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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Codeine (135mg) - First Time - felt nothing, only puking


Jan 25, 2021
I read that 120mg codeine is approximately what is used to get a feeling first time, so I added just a few milligrams. I had not taken any opiate before, except 8mg codeine with 500mg paracetamol OTC pain killer maybe a month ago for pain.

The only effect I got was vomiting. I puked about 6 hours after taking it; that matches the duration of effect of this substance, so I am thinking my body may have had the enzyme to convert it to morphine. I could not keep any liquids down for about 36 hours.

If your body has processed codeine into morphine is it possible to feel nothing from it?

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Interesting. Were you experiencing other hallmarks of Opioid intoxication? Itching, a general feeling of warmth and pinned pupils are important ones. Did you experience any psychological symptoms of note? Vomiting is generally a pretty unpleasant experience for most people. Some have a very. very dysphoric and/or anxiogenic response to Vomit and it wouldn't surprise me if your body was overriding the effects of the Morphine due to your powerful and constant urge to vomit.

There are a few different Opioid Receptors. Mu, Delta, Kappa to name a few. They are each pretty segregated in terms of what they regulate. While people have clear and demonstrable differences in their overall response to drugs, I would say it's less common for someone to experience "all" of this effect and not the others. Does that make sense? I know people who are immune to Morphine, people who are ultra-rapid-metabolizers who demethylate Codeine to Morphine much faster than others and different cases in between.

Generally, if people experience some of the effects, they will end up experiencing most of the others, but everybody is different and anything is possible when dealing with genetic disposition.
Was it pure codeine, or combined with paracetamol? I wouldn't be surprised if it was something other that the codeine at play. It's got a pretty short duration and 36 hours just doesn't make sense. So just to be clear on what happened: You didn't experience any effect except vomiting 6 hours after ingestion which continued for 36 hours. That doesn't sound like a simple case of good cyp levels/ratios. Any other details?
No itching, no noticeable warmth, did not think to check my pupils.
I felt a brief unpleasant nausea like feeling seconds before vomiting, but not constantly.
No psychological symptoms.

The codeine came from extraction, but the paracetamol content in the eventual solution was no more than 1.5g, probably closer to 1g (weighed the solid dried residue left on the filter paper, and subtracted it from the initial solid). No other active ingredients besides those 2.
So just to be clear on what happened: You didn't experience any effect except vomiting 6 hours after ingestion which continued for 36 hours.
Yes, and brief nausea seconds before vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting are also listed under the possible side effects in the package leaflet for OTC paracetamol+codeine.
Maybe it was some stomach irritation?
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I'm certain that 36 hours is too long for codeine to be the culprit. Unless it triggered an existing health issue in your digestive system? Can you take NSAIDs without issue?
It sounds to me like you miiight be one of those people who lack the enzyme to metabolize codeine (and a bunch of other drugs) very well. On top of that you also potentially had a bad reaction to the paracetamol or something. It seems like the simplest explanation for the symptoms, and it wouldn't be that rare.
And just to add on to what Jess was saying. It’s perfectly normal to have an upset stomach for a period of time after vomiting. Some people’s digestive systems are just more sensitive.
Sounds like you did more than you could handle.
Generally people vomit on opioids when they overdo them.
I've never vomited after doing any even back when codeine would be enough to feel something. You'll feel better if you take some promethazine probably next time you wanna try. It's anti nausea and otc here in the UK. Start low and up the dosage slowly to see how you react. If you've never done any you can start lower than 120mg.
Years ago when I started using opioids the first times I could feel 60mg of codeine.

Opioids really are pretty subtle. It depends on what you were expecting to feel. Personally I found all of them, from heroin to fentanyl, underwhelming but I keep doing them now because I'm dependent and because I like feeling sedated but I can't say I've ever felt a wowing feeling of euphoria from them where you are giggling for no reason. That's not what you feel on them. You feel relaxed.
Maybe your expectations were too high and also the vomiting probably negated any positive feelings.
With codeine, if you're a good metaboliser, approximately only 10% of the dose gets converted into morphine.
The otc cocodamol or Nurofen Plus are pretty much placebo when taken in the therapeutic doses. 16mg of codeine is nothing really (equivalent to 2 cocodamol tabs).
I got some very happy feelings, followed by a couple hours of that floaty light - headed nice feeling you get when you've had JUST the right amount of alcohol, first few times I needed codeine - containing meds. But not everyone gets these effects and not everyone 'takes well' to every drug. I'm talking ALL drugs here ; even standardized legally produced drugs do not reliably produce the same effect with every patient. Everyone's individual biochemistry and metabolism is slightly different.

