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Coming off 1 year .5 insuffulated Herion addicted. Using subs (HELP PLEASE)

Day 15 off suboxone, 7 off Tram 8 off Benzo... Didn't sleep as good as the previous 2 nights. Idk why the mornings seem to be better for me... Sneezing/Fatigue is noticible, but at about 1pm or later.. so 7-8 hrs after I get up.. The withdrawal symptoms heighten. I wonder if I"m exercising too much.. Been doing VIGORIOUS weights/cardio like 2x a day... Maybe I'm running myself down idk.... Still have bone/muslce pain(all around and in my gums n teeth?)Also, Pressure in my sinuses.. Like I need to sneeze Weird!!!/Sneezing/Upset stomach. No chills/sweats/shock sensations/tingling/ headache as of now. I'm just thankful for being so strong and pushing every day. Hopefully these symtoms won't last up to a month.. Although I have read they can.

Thinking back... I tried to quiet once about 6 months into my habbit... Just to test if id get sick.. I was Sort of ill day 1... Day 2... Was Awful... all symtoms descirbed amplified x100. Woke up day 3.. felt like a brand new person... Crazy to think I was better in 3 days last time and now its dragging on weeks.. Guess thats what I get for Keeping on taking it all! Hope to hear from you guys soon? I would love to hear feedback as usual. You guys motivate me every single day.
Congrats again and you are NOWHERE NEAR annoying with your updates. They are what makes this thread inspiring !!

Not sure if you could be withdrawing from the trams or benzo.

One thing is certain tho. Withdrawal is extremely taxing on your system. I am convinced you overtrain and it isnt helping. Even if you are a beast and was already in great shape, to me it is obvious twice a day is way too much. Imagine you had this big flu. You would take a smal break from training or do very light training. I am convinced withdrawing is worst for your body than a hard case of flu. Try to stop training for a few days at this point. See how it goes.

Keep the chin up !!!
Ya.. I think my mind is TOO strong sometimes.. I do believe that my never give up attitude with working out has helped me tremendously through this... But I'm going to take a couple days off from the weight training, and just walk for cardio, see if symptoms improve. The hard test is, I don't know if its overtraining/withdrawal.. But I think a couple days rest will help no matter what :). Thanks bropiace!
I agree you do not have much too lose in testing the theory and taking a break fron the strenuous stuff.

Even if training like a mofo as you did was helpful (which I really think was too much. But just for the sake of the argument lets say it was) stopping for a few days shouldn't set you back in any ways. So yes, basically you've got everything to gain and nothing to lose in testing for a few days.
Day 16 off Suboxone Day 8 off Tram Day 9 off Benzo. God decent sleep last night again. Still expierencing some stomach discomfort/sneezing/cold chills randomly. Don't feel pressure in my teeth/jaw... Back pain.. where my orginally diagnosis was.. 4 slip discs in mid back seem heightened extremely. I"m okay with that tho. I am going to take today off from exercising to give my body a little break and I'm going to a substance abuse recovery class this evening. I'm GOING to beat this. One day at a time baby! I hope everyone has a great day!
Sorry it's been a couple of days since I've been on here,glad to hear about 30 days(it's a big number). Also I know this sounds crazy but us as opiate addicts can get addicted to anything even healthy stuff such as exercising.There is nothing wrong with staying in shape but when we get that obsessive compulsion about it we can over do things.Glad to hear you're chilling for a few days.I think the toughest part for an ex dope addict to learn is to live life in moderation we easily obsess and go overboard no matter what we do,just ask Aldis Snow(lol)!
So how are you feeling ? How was the class ?

