Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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How long were you taking it for and at what dose? Did you have sleep disturbances?
I was only poisoned for one month.. I had the loading dose of 234mg and the initial starting dose of 156mg. Ever sense that horrible day I have become a emotionless zombie, who's iq has seemed to drop 50 points. I can barely function and get through the day without the feelings of utter hopelessness..

There are many people that are going through this torment and hopefully one day we can all get back to our normal happy selves. It is just really scary that there is not to many successful stories of people returning to their normal happy productive selves after taking this poison.. Despite all of this we must stay strong to try and over come this horrible drug. If anyone is experiencing any form of improvement please share it with us, it will give us some hope for the future.
I feel exactly the same way as you with the lack of motivation to do anything.. How many shots did you recieve and for what reason? I also used to love working out I find it hard to get out of bed. You said you noticed some improvement over time do you still feel like you are improving on a month by month basis?
Also, do you feel like you have any emotions, and has talking become more difficult for you? Not only do I have no motivation I feel like a emotionless zombie who cant hardly think past the level of a 5th grader.

I received two shots because I was experiencing a manic phase of my Bipolar Type 1. I was having delusional thoughts and visual hallucinations and it got to the point where I decided to seek help. I'm not mad that they gave me an antipsychotic. I think that's probably one of the only drugs that could've pulled me out of my psychosis/mania. But I just wish they had me take pills for a few days instead of giving me this shot. When I asked the nurse if there were any side effects before I received the shot she smiled with a smug look on her face and said "almost none at all." It's just sad that they legitimately are trying to help people but they don't always know what the drugs they're trying to help with actually do.

But to answer your other questions, yes I have definitely noticed a somewhat significant improvement over the last 8 months since my last shot. The first month or two I was drooling when I talked and walking around like an emotionless zombie just as you described.

As far as improving on a monthly basis, I would say it has gotten slightly better each month. Month 1 I couldn't even drive but by month 2 I could drive at least short distances. I had SEVERE anhedonia and borderline suicidality for the first 4-5 months, but by month 6 I started to feel my emotions coming back to a certain extent. When I say to a certain extent, I mean things can make feel feel somewhat happy, like my girlfriend coming to visit for example, but I never feel like it's "genuine happiness" if that makes sense. Because I feel like I've become somewhat cognitively dull. Definitely not as bad at month 8 as it was at month 1 though.

So yes I would say I have noticed SLIGHT improvements every month. However the improvements are usually in terms of doing things I hadn't previously been doing, I.e., driving, working out, having sex, etc... But the cognitive dulling and the struggles with motivation and suicidal thoughts seem to have hit a wall during month 6 and still to this day.

My ADHD meds (adderall) and caffeine don't have nearly the same effects as they used to pre-Invega. The adderall is my gauge for judging how the Invega is effecting me. Because I've been on adhd meds most of my life so I know exactly how adderall used to effect me...I was prescribed 20mg of adderall once a day for 2 years and now my doctor upped my dose to 50mg because the Invega is negating its effects and it still BARELY helps at 50mg/day... I take 50mgs of Adderall daily and drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day and I still have extreme difficulty staying out of bed for an entire day and forcing myself to do thing. And for me, FORCE is the key. Because I can FORCE myself to do certain things like cleaning, working out, etc...but I'm completely miserable doing even the activities I used to enjoy. The one exception for me is martial arts. If I'm practicing moves I feel a little better. So I suppose that's a positive sign.

You mentioned feeling like a 5th grader mentally. I would say I feel "dumbed down," almost to the point of it being equivalent to an intellectual disability, but I don't feel as low as you describe mentally. I still feel relatively intelligent and I can hold intellectual conversations with people sometimes. So talking for me isn't very difficult. But I often forget what point I was trying to make was and a I struggle to make sense out of what the other person is saying, or forget what they said a lot. I just feel this weird dull feeling in the center of my head, more towards the front. Like my mind is blank in that area and nothing changes that dull feeling. It's tough to explain.

But yes, my anhedonia has subsided substantially and I do feel emotions again. But they usually aren't good ones because the fatigue, lethargy and lack of motivation get me really frustrated to the point where I often can't sleep at night and have passive suicidal thoughts. It's strange because I definitely do not want to kill myself...but the thought of being able to end my life if the effects of Invega end up being permanent brings me a little bit of inner peace and helps me sleep. It's like I tell myself that no matter what, I won't have to suffer forever. And then that usually helps curb my anxiety a bit and helps me sleep. It's a sad way to live :/

But to end on a positive note, I'm now on month 8 and I was able to muster up enough energy and motivation to begin to build a small home gym in my basement so I could ease back into lifting and training martial arts again. I still haven't finished it. It's like I'll get the motivation to work on the gym at completely random I end up only working on it for a few hours every couple days. But it's still progress. Even at month 6 I couldn't have imagined taking on the task of building a home gym mostly by myself. So that's definitely a small improvement in the energy and motivation category from month 6 to 8.

