from the medication. I'm also using herbal remedies to make me feel a bit better because I do think the Invega Sustenna or any anti-psychotic effects your nervous system. Also, I was diagnosed for major depression which may work differently if you were diagnosed with something more serious, then maybe getting off of whatever medication isn't the best idea. Best of luck!
I have successfully stopped taking Invega Sustenna for about 3 months now and I feel a little bit better. I feel more happier, my anxiety has gotten a bit better even without my herbal remedies. I read somewhere in this forum that it takes about 6 months to feel like your normal self and get rid of the medication for good. I think that's the time period your body starts to adjust not having to rely on the chemicals from the medication. I'm also using herbal remedies to make me feel a bit better because I do think the Invega Sustenna or any anti-psychotic effects your nervous system. Also, I was diagnosed for major depression which may work differently if you were diagnosed with something more serious, then maybe getting off of whatever medication isn't the best idea. Best of luck!
Im in the same boat... its been about 4 months for me and i feel a little bit better but i definitely dont feel back to normal and still have sexual problems and lack of intrest in things though now i dont feel totally bored when i do something. .. i also dealt with depression
Actually if your Test levels are below normal alot can be done about it. I have seen Test treatment work wonders for people and although it can raise the risk of causing certain cancers is the risk any worse then feeling like you want to kill yourself? I would definitely get a second opinion on whether to go with testosterone treatment or not because in your case it could help you alot. Also doing certain exercises such as heavy weights with low reps raise your testosterone levels naturally.

Invega like Risperdal is possibly the worst offender of the atypicals for causing your hormones to go out of wack. Actually since Invega (Paliperidone) is the active metabolite of Risperidone they both have the same side effect profile. Risperidone is notorious for raising prolactin levels and even causing man boobs. Thankfully even though i was on it for about a year at doses between 2-4mg's a day it didn't seem to fuck my hormones too much.

Hey man , so I dont get it , basically I was given the shot for 8 months but my thyroid is out of wack and my growth hormone is very low too and my testosterone is low it been almost 11 months ive been off the depot injection , but I dont feel much better , just a bit more awake , I dont feel any juices in my brain everything is very dull and lame and Im very sad because ive lost all my muscle after bodybuilding for 9 years and become very fat , also what is killing me is my libido should have come back but its not , it is still almost near zero , i produce siemen every few weeks , maybe once a month and my testicles have shrunk , this is scaring me , if i have to take testoterone treatment is it for life ?? I am only 27 years old going 28 now , I was 26 when they started giving it to me and all this time later Im still fucked , because of the weight gain I am prediabetic and at a risk of heart attack in a few years , Im at wits end , so for the testosterone treatment how does it work , Im in a third world country and all the doctors just want to rip you off , let me know , thanks
My last injection was a month ago. So every time a half life passes, I should get half of my receptors back right?

This is some nasty stuff. I can't believe they court-order this stuff when the person under the order has not committed a violent crime, or even presented a danger. They can court-order this stuff, in many states, based on NEED FOR TREATMENT. They decide you need treatment. Ain't that somethin. I knew people are wicked, but didn't know something THIS wicked had been standardized and spread on such a massive scale in America.

This stuff literally blocks the chemical that makes you feel good. Deep depression is not a side-effect. It is the desired effect. It is literally designed to make people docile and compliant - not to treat symptoms. The only symptoms it will treat is racing thoughts - and it is SUCH a bad option.

I was in a psych ward and people on invega and other APs have psychotic episodes all the time. I found out that if I didn't voluntarily check in and get this "treatment," IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COURT ORDERED. I Would have a court order to take this stuff for God knows how long. And I never committed a crime or attacked anyone.

I feel for all of you. I'm one of those people who would have been telling people they need to take their meds. Now I see how wrong I was. The whole system is a counterproductive racket. Most of the symptoms of schizophrenia will be caused by blocking dopamine receptors (withdrawn, unable to function, doesn't shower, doesn't eat right, trouble with speech, trouble connecting, emotionally numb etc etc etc etc etc etc etc). This is an evil I had no idea about. "Accepted norm within the profession" - legal definition.

Did you know that they use the fact that you don't want to take the poison as evidence that you are incompetent to make a decision about your treatment? That many states can force you to take the poison based on what is called "need for treatment" IE some guy with 8 years of indoctrination decides you need the poison? That you don't even have to be a danger to self or others?