(For instance I keep stubbornly trying crack and powder coke, because I see my mates having a great time on the stuff and I feel like I want me some of that experience, but it tends to just make me feel overwrought and panicky. Xd)

And yes opiates cause nausea in many people. You don't just have those receptors in your brain but also in your gut, surprisingly enough.
I was sick as fuck the first few times I tried opium (strangely enough not when I did H for the first time, even though I had EXPECTED to get sick on that occasion).

Interactions between drugs and the body are complex and not 100% predictable.
You are probably one of those people who doesn't metabolize the opiate class of drugs very efficiently and it may be a pointless exercise for you to persevere with them.
To the OP: Everyone's body converts codeine to morphine to a greater or lesser extent. Morphine is MUCH stronger than codeine so you would experience greater opiate effects if you concerted it heavily to morphine.

That said, doisng too high on opiates tends to make them unpleasant and causes nausea and itchiness and puking. So likely you just took too much. An opiate naive person should start with only 30mg of codeine, possibly up to 60mg depending on sensitivity. You took 4 times this much so it's likely you just dosed too much.
Could be an allergy. Even before I got addicted to strong opiates all codeine would do is make me puke and really bad hives.
Some of us have a naturally high tolerance To opiates also
i think i had 60mg codeine as an opioid naive person, which was a good dose.
Take 200 too 300 mg ideally no more and mix it with weed and mango juice codeine is weakest of all opiates and you need certain enzymes to help convert it into morphine some people naturally have more of these if not drink mango juice to intensify your buzz codeine does have a celling affect to how high you can get
Yeah mango juice won't do anything, it's grapefuirt juice that inhibits the CYP2D6 enzyme. Also 200-300mg is much too high if you're opiate naive.
Yea your right it's deffo grapefruit juice not mango lol my bad its been years since I've taken codeine I use to do the cold water extraction etc all that bollox and 300mg isnt too high ld50 is higher than that you will just be really fucked which his prior dose cleary didntdo shit maybe not dose that high if ur gonna add graoefruit juice tho combine maybe 200mg with grape fruit juice and some weed just to be safe codeine dosent really do much anyways
Yeah mango juice won't do anything, it's grapefuirt juice that inhibits the CYP2D6 enzyme. Also 200-300mg is much too high if you're opiate naive.
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Yea your right it's deffo grapefruit juice not mango lol my bad its been years since I've taken codeine I use to do the cold water extraction etc all that bollox and 300mg isnt too high ld50 is higher than that you will just be really fucked which his prior dose cleary didntdo shit maybe not dose that high if ur gonna add graoefruit juice tho combine maybe 200mg with grape fruit juice and some weed just to be safe codeine dosent really do much anyways
You put codeine under the lip once it hits the blood stream its morphine and use ethanol to extraction of codeine from co codamol or methaleted spirt the otc codeine is shit you need to bond it with ethanol then evaporate if your in England get boots pink capsule its got a half life and biotivty you can also use one ml of spirt of salt (hydrochloric acid) in to 50ml of acetone and leave for five days you have acetic aldryhide then sprayed on the extraction and leave to evaporate use sodium bicarbonate in water to neutralize spray it on it should fizz and swallow it you get a good rush the same as a injection of diamorphine
Take 200 too 300 mg ideally no more and mix it with weed and mango juice codeine is weakest of all opiates and you need certain enzymes to help convert it into morphine some people naturally have more of these if not drink mango juice to intensify your buzz codeine does have a celling affect to how high you can get
Put codeine under the lip and once its in the blood stream its morphine use 6/7 tablets and leave to dissolve swallow it and you waste it
I got some very happy feelings, followed by a couple hours of that floaty light - headed nice feeling you get when you've had JUST the right amount of alcohol, first few times I needed codeine - containing meds. But not everyone gets these effects and not everyone 'takes well' to every drug. I'm talking ALL drugs here ; even standardized legally produced drugs do not reliably produce the same effect with every patient. Everyone's individual biochemistry and metabolism is slightly different.

(For instance I keep stubbornly trying crack and powder coke, because I see my mates having a great time on the stuff and I feel like I want me some of that experience, but it tends to just make me feel overwrought and panicky. Xd)

And yes opiates cause nausea in many people. You don't just have those receptors in your brain but also in your gut, surprisingly enough.
I was sick as fuck the first few times I tried opium (strangely enough not when I did H for the first time, even though I had EXPECTED to get sick on that occasion).

Interactions between drugs and the body are complex and not 100% predictable.
You are probably one of those people who doesn't metabolize the opiate class of drugs very efficiently and it may be a pointless exercise for you to persevere with them.
Try putting 120mg behind the lip its morphine then it takes time to dissolve but its like a drip