hope some of that helps
Thats really great news I am glad to hear you are doing better Decisive! It gives us all some hope that someday this poison will leave us. I am still suffering from severe anedonia, lack of motivation and emotional flatness, I don't care about anything in life.. It is so hard to make it through the day getting no joy out of life.. how many shots did you receive? Also, did you regain all of your emotions and cognitive abilities at the ten months mark as well? I feel like my iq has dropped 50 points sense being on this poison.
I know what you mean when you say that you don't care about anything I felt the same way before, but it's temporary! I got 4 shots, ans yes after 10 months off I recovered my emotions, motivation and cognitive abilities
Hi koz26, I think you were experiencing manic and delusions because of the adderall medicine. If you got off it the manic and delusions should have gone away on its own
I got put on propranolol(indura) 3x daily 10mg for the tremors caused by the Invega. I don't know exactly how I'll say the refusal to my psychiatrist at the end of the month, but I'm determined. I have decided to go off the Invega cold turkey, instead of simply lowering the dose(as was offered). I received the 200-some loading dose four months ago and have been on 156. I really hope there are no severe withdrawal symptoms for me.
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Week 94

Yesterday I tried CES(cranial electric stimulation). It's 1/1000th of electric shock therapy. During it I felt almost as my old self, it was nice. It feels like many thoughts are coming back to me. However I don't know if I'll purchase the device.

Also, has anyone heard of L-5MTHF? It's basically B9( folic acid) or folate. I might start taking it to help detoxify, along with my other vitamins.
I was only poisoned for one month.. I had the loading dose of 234mg and the initial starting dose of 156mg. Ever sense that horrible day I have become a emotionless zombie, who's iq has seemed to drop 50 points. I can barely function and get through the day without the feelings of utter hopelessness..

There are many people that are going through this torment and hopefully one day we can all get back to our normal happy selves. It is just really scary that there is not to many successful stories of people returning to their normal happy productive selves after taking this poison.. Despite all of this we must stay strong to try and over come this horrible drug. If anyone is experiencing any form of improvement please share it with us, it will give us some hope for the future.

Will I be okay if I quit it after six months?
I got put on propranolol(indura) 3x daily 10mg for the tremors caused by the Invega. I don't know exactly how I'll say the refusal to my psychiatrist at the end of the month, but I'm determined. I have decided to go off the Invega cold turkey, instead of simply lowering the dose(as was offered). I received the 200-some loading dose four months ago and have been on 156. I really hope there are no severe withdrawal symptoms for me.

How Mamy injections have you had?
I got put on propranolol(indura) 3x daily 10mg for the tremors caused by the Invega. I don't know exactly how I'll say the refusal to my psychiatrist at the end of the month, but I'm determined. I have decided to go off the Invega cold turkey, instead of simply lowering the dose(as was offered). I received the 200-some loading dose four months ago and have been on 156. I really hope there are no severe withdrawal symptoms for me.

I tried coming off Invega Sustenna cold turkey last month and I had minor withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, nose bleeds, and sleep disturbances, but that was about it. I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Hi koz26, I think you were experiencing manic and delusions because of the adderall medicine. If you got off it the manic and delusions should have gone away on its own

I tried going off of the adderall and the mania still didnt go away. Bipolar runs in my family so I dont think it was just the adderall to blame, but I definitely think it exacerbated the mania quite a bit. It is also entirely possible that it was just an amphetamine psychosis even tho those are rare. The problem is that if the adderall caused it then its a double-edged sword. Cause w/o it my add is horrible. And none of the other add meds helped because ive tried alternatives to the adderall. But i was on adderall for years and when I was 19 it even got rid of my suicidal ideations after I had developed major depressive disorder.

And i know alot of ppl dont take add seriously and think its not a real medical condition, but I know its real and it messes up my life if I cant keep it under control. The adderall made my ADD and MDD non-issues for years. It was like a god send. But now the invega has stopped the adderall from working even 8 months off the shots. So my add and major depressive disorder have been spiraling out of control. To the point of borderline suicidality...add bipolar to the mix and its even sadly its not just as simple as stop taking the adderall and all my problems will go away :/
Well it takes while, like couple of weeks. I'm so pissed I took this drug, I was having psychosis from weed but I. Sure if I just stopped smoking g a d waited it out the psychosis would go away on its own
Hi guys! thanks for all the replys.;)
Im at partial hospitalization where i can find many people like us who took the shot.
At month 4 my anorgasmia is getting better.
Does anybody know when this "dumb and numb" feeling goes away?
thank you all.
much apreciation.
Hi guys, please give me some advice. I was misdiagnosed with psychosis and now I want to come off of Invega sustenna. I have been taking a small dose of 50 ml per month for the past 5 months, and my last shot was on May 30th, 2016. I am wondering, is it okay for me to quit the injection cold turkey since it has a long half life? Or should I switch to tablets and taper? I really want to be off Invega sustenna really badly as I did not need it in the first place. What should I do and what can be done? Please someone help me with this...
Also, if it matters, I tried coming off Invega Sustenna a month ago after being 4 months on it. I started to have nose bleeds, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Although now I regret not completing my withdrawal as I heard that these symptoms will only be temporary.
Also, if it matters, I tried coming off Invega Sustenna a month ago after being 4 months on it. I started to have nose bleeds, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Although now I regret not completing my withdrawal as I heard that these symptoms will only be temporary.

