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Cocaine having no effect


Apr 2, 2022
Took some and felt nothing or very little. 2 mates took the exact same and says it worked well.

I've taken some before and felt it after just a few mins...and I mean REALLY felt it .. drip, teeth, energy etc.. but this time nothing.

How can this be...( Talking about snorting btw)
Is it possible to " snort it wrong"?

I snorted and it disappeared....but can it be snorted wrong and somehow miss your mucus membrane?

Sorry if silly question
You've just picked up shit/heavily cut cocaine is most likely..
There are a few possibilities like your sinuses were maybe a bit clogged and the material got prevented from absorbing or it mostly went in your throat which can happen if it isn't a fine dry powder, the chunks can fly through turning it into an oral dose which wouldn't have as noticeable of an effect. Sometimes I feel some drugs differently depending on how well fed/if I've had enough nutrition not sure if that happens with coke though. My two best guesses are going into the throat or getting trapped. Or the other people you were with had a strong placebo. Or you had a tolerance and they didn't 🤔
There are a few possibilities like your sinuses were maybe a bit clogged and the material got prevented from absorbing or it mostly went in your throat which can happen if it isn't a fine dry powder, the chunks can fly through turning it into an oral dose which wouldn't have as noticeable of an effect. Sometimes I feel some drugs differently depending on how well fed/if I've had enough nutrition not sure if that happens with coke though. My two best guesses are going into the throat or getting trapped. Or the other people you were with had a strong placebo. Or you had a tolerance and they didn't 🤔
Really interesting yes it may have been chunky and I do often get the drip.

So the drip is a bad thing?? Meaning it is escaping down your throat and not noticeably entering the blood system?
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Yea the goal when snorting is to have a super fine powder that can float up into your sinuses and land on the mucous membranes to be absorbed quickly and bypass metabolism in the liver and GI tract. If your dose gets split between sinuses and stomach you won't feel it nearly as much due to the slower entrance into the circulation for the dose that went into the stomach
Yea the goal when snorting is to have a super fine powder that can float up into your sinuses and land on the mucous membranes to be absorbed quickly and bypass metabolism in the liver and GI tract. If your dose gets split between sinuses and stomach you won't feel it nearly as much due to the slower entrance into the circulation for the dose that went into the stomach
Do you not still feel the stomach bit later or is it likely destroyed more by the ensyms?
You do feel it a bit later but not as strongly because oral cocaine requires a higher dose to get the same effect
Take it as sign to not use cocaine, but on the other hand, maybe after you have ruined your life and gone to rehab 10 times you can become a sober success story and try in vain to tell others to stay away from hard drugs