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Cocaine Cocaine everyday? No way, Can Ritalin 10 mgs help me out?


Apr 4, 2022
and on and on it goes, I m not not doing oxys then I m doing...anything else, benzos blow and booze in social occasions. Problem: as I ve said in a previous post, my missus has a serious issue with blow (she snorts a line she goes nuts still she wants the thing) me I m enjoying it but it ´s unsustainable:
1) family wise : I try to be as discreet as possible but the wife is not a fool and knows me better that I do, hence she knows what s going on and obviously she wants a line, but I don t wanna spend the rest of the day with her going insane so I have to politely but firmly refuse to give her access to the substance. Not cool but I ld rather have an argument than have her hospitalized with psychosis.

2) work wise : I m doing great , both at teaching and recording and producing my music, but...for how long? Anything can happen, my students can figure out that their enthusiastic prof is a lil bit too enthusiastic, that his nose is whiter than the rest of his body, etc etc

3) money wise: coke is way cheaper down here in Brazil but still is not for free.

Hence I am planning to at least reduce my use and use some replacement at least during working week days ( I m in that state where if I don t snort a line I feel like I can t get anything done) . At home we have Ritalin 10 mgs, do u think one pill or more can do the trick to help me getting thru the day?Or any other thing ? I m also doing kratom because of the lack of oxys, still pawns and anedonia are kicking.
I ve spent the last...17 years of my life being a functional opioid user, with blow I m a newbie, any tips appreciated....
Wow we are living a very similar life! I found out that doctors can prescribe adhd meds over telehealth since the pandemic. I have been getting Suboxone through them and hope some of these meds can help me with my 2-3g a day crack habit. My wife is pregnant now but when she wasn’t she would instantly hate me when the stuff was gone and have Psychotic episodes every time . I own a business and know this stuff is gonna bring me down eventually. Pretty sure people know when I’m high. I’m just hoping I can have discipline to take what the script says . Good luck !
Ritalin may likely have a similar or worse psychotic effect. read through this.

Long term (two plus years) trial of the use of Dextroamphetamine as a treatment and eventual replacement for cocaine addiction.

My opinion is that prolonged treatment with reasonable therapeutic oral doses of dextroamphetamine would have significant benefits for cocaine addicts including voluntary reduced use, voluntary gradually increasing intervals in-between use leading to possible complete voluntary abstinence from cocaine. Significant increases in stability, control over and quality of life for people suffering from Cocaine use Disorder. But it takes a little time. I believe this will enjoy significant success with many different types of addicts and ROA's.


-I already know this works and have seen it work on both Base and IV addicts.

-Combined with a patient outpatient, instead of an intensive outpatient, during which an addict receives counseling, life coaching and assistance in obtaining self set, self achieved goals, the over all positive out comes have the potential to be life changing. A transformation while they willingly and naturally transition from the hell of cocaine addiction to dextroamptherapy and work together a new life.

Someone needs to give this a deeper look and get ball rolling already.
Hope this info helps
and on and on it goes, I m not not doing oxys then I m doing...anything else, benzos blow and booze in social occasions. Problem: as I ve said in a previous post, my missus has a serious issue with blow (she snorts a line she goes nuts still she wants the thing) me I m enjoying it but it ´s unsustainable:
1) family wise : I try to be as discreet as possible but the wife is not a fool and knows me better that I do, hence she knows what s going on and obviously she wants a line, but I don t wanna spend the rest of the day with her going insane so I have to politely but firmly refuse to give her access to the substance. Not cool but I ld rather have an argument than have her hospitalized with psychosis.

2) work wise : I m doing great , both at teaching and recording and producing my music, but...for how long? Anything can happen, my students can figure out that their enthusiastic prof is a lil bit too enthusiastic, that his nose is whiter than the rest of his body, etc etc

3) money wise: coke is way cheaper down here in Brazil but still is not for free.