My friend who has been a Nurse Practitioner for ovet 10 years said the invega shot tapers itself off because it has such a long half-life. But if you already tried coming off invega cold turkey and you got really bad withdrawal symptoms, then it makes sense to try tapering off the invega sustenna and onto the invega pills. Maybe that will ease some of the withdrawal symptoms.

My pdoc wanted to taper me off the shot and onto the pills but that was to prevent me from becoming manic since I have Bipolar Type 1. But if you truly believe that you were misdiagnosed then those types of things, i.e., mania, depression, psychosis etc...shouldnt be an issue.

Im sorry that you're suffering through this. Its really tough but just know that you're not alone in this.
Also, if it matters, I tried coming off Invega Sustenna a month ago after being 4 months on it. I started to have nose bleeds, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Although now I regret not completing my withdrawal as I heard that these symptoms will only be temporary.

Also, what do you mean by "sleep disturbances?" I have been having really bad nightmares and symptoms of REM Behavioral Sleep Disorder for the last several months. My doc and I are trying to pin down what med its from cause I was also on klonopin, lamictal, wellbutrin and prozac. We cut the prozac cold turkey and the REM symptoms haven't been bad for a couple weeks. But I still keep having these wicked night terrors. I think its probably from the klonopin since its a benzo, but I'm not fully aware of the sleep issues that Invega can cause.
My friend who has been a Nurse Practitioner for ovet 10 years said the invega shot tapers itself off because it has such a long half-life. But if you already tried coming off invega cold turkey and you got really bad withdrawal symptoms, then it makes sense to try tapering off the invega sustenna and onto the invega pills. Maybe that will ease some of the withdrawal symptoms.

My pdoc wanted to taper me off the shot and onto the pills but that was to prevent me from becoming manic since I have Bipolar Type 1. But if you truly believe that you were misdiagnosed then those types of things, i.e., mania, depression, psychosis etc...shouldnt be an issue.

Im sorry that you're suffering through this. Its really tough but just know that you're not alone in this.

Thanks my friend... I appreciate your feedback. I did not have many withdrawal symptoms, but I panicked for no real reason and decided to have another shot before finally coming off. Yes, I was misdiagnosed big time, in fact I was not at all psychotic. It is great to know that mania, depression, and psychosis will not be an issue for me. I am not too worried about that, as I have only been on the injection for five months and haven't really had many issues with side effects. I was wondering, what dose were you on and after how many months are you coming off? I experience sleep disturbances, as in, I keep on waking up during the night at least four to five times... That's the only withdrawal symptom I had but I got scared that I may have more so I decided to get one last shot. I am for sure coming off it next month, and have stopped seeing my psychiatrist since he misdiagnosed me.

It's sad to hear about your nightmares my friend, and it is sad that they put you on Invega Sustenna for bipolar disorder, that's a crime against humanity. These meds are not for people with bipolar type disorders. My prayers are with you, good luck with your recovery my friend. We can get through this, a day will come when we will be free.

Also, can antipsychotic withdrawal cause psychosis with no previous history of the disease? I was wondering...
My first post here on bluelight forums , I enjoy to read your comments and I can sense you all are in road to recovery and that these are hard times for those who still have to bare the effects of this poison.
I too have the symptoms of decreased verbal expression and terrible real dreams when I go to sleep. I think after the meds got in I developed some signs of schizo because at night when I go to sleep I hear some voices from people I hang but they are not clear, althought they are not bothering me.
Clearly my brain has been shutted off by these meds but that is a positive sign because I was having a a hard time to deal with my brain functions because my thoughts were not "situation appropriate" and I was always zoned out which I believed it was part of my personality.
I think recovery is posible and there are lots of people that just quit taking paliperidone and they gather themselves reorganize and move towards.

Well, my question is, do this meds really rewire brain connections back to before adiction state or they can develop new effects on my normal chemistry? And one more, for decisive, does your creativity improve after recovery?
Thank you all, wish you the best
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