Hope resting will help with the symptoms. They really are dragging. Still, they are less than they were so you know you just need to hang on which you know you do well !!
Just got back from a 3 hour AA/NA Celebrating Recovery class. It was a great experience, its my first ever meeting. I met a lot of great people with touching stories. Stomach has gotten noticebly better.. STill has bad fatigue/pressure/Cold chills/sinus drainage"Runny nose"... I am going to go to this Recovery class every Monday. I agree with you namnoc16... I actually dealt with that about 4 years ago. I didn't think it was a thing. I was avoiding family gathers and doing way too much.. Getting ill/depressed from overworking myself. I do have to say that I think that lifestyle has actually benefits me as in "NEVER GIVE UP".. "one day at a time" Mentality Soit was a blessing in disguise. This withdrawal can be over now.. shesh... I was the youngest in there and with the shortest recovery of 1 month. The next guy was at 9months and was 29. I'm 26 with only 1 month clean. That made me feel somewhat proud that I made thisonscious desc on my own to attend. I met a lot of great guys tonight. Well... wish me luck for sleep everyone. Update you early in the AM!
Well this is dissapointing...Day 17 off subs Day 8 of Tram 1 day off Benzo. I broke down last night and took .5 klonopin. I woke up this morning having withdrawal symtoms heightened... This fucking sucks, I know I'm gonna have bad days or set backs. I'm not going back EVER. Just sucks that I feel worse after almost 2 1/2 weeks.. Not as bad as original 1st week.. But worst then the past 2 days.. LOL! Took today off work to rest. Hope everyone has a great day.
But a huge thirty days + off H!!!

That's massive dude, don't let a lil setback on clonaz get you down.

Sometimes sanity is worth it, well done. Don't look down, keep your eyes right on the prize.

PM me hon if you're down

Rtp xx
Hey buddy just read your post and all I can say is don't beat yourself up,we've done enough of that to ourselves ! I.m sure you heard it in your meeting and it's a simple truth,you need to take it one day at a time and not think in terms of forever. When you repeat the mantra of I'm done forever you can get overwhelmed. Now I'm not saying don't be done forever with dope I'm saying make it a more reasonable fight and tell yourself I'm not doing shit today(it' works for me).

Also when you come off dope your immune system is compromised and it's possible you could possibly have picked up a bug or something that's amplified your symptoms(not definetly but a possibility).

Your doing great kid keep up the good work,you've got this!
Agreed, taking benzo is not a set back. Hell if it helped you sleep it might even be worth the enhanced symptoms (only you can judge if it is worth the tradeoff). I d say as long as you are aware of how you react to it and that you make sure to space your use, you can consider this a tool and judge when and if it is appropriate. As for it making things worse, does it really increase all your symptoms or could it be some anxiety/agitation bounce back effect ?

You are right to be proud in realising, and most importantly, taking action that soon in your addiction. The sooner you take care of this the sooner you will start enjoying your life free of addiction.

And you can know that you are done for good yet focus your energy only on going through the day.

Your mind will believe everything you tell it, no matter how farfetched or irrational. You definetly can lie to yourself in thinking along the line that : I'll only worry about making it to bed tonight without using when you damn well know it will be the same tomorrow and the day after. Yet not thinking about it in those term, and only focussing your effort on the current day will relieve your mind like a white lie will comfort a child.

Actually this technique of positve self-deception is so powerful you can apply it to practically anything.

Pretend like everyone you see smilling at you are madly attracted to you and you will exude confidence and magnetism that will makes you more attractive. You can even go further and prentend those who don't are shy or intimidated. I know its sounds crazy but if you see it like a game and really play along and act as if it was true, you will realise how powerful it is.

Pretend like you don't care about those symptoms and they are only facts you are witnessing and reporting to yourself, pretend that you care as much for them than you would the grocery list of your neighbour and slowly you will find yourself giving them less and less importance.

The great thing with this technique is even tho you know it is complete bullshit, it works. The only necessary ingredients for it to work is the will to give it a try no matter how silly it might seems and to be constant. It takes some discipline because you are forcing yourself to think and act differently than you would spontaneously. But you showed great strenght of character so far so I am convinced you can pull it off.

You'll be amazed at the stupid things you mind will believe and the range of situations it can be applied to.

And I am not pulling this out of my ass, it is well documented in psychology.

