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[Combo Subthread] DXM & MDMA

maybe your habitual dex use left such low levels of serotonin in your storage vesicles that all the mdma in the world wouldn't have given you serotonin syndrome.

either way, you got lucky, and you may not be as lucky should you decide to repeat the experiment. please keep it as one good story and not a habit. it would be a tragedy if you were to die.
I've done low doses of dxm with low-to-medium doses of mdma.

These are extremely synergistic. I'd never do more than 100mg dxm with any amount of MDMA.

The other day I did 137mg mdma, 6mg 2c-e (sublingual), 90mg dxm, 2.4g piracetam, and 50 nitrous chargers...it was one of the best trips of my life. Felt pretty much like what i would expect from a candy-flip or jedi-flip.

I'm sure that doing epic combos of like 400+mg dxm and 200+mg mdma is a good way to have issues.

I think the real issue here is that people don't take DXM seriously and don't think it's a real drug since it's legal, so they combo massive amounts of it with other things and end up having major issues.

However I wish people wouldn't be so dogmatic about pushing this "sky-is-falling" approach to serotonin syndrome.

Lots of combos are potentially dangerous; I don't know why dxm+mdma is considered so much more risky than say, DXM + downers. I took a soma once to kill a DXM trip and next thing I knew I woke up on my bathroom floor with my head split open and temporary amnesia.
The question should not be which combo should be avoided more than which others, you should just avoid all dangerous ones. Opiates and downers, MDMA and 2C-T-7 and DXM plus MDMA are such combinations. Don't try to find where the line is, because if you have found it that may mean it is too late. And the point is that it is not worth it.
You can do with your own life whatever you choose but don't say it's not a big deal.

That said, GHB and alcohol is also a big no-no but I myself and others have done this carefully with good result. There is a way to do it and there is a way to ask for trouble. MANY end up in the hospital because they do it the wrong way, but I pretty much understand it and do not even black out on it let alone have serious complications.

The combo you are describing can become problematic, it wouldn't be the first time I see a complex combo with nitrous added turn bad and thats even with ones that are not known to be dangerous. 137 mg of MDMA is for most people the limit where it becomes more or less harmful (2 mg / kg) and you add several other drugs to it. Granted 90 mg of DXM is not a lot, but given the nature of the combination I say yes be dogmatic and keep it zero. :(
^ I hear what you're saying, and appreciate your input.

I never go around recommending that others do combos that I know are potentially dangerous. However I do get upset when people tell me that a combo I've already done successfully and without adverse affect should kill me or give me a medical syndrome.

If the goal is harm reduction than all the data and information should be made available as to why something is specifically bad rather than the "abstinence only" approach that honestly rarely works. I notice in myself and others that it is very hard to follow advice with insufficient information to go on other than someone's strong opinion on the matter.

There are different levels of risk/reward in life for different people with different types of personalities and different goals in life.
Fair enough, but it is not correct that it *should* kill you every time, that doesn't mean it can't with a decent chance.
It is a logical fallacy that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Meaning exactly that if you haven't seen something happen yet that is not proof at all that it cannot or even that the chance is low.

Yes I agree that risk/reward levels differ between people. But it should be remembered that people also make irrational judgement calls based on wrong assumptions about these levels.
^^^ should've researched before trying your new combo, there's warnings against that combo everywhere online =p
This is still intolerably dangerous; good responses in the past are not reliable indicators of favorable responses to come.

I read a study recently that was published on PubMed about MDMA having MAOI activity in mice ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/7945733/ ) which means it's highly probable that it has the same effect on us. Some anecdotal evidence to back up the idea is the experience of smoking DMT while rolling. Rolling will perhaps make the DMT experience more powerful, but rolling alone shouldn't make the DMT stick around in your system for longer and continue having effects past its normal 5-15 minutes- MAO inhibition would have to be involved for the DMT to actually last longer- and people who have used DMT while rolling say exactly that, that the DMT lasts longer. Much longer. They've often reported it lasting for hours sometimes- between an hour and I've heard reports of it lasting several hours in some cases.

Mixing DXM with anything that inhibits monoamine oxidase (which MDMA DOES DO to some extent,) is a very bad idea that can lead to very serious complications including death. This is not the game you wanna play!

I'm not sure whether the inhibition of MAO-A or MAO-B is the more important one to watch out for in the case of DXM use, but while MDMA does inhibit some of the MAO-B in your system, it has a selective potency for inhibition of MAO-A and it's much better at inhibiting the A-variant than the B-variant (for comparison, the harmine in Ayahuasca, for example, selectively inhibits MAO-A but not MAO-B, [harmine is actually a RIMA, to get technical, which is a 'reversible inhibitor of MAO-A',) which is why there's a suggested Ayahuasca diet but it's not as 'life-or-death' mandatory as the MAOI diet for pharmaceutical MAOI's.

In short, MDMA has MAO-inhibiting properties and should 'never' be mixed with DXM.