Hence I am planning to at least reduce my use and use some replacement at least during working week days ( I m in that state where if I don t snort a line I feel like I can t get anything done) . At home we have Ritalin 10 mgs, do u think one pill or more can do the trick to help me getting thru the day?Or any other thing ? I m also doing kratom because of the lack of oxys, still pawns and anedonia are kicking.
I ve spent the last...17 years of my life being a functional opioid user, with blow I m a newbie, any tips appreciated....

Ritalin should help substitute. They are short acting so you need to take them fairly often. One 10mg tablet won't last all day. You'll probably need it at least 3x/day. Don't snort them, take them orally. When they are snorted they are very short-acting. I know because I had a ritalin habit where I was snorting a 10mg pill every 90 minutes or so. All day long, everyday. This will eventually cause psychosis/paranoia etc, much like cocaine psychosis (though not as severe). Take them orally.

But as mentioned if you can get dextroamphetamine that would probably be better since its longer acting and not as similar to cocaine as ritalin.

Also didn't know you were Brazilian, because the funny thing is that, some years ago, while taking alot of ritalin every day, I learned the Portuguese language for no other reason than that i just liked the way specifically Brazilian Portuguese sounded, very smooth...uma linguagem musical....tem um sentimento de 'saudade' 🤔. My brazilian portuguese accent became so polished by listening to cartola and jobim that when I speak to Brazilian's now they're very surprised when i tell them I taught myself Portuguese. I even read some secondhand Portuguese textbook I found cover to cover and did all the exercises in the book, so I know the grammar and general vocabulary too. All while high on ritalin 🤣.

So it definitely works. Just don't snort it like I did because it's really not much different than cocaine when you start doing that.
Ritalin has a duration of action of 3-4 hours Max ….reaching peak plasma levels in 1h / 1.5h (closer to an hour)

10mg tablets are Mickey Mouse for a regular, tolerant, heavy Cocaine user.

Ritalin 20mg (CIBA 34) tablets would be ideal….2 or 3 at once. Taken with a light meal speeds absorption apparently. Also co-ingestion of ethanol / alcohol (3.oz of spirit-Jin/Rum cocktail) increases the levels of d-threo-MPH (Focalin) by 40% significantly increasing its euphoric pleasurable effects.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Cocaine are strikingly similar in their MOA, Methylphenidate being nearly twice as potent at inhibiting the DAT…..but has negligible effects at the SERT

Pharmaceutical grade Cocaine hcl would blow Methylphenidate out of the water …….but Ritalin would be a very suitable substitute for Cocaine dependency

Ritalin DAT>NET

Methylphenidate ED-50 (0.3-0.6/kg body weight) 0.3 X 100kg = 30mg Ritalin & 60mg Ritalin for a 240lbs adult male

You would need Ritalin 20mg tablets……probably 2 tablets at once. Onset in an hour orally, lasting 3-4 hours Max.
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Ritalin should help substitute. They are short acting so you need to take them fairly often. One 10mg tablet won't last all day. You'll probably need it at least 3x/day. Don't snort them, take them orally. When they are snorted they are very short-acting. I know because I had a ritalin habit where I was snorting a 10mg pill every 90 minutes or so. All day long, everyday. This will eventually cause psychosis/paranoia etc, much like cocaine psychosis (though not as severe). Take them orally.

But as mentioned if you can get dextroamphetamine that would probably be better since its longer acting and not as similar to cocaine as ritalin.

Also didn't know you were Brazilian, because the funny thing is that, some years ago, while taking alot of ritalin every day, I learned the Portuguese language for no other reason than that i just liked the way specifically Brazilian Portuguese sounded, very smooth...uma linguagem musical....tem um sentimento de 'saudade' 🤔. My brazilian portuguese accent became so polished by listening to cartola and jobim that when I speak to Brazilian's now they're very surprised when i tell them I taught myself Portuguese. I even read some secondhand Portuguese textbook I found cover to cover and did all the exercises in the book, so I know the grammar and general vocabulary too. All while high on ritalin 🤣.