In any case you have been brilliant so far so keep it up and best of luck !
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement everyone. I wonder why I felt that bad this morning.. I had a serious sweat/cold chills episode that lasted about 2 1/2 hours this morning.. Almost felt like you do when your flu is breaking.. I then went for a short walk, came back ate some food.. Now I feel almost 75% of the symptoms subsided, and I almost feel the best I ever have... Stomach is doing NOTHING bad right now... (Maybe the day off from the gym was a good idea! :))These withdrawals are SOO CONFUSING. I now realize why some people relapse..

The yo-yo thing is rediculous. I have my mind of the prize tho. I was more worried bummed about using that small amount of benzo vs becoming dependent or having withdrawal symptoms. I understand that it may have benefited me, and keeping myself in check and aware of what I'm doing at all times. I'm really quite shocked that I have had zero temptations to go score some dope again. I think I have truly trained my mind to remember the pain that was associated with it.. I know I'm not strong yet and back to normal, which when most occur because we think we can control it. I don't ever want to feel that powerless/hopeless again. This afternoon... I may have started to see the light... I have to admit again.. I have done almost a 180... in like 8 hours. Havn't had this feeling yet... Even if I know itll get worse still, its progress. That's all I want! Thanks again everyone. Like usual I'll keep everyone posted! Much love!

Have I broke through the worst? This is incredible... I slept a solid 7 hours, and woke up.. Feel decent, havn't sneezed, no chills yet, had a solid poop... Even if today is just a "good day" I can't believe it!!!! I will update again in the afternoon, yesterday was a yo-yo day so who knows. I'm going to stay positive tho!

Day 34 off Dope
Day 18 off subs
Day 9 off Tram
Day 2 off Benzo

I have felt the absolute best I have in a LONG time this morning/so far today. Keep grinding if you are going through this with me. You can so do this, stay strong, focus on one day at a time. Much love,


Update: 12:30pm about 5-6 hours later. Still feeling the best I have been since quitting, but Symptoms have came back a little, just the pressure in gums/teeth.. Sneezing, Yawning, Heart pressure(Anxiety) all very minimal compared to how they were before but I def still notice them when they come back. Still have yet to feel any hot n cold, cold chills, Runs... Today I have had 2 solid poops haha... The 2nd one was green, so obviously my intestines are still trying to recover from opiate abuse.
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Have I broke through the worst? This is incredible... I slept a solid 7 hours, and woke up.. Feel decent, havn't sneezed, no chills yet, had a solid poop... Even if today is just a "good day" I can't believe it!!!! I will update again in the afternoon, yesterday was a yo-yo day so who knows. I'm going to stay positive tho!

Sounds like you are on your way brotha. Glad to hear it!
Have I broke through the worst? This is incredible...

Well, you damn well better have, and it's about damn time! Your acute phase has lasted longer than I've ever experienced or that I've ever seen or heard in anyone else. It's really been weird but I'm stoked that you've finally experienced at least one day where you don't feel any acute withdrawal symptoms!
Day 35 off Heroin
Day 19 off Suboxone
Day 10 off Tramadol
Day 2 off Clonzepam

I slept another 5-6 hours. I don't feel as good as yesterday morning, but I still sense improvement. Experiencing minor withdrawals still.. nothing like before but its still lingering. Fatigue/Cold chills only/Headache,gum,teeth pressure/ Stomach discomfort/Yawning/Sneezing... These are all very minor compared to how bad they were before, but Its way better. It has only been about 3 weeks off sub and 1 week off Trams.. Maybe thats why this is going slower then ususual? Idk. I'm just glad I'm staying clean.
Day 36 off Heroin
Day 20 off Suboxone
Day 11 off Tramadol
Day 3 off Clonzepam

I slept about 7 straight hours lastnight.. According to my "Fitbit"... I still am very restless/wake up tons of times ,but I'm getting a lot better sleep now. I feel pretty good today, no Runs yet, no obnoxious pains anywhere, Just slight waves of chills and discomfort/fatigue. Seem to be improving still. I had another moment last night, listening to music and watching the Broncos/Chiefs game... My mind said, You are soo strong, you could use right now and enjoy yourself, and continue qutting, 1 time won't hurt you. I know this is CRAZY! I didn't score any tho :). Hope everyone has a great day, just updating everyone like usual.