I'm worried my old psych doc will try to get me court ordered based on a "need for treatment." Anyone know what the chances of this happening are? I already have to cancel the next few months of my life - I don't want to cancel the next few years. can get your receptors back binding dopamine and take prolintane to feel better. Your receptors should be binding dopamine properly already. Prolintane or another dopaminergic stimulant would give you energy and euphoria - just make sure you cycle to avoid addiction and too much tolerance.

Good for you, you are in a 3rd world country. In 3rd world countries they don't court order this stuff do they? Just imagine being court-ordered to take that stuff for another year. I see why so many people who are under court-orders to take "medication" commit suicide. I mean, THIS STUFF BLOCKS DOPAMINE FROM BINDING. For every person who THINKS this stuff helped (they will find out they are wrong later), 20 more are in the same situation as all of us. Unable to feel good and wondering when it will end. DUH IT BLOCKS DOPAMINE THAT IS THE DESIRED EFFECT NOT A SIDE EFFECT
i discovered the medice for our disability and I am 200 percent sure about this and its a truth from heart
I was injected with paliperidone thats invega sustenna(antipsychotics ) 239 mg for three months and right from the first month i lost all the sexual feelings in the body and lost my erection and never got erection and lost libido and did not have any feelings in penis and got hyposexual desire disorder and genital anesthesia and inablity to orgasm .
I tried all medicines and i stoped all antipsychotics and its been two years now that i lost sexual feelings even after two years i had all these problems and i attempted sucide and i was saved lucky and no doctors will belive me they will think i had a disorder
ATLAST i tried weed in cigirattes and i started smoking two joint a day and immediately seconds after eating dark chocolate i got 500 percent of the sexual feelings i had before and i promise from heart it really saved my life and its all because of dopamine thats in the pleasure center of mesolimbic pathway and nitrogenic pathway get stimulated and increases tramission rate .the marijuana(ganja joint weed trip ) saved my sex life i smoke before having sex
Just try it belive me i swear i have did a lot of research and found it and u have to smoke in the nose then only u will get high mood and mango juices and milk tea is good combination

if u ask me the time of getting healed completely am not sure about that but for me first four weeks i had troubles when i get high with weed but after two month i was 100 percent cured for 12 hours after smoking and if i smoke again i get the feelings back

people please reply me your experience

to be simple just smoke weed in cigaratte with your nose and eat dark chocolate and be in air conditioner and listen to melody songs and love songs thats most important and i bet u you ill get cured

life is awesome now i feel great happy i enjoy my life i enjoy music and i enjoy eating and i enjoy movies and i feel happpyness and sex and love and i feel like am back to my 16 years old and i feel fresh after good sleep for 8 hours and i feel am a mad person to try ending my valuble life

enjoy your life its oinly once and u will never get it again and i feel am blessed to get this medicine

please forward this message to your friends who are suffering from PSSD and Post antipsychotics sexual problem and female hyposexual disorder and anorgasm
i discovered the medice for our disability and I am 200 percent sure about this and its a truth from heart
I was injected with paliperidone thats invega sustenna(antipsychotics ) 239 mg for three months and right from the first month i lost all the sexual feelings in the body and lost my erection and never got erection and lost libido and did not have any feelings in penis and got hyposexual desire disorder and genital anesthesia and inablity to orgasm .
I tried all medicines and i stoped all antipsychotics and its been two years now that i lost sexual feelings even after two years i had all these problems and i attempted sucide and i was saved lucky and no doctors will belive me they will think i had a disorder
ATLAST i tried weed in cigirattes and i started smoking two joint a day and immediately seconds after eating dark chocolate i got 500 percent of the sexual feelings i had before and i promise from heart it really saved my life and its all because of dopamine thats in the pleasure center of mesolimbic pathway and nitrogenic pathway get stimulated and increases tramission rate .the marijuana(ganja joint weed trip ) saved my sex life i smoke before having sex
Just try it belive me i swear i have did a lot of research and found it and u have to smoke in the nose then only u will get high mood and mango juices and milk tea is good combination

if u ask me the time of getting healed completely am not sure about that but for me first four weeks i had troubles when i get high with weed but after two month i was 100 percent cured for 12 hours after smoking and if i smoke again i get the feelings back

people please reply me your experience

to be simple just smoke weed in cigaratte with your nose and eat dark chocolate and be in air conditioner and listen to melody songs and love songs thats most important and i bet u you ill get cured