So it definitely works. Just don't snort it like I did because it's really not much different than cocaine when you start doing that.
Opa , não sou brasileiro não, sou italiano mas moro no Brasil faz tempo :) My wife is Brazilian though, and I agree, Brazilian Portuguese is a beautiful language indeed. Since I wrote that post she got prescribed 20 mgs of Ritalin per day and managed to reduce her use of c. significantly while I was snorting at least 2-3 grams on weekdays (imagine when I was partying....) but I had one of them , rare but compelling, " wtf am I doing ???" moments last friday and since then no coke for me ( but a micro-line of leftovers). After two days of pure zombification I m feeling almost human again, nit sure whether I want to take the ritalin route cos either I ll hate the thing as I ve hated every amphetamine I ve ever tried or...I might like the thing way too much, and stealing meds from my wife is not cool! Thanks for the info on Ritalin I´ll pass them to the missus!I really hope this abuse of coke was some momentary madness ....obrigado!
Anyway I might have underestimated a lil bit this coke w-d thing, "is not oxys or smack c mon is doable", "it s all mental ", yeah, mental is the word, this is me in the last 4 days :eek: :cry::ROFLMAO:
Ritalin should help substitute. They are short acting so you need to take them fairly often. One 10mg tablet won't last all day. You'll probably need it at least 3x/day. Don't snort them, take them orally. When they are snorted they are very short-acting. I know because I had a ritalin habit where I was snorting a 10mg pill every 90 minutes or so. All day long, everyday. This will eventually cause psychosis/paranoia etc, much like cocaine psychosis (though not as severe). Take them orally.

But as mentioned if you can get dextroamphetamine that would probably be better since its longer acting and not as similar to cocaine as ritalin.

Also didn't know you were Brazilian, because the funny thing is that, some years ago, while taking alot of ritalin every day, I learned the Portuguese language for no other reason than that i just liked the way specifically Brazilian Portuguese sounded, very smooth...uma linguagem musical....tem um sentimento de 'saudade' 🤔. My brazilian portuguese accent became so polished by listening to cartola and jobim that when I speak to Brazilian's now they're very surprised when i tell them I taught myself Portuguese. I even read some secondhand Portuguese textbook I found cover to cover and did all the exercises in the book, so I know the grammar and general vocabulary too. All while high on ritalin 🤣.

So it definitely works. Just don't snort it like I did because it's really not much different than cocaine when you start doing that.
Ritalin has a duration of action of 3-4 hours Max ….reaching peak plasma levels in 1h / 1.5h (closer to an hour)

10mg tablets are Mickey Mouse for a regular, tolerant, heavy Cocaine user.

Ritalin 20mg (CIBA 34) tablets would be ideal….2 or 3 at once. Taken with a light meal speeds absorption apparently. Also co-ingestion of ethanol / alcohol (3.oz of spirit-Jin/Rum cocktail) increases the levels of d-threo-MPH (Focalin) by 40% significantly increasing its euphoric pleasurable effects.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Cocaine are strikingly similar in their MOA, Methylphenidate being nearly twice as potent at inhibiting the DAT…..but has negligible effects at the SERT

Pharmaceutical grade Cocaine hcl would blow Methylphenidate out of the water …….but Ritalin would be a very suitable substitute for Cocaine dependency

Ritalin DAT>NET

Methylphenidate ED-50 (0.3-0.6/kg body weight) 0.3 X 100kg = 30mg Ritalin & 60mg Ritalin for a 240lbs adult male

You would need Ritalin 20mg tablets……probably 2 tablets at once. Onset in an hour orally, lasting 3-4 hours Max.
Thanks for your inputs, after 3 days of ¨I got this!!!" I was about to call the man , did...15 mgs of Ritalin, 5 snorted ( you know how it is) and has given me a decent energy boost and helped a lot with the cravings.Hopefully it s not the beginning of another amazing adventure....
Snorting the Ritalin tablets isn’t that great……IF you had pure Methylphenidate hcl powder then yes, or did a cold water extraction (or whatever effective method of removing all the inert excipients) those tablets are approximately 90-95% pure bulking agents/inert useless powder

