Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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FYI psychosis is frequently triggered by taking recreational drugs, especially abuse of weed and stimulants, but also of alcohol.
@Ho-Chi-Minh: agreed. quiet a few people who have been forced on invega (and other psych meds) were due to psychotic breaks from drugs/alcohol as you know. the prefix "psych" finds itself popping up a lot in connection to the science of psychiatry for the good or the bad. (psychosis, psychotic break, early psychosis, etc.).

some of those who suffer from the poison gauge their progress from how recreational substances affect them (as you also know) regardless of their personal choices once fully healed. thank you for the reminder it is not the best idea when on psych meds or dealing with psychosis/mental illness to engage in substance abuse because of the harm that might result from it. (see what i did there? harm reduction website. huh?! huh?!)

i wonder if it should be mentioned in a general thread on psychiatry if psych meds have been known to cause psychosis. i've seen it myself happen to other people. i think it happened to me once but memory today is lagging because of both healing and non invega related stress i've gone through today and yesterday. one or the other is bad enough, both can really take it out of you.
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I read people saying they are recovered and all, wut I learned reading so many posts is that a lot of people can?t differentiate between their current state and pre invega cause of memory loss and all. They are simply not aware of anything anymore and don?t really know wut recovery means
Better to not believe any of the posts online nobody recovers before a year it definitely takes a lot longer. Easily a year and half to 2 years
I?m at 10 months off, there?s little improvement but nothing major
My memory is not back I don?t remember about my own life and I can tell it?s going to take a while most likely by end of the coming summer
You slowly transition back to your usual slef and it takes a longgggg time. I don?t see people recovering within 8 - 10 months, there?s no way

There are a lot of people at a year off, a year and half off and they are still recovering.

Best advice don?t believe any of the posts online, but your own journey

No matter how long it takes hang in there, there?s an end
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Just roughly a week ago you were doing so bad, and now 3 days after stoping abilify youre recovered already and even better than your pre invega slef ? (tho you had 6 injections of invega)

this is is my last post here because this thread isn’t healthy place. Good luck
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I remember reading someone?s comments reading that he could run in 8 months and I did that an atrial fibrillation episode. The journey is different for all of us. The thread has led me to supplements that could have lead me to feeling normal again. Is it true is an absolute science? No but it?s all a matter of opinion and opinions and perspectives are it?s tricky.

I am starting to take vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and Sam E for my gynocomastia I?ll let you guys know if it helps in my case or not
Do you think that sometimes dreaming when sleeping mean, that there is still some life in the brain, is this a sign of some good receptors inside?
@invegauser thanks for the reasuurance and quality post so far youve really helped me sort through the bs and mind tricks this stuff plays on you i appreciate it hopefully someday ill recover and be giving tips and providing support for others on this thread like you. Today im still doing the same as yesterday. Feeling like a zombie but a functional zombie.

Im able to interract with people more. The worst part of this experience is isolation/loneliness. I feel all alone. Before I got placed in the psych ward where they gave me this crap i flipped out on all my friends posting crazy stuff on my snapchat and tried to fight my manager/best friend at work. Im all alone now the only person i talk to is my roommate and mom:( im 21 i should be living life enjoying my youth. It was a true psychotic episode i experienced and i hope what im dealing with now, the anhedonia, and depression and other stuff is from the drug and not my ?illness? the drs said i have.
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What a gnarly drug! Its crazy how much it affects your body. Oh well it is what it is. As long as im able to somewhat function normally im good. All these symptoms im experiencing right now will pass Im not gonna let this drug bring me down forever like that one guy on youtube. Stay hopeful everyone peace
Do you think that sometimes dreaming when sleeping mean, that there is still some life in the brain, is this a sign of some good receptors inside?
Yeah I think thats progress. How often do you dream? I got 3 shots of the poison but i had no problems dreaming, but i was having nightmares and only sleeping for 2-3hrs a night. Well i still am only sleeping for 2-3 sometimes 4 hrs a night. Im experiencing terrible insomnia at least youre able to sleep peacefully
Btw I have a theory about what this drugs does to guys. Maybe It sterolizes you. Maybe its to temporarily neutralize us. I cant speak for everyone but what im experiencing and what ive read from older post is low testostorone which i think is the biggest reason why I feel so unmotivated/depressed. This drug somehow affects your test and prolactin levels. Man what a terrible drug i just wanna go back to normal
Do you think I should worry about high prolactin two months out from a 234 and 156mg shot?
I haven't been able to check those levels. Their not expected to be high any longer than a month or two, right?
2 days straight of going hard on the eleptical and another heart arrhythmia thing. Doesn't last more than a minute but still scary. This shit sucks and my gyno is not going away anytime soon.
Thanks Johnny!

Any gynocemastia issues?
What did you do with the high prolactin, just let do it's thing?
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