life is awesome now i feel great happy i enjoy my life i enjoy music and i enjoy eating and i enjoy movies and i feel happpyness and sex and love and i feel like am back to my 16 years old and i feel fresh after good sleep for 8 hours and i feel am a mad person to try ending my valuble life

enjoy your life its oinly once and u will never get it again and i feel am blessed to get this medicine

please forward this message to your friends who are suffering from PSSD and Post antipsychotics sexual problem and female hyposexual disorder and anorgasm

am happy now

i discovered the medice for our disability and I am 200 percent sure about this and its a truth from heart
I was injected with paliperidone thats invega sustenna(antipsychotics ) 239 mg for three months and right from the first month i lost all the sexual feelings in the body and lost my erection and never got erection and lost libido and did not have any feelings in penis and got hyposexual desire disorder and genital anesthesia and inablity to orgasm .
I tried all medicines and i stoped all antipsychotics and its been two years now that i lost sexual feelings even after two years i had all these problems and i attempted sucide and i was saved lucky and no doctors will belive me they will think i had a disorder
ATLAST i tried weed in cigirattes and i started smoking two joint a day and immediately seconds after eating dark chocolate i got 500 percent of the sexual feelings i had before and i promise from heart it really saved my life and its all because of dopamine thats in the pleasure center of mesolimbic pathway and nitrogenic pathway get stimulated and increases tramission rate .the marijuana(ganja joint weed trip ) saved my sex life i smoke before having sex
Just try it belive me i swear i have did a lot of research and found it and u have to smoke in the nose then only u will get high mood and mango juices and milk tea is good combination

if u ask me the time of getting healed completely am not sure about that but for me first four weeks i had troubles when i get high with weed but after two month i was 100 percent cured for 12 hours after smoking and if i smoke again i get the feelings back

people please reply me your experience

to be simple just smoke weed in cigaratte with your nose and eat dark chocolate and be in air conditioner and listen to melody songs and love songs thats most important and i bet u you ill get cured

life is awesome now i feel great happy i enjoy my life i enjoy music and i enjoy eating and i enjoy movies and i feel happpyness and sex and love and i feel like am back to my 16 years old and i feel fresh after good sleep for 8 hours and i feel am a mad person to try ending my valuble life

enjoy your life its oinly once and u will never get it again and i feel am blessed to get this medicine

please forward this message to your friends who are suffering from PSSD and Post antipsychotics sexual problem and female hyposexual disorder and anorgasm

im surprised so many people have a problem with invega, i cant help but think the real problems they already had and they just like to blame it on a medication because it makes them feel better.

ive never had any problems apart from sleepiness and feeling kinda drowsy throughout the day, which getting out of the house and doing things such as exercise will cure.

how can a medication still cause so called negative effects when it has left your system, it doesnt make sense.
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Hey guys, I get the same side effects, everything is dull, no libido and my testicles have shrunk after 2 months of Haldol treatment. I'm wondering whether this is reversible and how much time it takes to recover. Any success stories?
Hey guys, I get the same side effects, everything is dull, no libido and my testicles have shrunk after 2 months of Haldol treatment. I'm wondering whether this is reversible and how much time it takes to recover. Any success stories?

You will recover quicker than most of us. Haldol has a shorter half-life, you could look it up. Dopamine agonists will help you. There are many success stories of both invega sustenna and haldol. You will get a little bit better every day. Look into a website that can give you a NEWMIND.COMmunication within your dopaminergic system will help a lot. If the haldol is out, what you need to do is stimulate your dopaminergic system.

How did you end up on haldol anyways? Be careful with what you use to stimulate your dopaminergic system. While demons are the root cause of the confusion that causes psychosis, some drugs will exacerbate the psychosis that was already an underlying problem.

Whatever you do, stay away from the mental health system and avoid AOT and CTO, avoid hospitalization, and you will recover eventually. Don't try to get help from a psych doc. They will give you an anti-depressant that will cause even more problems for you. Stimulate your dopaminergic system if you already have your receptors back (4-5 half-lives and you will have them all back).

If you end up back in the hospital or in the mental health system, you will be in a lot of trouble and your time to recovery will start all over. Be careful.

Sorry that this happened to you. The mental health system is so fraudulent. Calling the torment of neuroleptics "treatment." Also, always accept the "treatment" when you are dealing with them. Otherwise you could end up with a court-order
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