Orally ingesting the tablets might be best….yes, it has a slower onset (40-60min) but it has excellent oral bioavailability (approximately 80%) give or take, but if you take after a light fatty meal (egg sandwich with cooked ham) it enhances / speeds absorption ….and like I said, just a 2-3 oz. Mixed drink (Rum & Cola ?) taken with your oral Ritalin it significantly increases the active isomer …. dextro-threo-Methylphenidate (which is the main molecule that binds to / inhibits the Dopamine Transporter

Unlike most DNRI / dopamine reuptake inhibitor (like Bupropion) …..Ritalin & Cocaine are classified as “Inverse Agonists” and cause a dramatic increase/release of Dopamine ….unlike other standard reuptake inhibitors like Bupropion

CIBA Pharmaceuticals even had on market a glass bottle of 100mg of pure Ritalin (Methylphenidate) with a second glass bottle filled with a sterile saline/water to be poured into the glass bottle of powdered Ritalin HCL. A multi-dose bottle for I.V. injections …..you can google it and look at the picture lol, it’s so cool.

Injecting pharmaceutical grade Methylphenidate HCL powder is 10x more potent than orally ingesting Ritalin tablets. Just 10-20mg I.V injection would be VERY potent and subjectively euphoric (and would totally substitute for Cocaine)

I read a medical journal study that Cocaine users enrolled in a double bind placebo controlled study, being injected with either Cocaine or Methylphenidate (and another drug as a control). The Cocaine dependant study participants had a difficult time differentiating the difference between Cocaine & Ritalin. Most of them couldn’t tell the difference. Pretty interesting ah….
Wow we are living a very similar life! I found out that doctors can prescribe adhd meds over telehealth since the pandemic. I have been getting Suboxone through them and hope some of these meds can help me with my 2-3g a day crack habit. My wife is pregnant now but when she wasn’t she would instantly hate me when the stuff was gone and have Psychotic episodes every time . I own a business and know this stuff is gonna bring me down eventually. Pretty sure people know when I’m high. I’m just hoping I can have discipline to take what the script says . Good luck !
Do you know if this telehealth thing is also true for benzos, currently. I have found it not to be but haven't really deep searched too hard.

Dextro .45 is right, double blind users can't tell IV coke from ritalin. Which I find hard to believe as someone with experience in both categories. At this point I would only touch IR ritalin pills as coke is coming up fent too now days....
How can injected methylphenidate be 10x more potent when the oral bioavailability is already at 80 percent?

Also co-ingestion of alcohol leads to ethylphenidate, afaik not dextro-threo-MPH.
Ummm….speed of onset, a few seconds to a min at peak serum levels vs slowly 1h onset

Co-ingestion of ethanol produces the INACTIVE metabolite l-Ethylphenidate (NOT d-EPH)

Ethanol is metabolized by the same enzyme that metabolizes d-threo-MPH ……..so more d-MPH is active

Google this and read a few genuine medical journals that outline everything I’ve said. All solid facts.

…..that why people inject heroin and don’t eat it, injection has a rapid onset and you get entire mg dose all at once, packing a heavy punch, rapidly crossing the BBB and binding to the receptor vs having your liver metabolize the drug and slowly entering your bloodstream, much slower and less potent than BANGING it lol …….BOOM hits you like an upper cut from a 19 year old Mike Tyson in his prime
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Well guys, at lest I have tried , I m afraid this Ritalin thing is definitely not working. After three days it gave me a light buzz made my cravings disappear for a while but it also gave me anxiety, like the shitty pseudo coke I was doing back home, and after 5 six hours the cravings were back stronger than usual . Probably it was a better idea, at least for me, to try to keep the "abstinence during week days" thing, these pills made me only miss blow more ..but I have never been a fan of amphetamines anyway, or of amps in general, only good coke does the trick for me. I asked once here on BL " if pharma grade coke was legalized do you think that people would do coke instead of meth? " . and the general consensus was..no, because they really are different drugs. I guess the same applies to coke and pharmaceutical amps....

