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Coming into work late to cop


Oct 16, 2022
I am coming into work after I get my package with my oxy in it. Is this wrong of me if I sent an email etc saying I'm feeling sick and will come into work later in the day when my medication works? meaning I need my oxy to feel ok to go to work and I need to wait till I can cop at 1pm.
Is your contribution critical for something highly valuable or is it just business as usual?
Well, it’s true that you’re feeling sick and they’ll most likely be understanding about it. If you going in late becomes a regular thing, it’ll definitely put your job in jeopardy. The fact that you’re asking us if it’s wrong, gives me the idea that you can probably answer the question yourself. I think the real issue is that you are at the point where you need the oxy to actually make it to work.
I used to wake up in withdrawal and go to work. I wouldn't be able to reup until lunch time. Those 3-4 hours were hell... but it's just part of the game we play.

A few hours of not being high and feeling crummy isn't the end of the world my friend. It's better than risking heat at work.
yea fortunately I prepped for this, saying I was getting sick by the end of the day yesterday. luckily my work isn't 9-5 but I will show face once I can feel better.
this oxy cant come quick enough lol krater works wonders though its as if I doubt even need the oxy while on kratem
I used to wake up in withdrawal and go to work. I wouldn't be able to reup until lunch time. Those 3-4 hours were hell... but it's just part of the game we play.

A few hours of not being high and feeling crummy isn't the end of the world my friend. It's better than risking heat at work.

seems elegant when you think bout my recurring TMJ/2 cavities to shift.. but where pesos for now.

I'll see this year.. I can't work when this happens because my whole body is deactivated.
Seems like you're just looking for validation. Literally no one but you can answer this question because we don't know your relationship with your supervisors/boss or what kind of work you were supposed to do today.

So yeah it's entirely up to you, all I can say is that you shouldn't make a habit out of it.

I've done it before but I was free to manage my working schedule so it really wasn't a big deal at all.
I don't know what your job is but maybe they wouldn't want you there if you're dope sick and not on your game.
Seems like you're just looking for validation. Literally no one but you can answer this question because we don't know your relationship with your supervisors/boss or what kind of work you were supposed to do today.

So yeah it's entirely up to you, all I can say is that you shouldn't make a habit out of it.

I've done it before but I was free to manage my working schedule so it really wasn't a big deal at all.
I am actually emailing with my boss now and getting marching orders so to say. As of now its not so much when but what and how I do things, which is nice.
I don't know what your job is but maybe they wouldn't want you there if you're dope sick and not on your game.
yea package near came so I had to call in sick.... I fucking hate the royal fucking mail
If you are on "flex time" with your employer don't draw attention to yourself.

I've had jobs like that and my boss would get more upset with any excuses than if I just called in and made up for it when I got in. Just don't overdo it. Be there most of the time so when you call off the boss will be " yeah sure". ;)
its insane that I try to take my time and ration etc and fucking people cant do there end and just deliver things in a timely matter
It finally came and im a idiot and eat 4 and snorted 2 all 40mg lol
But I got a ton to keep me at bay
yea I took four oral and blow 2 lol now ill wait till im in full withdrawal before I just take 2-3 and wait until Super Bowl and GO HARD
I used to do this shit all the time. Not my fucking fault it's the damn dealers!! Lol but yeah dude don't make it a habit bc one day you are really going to be fucked.

One time I called in "to be a bit late, like an hour.) I was waiting for my dealer to get his oxy and all i had were xanax bars and terrible withdrawal(I usually just work. And prefer to work while detoxing instead of on the weekends) but anyways ended up blacking out from the zs and slept in my car a few parking lots away from work..I woke up 4.5 hours later. That shit was unpleasant and also happened again while chillin in my car on a 15min break(when i woke up 2 hrs later, i was like well fuck going back in!! Didn't want to make up some dumb excuse).

I eventually got fired bc the nationwide company has so much red tape that you didn't have a 5min or 7min grace period. 1 minute late meant a half point and only get 9 points for the year.

Now I work in my own warehouse with one co-worker/manager and all bosses are out of state...very flexible I fucking love it, and always get my full 40hrs simply by making it up or manager throwing me a bone. Pretty rad, best job I've ever had hands down.