Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Six shots, still not a single window of emotions... Just a few in my dreams, but I don't think they count as actual emotions, they are just made up emotions created by my brain god knows how, I think they are like copy pasted memories of past events.

Don't stress Empty1128. If the emotions don't return - which I hope they do for everyone in this thread. There's is no guarantee. They haven't returned for me. But my mind has compensated without them. (Just like you loosing hearing in one ear your body makes up for it in other ways)
@invegaisnotgood Don't worry, those are negative exceptions and you should know that invegauser took AP's for a very long time and is (to this day) experimenting with different kinds of drugs, such as Adderall, Benzos and who knows what else. Aiden still is taking Olanzapine and I believe has also tried different drugs. I advise you to not take any "recreational" drugs and give your brain the rest it needs in order to heal fully and naturally. You will get there, don't worry. There are more people that healed within 8-12 months than people who took longer than that. Keep us updated. @Ho-Chi-Minh Instead of telling people whats wrong with them, how about calming them down. Nobody asked you for giving your opinion on drugs and how they work. There is no drug that can "cure" the negative symptoms, as they are created by the drugs itself. Saying that it takes up to 6 months to work on the negative symptoms is negligently. These negative symptoms are caused by the lack of Dopamine and Serotonine and it's illogical to think that any kind of drug that blocks these hormones will cure the lack of it. "Adding more psychoactive substances to it, without a doctor saying to, is going to mess things up further." You are basically saying that these substances are going to mess things up unless the doctor is saying that it won't. So that means that the WORD of a doctor can prevent a SUBSTANCE to mess things up? Wow, I didn't know that the miraculous powers of doctors can prevent us from damage being done to us! Does that mean I can go to a doctor before I take heroin and be safe when he says so? Now it's MY turn, to tell YOU that you should THINK before you write anything. @All Please inform yourself, before you take ANYTHING. Especially about the withdrawal of these kinds of drugs. They are severe and life threatening! Just be patient and trust your bodys natural ability to heal itself completely. You will get there, just like many before us. This is not going to stay forever. WHATEVER you're doing right now, it is OK. If you're laying in bed and worrying, it's just NORMAL and NATURAL and never judge yourself that you are like that. Because every single one in here was worried until they got healed. It's one of the symptoms that comes along with this horrible experience, because deep inside you you want to live and be free. Some people call it a cloud, that is with you all the time until you're healed and it disappears, some call it the withdrawal brain that tells you that you're never gonna be the same again. But always remember: it lies to you and you're going to heal in time. It's true, no one can tell how long it's going to take, but knowing that you're gonna be yourself again is worth the time. Be patient and accept that you're like this TEMPORARILY. You're gonna beat this!
@empty 1128, the first two years after my 1 injection was without medication. i could still feel invega then as i can now.
@I_Want_To_Recover : There are bumps all along. I learned through my recovery that it is not a straight line to the end. I felt good around day 100 and then I was hit by an Extreme Fatigue for 2 weeks and now i'm feeling good again.

@Empty1128 and @Yeshuah : I agree with both of you. There's really no need for medication on top of invega sustenna wether you're taking the drug regularly or you're coming off. This drug is one hell of a strong drug. My advice would be to be drug free for as long as possible.
Why did you take some medication again after 2 years Aiden? Have something changed the last 2 years?
@Aiden21 : as I said. I advise people to be drug free only if possible. You know what you need better than me and most people on this thread. I hope you heal soon
Uhm... I didn't say to Aiden to stop his medication, I was just hinting he should not blame the single(?) shot he had four years ago, I mean come on it is obvious he feels how he feels because of his current dose of APs... But yeah if anybody wants to think it still is the effect of the shot he had years ago who am I to change your opinion, sorry if I bothered anybody, I will keep my opinions to myself next time.

Miscommunication. You are perfectly free to post within the Bluelight User Agreement, but we can't give medical advice. It's a bit of gray area here.

It depends. There are invega shots that last three months and six months these days. I think the six-month shot is pretty new.
congratulations to invegauser for healing, but does that mean he isn't coming back? lol
You guys are badass motherf***ing warriors. Always remember that! Never give up!
@Offvega : It is not something I noticed previously but now that you bring this up. I think I could be walking slower than before. What is sure though is that I run slower.
Aiden previously at three years you said you were healed.

To the room: I?m in the middle of my second month and I feel slight improvements in my memory and attention span. I?m also having windows of deep thought. I?m also having less crusty eyes in the morning. Other than that things are about the same. Still no libido yet.

I?m so proud of inVegauser but I?m sad to see him go. Oh well I guess all good things must end in the end. I hope so do all bad things.
So all this talk about fatigue has seemed to have taken its effect on me lately. Last week, I was battling with fatigue and stress which made work extremely difficult to manage. I guess it was a wave knocking me down and letting me know this journey ain't finished yet. Stress is caused when things are not going well at work but when things are going well I feel great. Everyone experiences stress at work but this is different, the body and mind shuts down and I want to run away and hide like a scared mouse. The only solution I have is to push on through the stress and if I make an idiot of myself oh well. Anyone else have negative symptoms when stressed? What does it feel like during stressful moments? I want to clarify that I am almost healed, if you can lead a normal life you are virtually healed in my opinion. Trust in the timeframe of healing, there are a bunch of people who have healed between 8 - 12 months here so that's no coincidence. I also want to pass on my regards and best wishes to @invegauser. He was the first person to welcome me here so I personally thankyou. You're a legend on this thread and many people around the world have benefited from your wisdom. I have a feeling this won't be the last goodbye and I hope not. More people everyday are being injected with invega and will eventually find this thread so the war isn't over yet my friend. Duty still calls.
Im at 7 months and my head space still feels strange, like I drank too much cough syrup, I think it will still take a while for this to go away
Day 147

Still tired. My motivation and energy levels go up and down unpredictably. By the end of the week. I'll be at month 5. At least, I run from time to time. It's about the only productive thing I'm doing.
Remaining symptoms
Low motivation
Impossible to work out
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