Dextro .45 is right, double blind users can't tell IV coke from ritalin.

Is really strange that people could not tell the difference between coke and this amphetamine stuff...especially if it s good coke is way different from any other amp. But yeah Ivving coke feels like an altogether different drug too , I guess slamming amps gives the same metallic ringing and instant release of...whatever that they can t tell the difference cos they are super fucked anyway...
why people inject heroin and don’t eat it
Well, if you smoke H properly you just don t get the "rush" but the thing works fast anyway. I guess it could be said also of cocaine (never smoked freebase or crack so I dunno really) The only good thing that crack has done here in Brazil is that people have almost stopped Ivving coke as by smoking they were having almost the same instantaneous rush, Ivving coke here is a thing of the 90´s.
I like to take my drugs using less intrusive ROAS anyway, if it was not almost a total waste I ld drink my coke instead of snorting, my nose is kinda battered atm...
Yes, I also read another medical journal study which Cocaine dependant participants had either

Snorting powdered cocaine hcl
Injecting I.V Cocaine (bell ringer)
Smoking freebase cocaine

Smoking freebase cocaine reached the brain MUCH more rapidly and reached higher concentrations, although lasting not as long (faster clearance from the DAT/SERT/NET)

I’ve never tried smoking freebase cocaine but I’d bet the farm, one single massive haul taken in, held for 5-7 seconds then exhaled only to have your CNS explode with dopaminergic euphoric pleasure lol

I’ve tried many bellringers & Speedballs back in my troubled days……a properly formulated speedball with quality gear is Suuuuuuch an amazing combination. Heroin & Cocaine injected intravenously together is just pure ecstasy

IF you’re able to……speak to your family doc and see about a prescription of Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) which is a pro-drug that metabolizes into d-amphetamine. Must be taken orally as your red blood cells (trypsin) cleaves the l-lysine amino acid from the drug, slowly releasing the API being active dextro-Amphetamine (Dexedrine)

It takes 3 hours to reach full onset and near peak plasma levels and lasts 10-12 hours (8-10h for many)…..it is also very useful to cease using/abusing dopaminergic stimulants such as Methamphetamine & Cocaine

It has a low abuse potential and must be taken orally, so your doctor might be more inclined to write you a script. A standard Vyvanse 20mg capsule is equal to exactly 5.9mg d-amph (released slowly over 10-12h) taken upon waking in morning, lasting all day.
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Well guys, at lest I have tried , I m afraid this Ritalin thing is definitely not working.
How much you used per day? A friend who stopped using coke with help of methylphenidate and clonazepam had 64mg pills (extended release) of methylphenidate and 2mg clonazepam. Honestly I don’t remember if only one pill of each per day or more and if he crushed concerta or not but it worked great for him in a sense he stopped doing coke cuz of that combo. But he was doing coke daily (and certainly not nearly as good stuff as you do, so who know with what it was cut and that plays a role too ofc). So in your case (if you can stick to doing it only over weekends!) it might be better just stick to coke and keep it’s use to minimum (ideally with minimum amount of booze, and if you must drink, keep it for comedown). And also work out and eat well and stay young, just in case.. :)
How much you used per day? A friend who stopped using coke with help of methylphenidate and clonazepam had 64mg pills (extended release) of methylphenidate and 2mg clonazepam. Honestly I don’t remember if only one pill of each per day or more and if he crushed concerta or not but it worked great for him in a sense he stopped doing coke cuz of that combo. But he was doing coke daily (and certainly not nearly as good stuff as you do, so who know with what it was cut and that plays a role too ofc). So in your case (if you can stick to doing it only over weekends!) it might be better just stick to coke and keep it’s use to minimum (ideally with minimum amount of booze, and if you must drink, keep it for comedown). And also work out and eat well and stay young, just in case.. :)
I ve used 15 mgs of Ritalin and I already needed a Clonazepam ( 0, 5) because it was making me anxious, :eek: with c. I might pop a benzo but only if I have snorted 3 grams of blow or more and I can t don t drink, usually I need at most something to sleep (quetiapine). So yeah amphetamines are clearly not a way to go for me, they are working with my wife though so everyone ´s different .
Trading a c. addiction with an amphetamine + benzo addiction sounds like a Pyrrhus victory to me but if your friend was sniffing "coke" cut with some shitty speed and or...spending a fortune per day it can even make sense. In my case I totally agree with what you are saying, baby steps (I have not done coke yesterday. I am not doing coke today today) and getting my ass back to gym is the simplest more effective way to go. Cheers!
and on and on it goes, I m not not doing oxys then I m doing...anything else, benzos blow and booze in social occasions. Problem: as I ve said in a previous post, my missus has a serious issue with blow (she snorts a line she goes nuts still she wants the thing) me I m enjoying it but it ´s unsustainable:
1) family wise : I try to be as discreet as possible but the wife is not a fool and knows me better that I do, hence she knows what s going on and obviously she wants a line, but I don t wanna spend the rest of the day with her going insane so I have to politely but firmly refuse to give her access to the substance. Not cool but I ld rather have an argument than have her hospitalized with psychosis.

2) work wise : I m doing great , both at teaching and recording and producing my music, but...for how long? Anything can happen, my students can figure out that their enthusiastic prof is a lil bit too enthusiastic, that his nose is whiter than the rest of his body, etc etc

3) money wise: coke is way cheaper down here in Brazil but still is not for free.

Hence I am planning to at least reduce my use and use some replacement at least during working week days ( I m in that state where if I don t snort a line I feel like I can t get anything done) . At home we have Ritalin 10 mgs, do u think one pill or more can do the trick to help me getting thru the day?Or any other thing ? I m also doing kratom because of the lack of oxys, still pawns and anedonia are kicking.
I ve spent the last...17 years of my life being a functional opioid user, with blow I m a newbie, any tips appreciated....
They have long acting Ritalin, that helps me, I take 20. Mg 3xs a day, at 6 at noon and at 4
They have long acting Ritalin, that helps me, I take 20. Mg 3xs a day, at 6 at noon and at 4
My wife is doing great with Ritalin, me I m sticking to kratom and the occasional lines of blow. I think it really depends on one´s brain chemistry, she likes stims in general ( thanks God there s no meth down here!) while I am more of a downer person, the only stim I enjoy is good blow with booze (extremely bad HR wife kids, don t do it at home) as it has a "calming euphoric dunno how to explain it " effect way different from other stims I guess...
My wife is doing great with Ritalin, me I m sticking to kratom and the occasional lines of blow. I think it really depends on one´s brain chemistry, she likes stims in general ( thanks God there s no meth down here!) while I am more of a downer person, the only stim I enjoy is good blow with booze (extremely bad HR wife kids, don t do it at home) as it has a "calming euphoric dunno how to explain it " effect way different from other stims I guess...
What do you mean (No meth down here)? Have you IV coke? Is Ritalin anything like the coke feeling? I’ve never tried it. I’m new to this site and I’ve just IV Ritalin for the first time.
F@ck….I’ve been using Cocaine daily for many months…..3-4 maybe….replacing my daily Methylphenidate (Ritalin) but usually after my Methadone 80mg, Lyrica 300mg…in 45min breakfast, then a mixed drink and a few nice lines before enjoying drink with a cigarette

$200 for 2 grams….lasting 2-3 days max. It’s unsustainable and financially destructive

Fuck man….went 3 days with no Yayo and I started feeling low mood, lethargic, blah, etc….need to take Ritalin 80mg IR with Ethanol and wait an hour to feel some relief (normal Ritalin dose is 40-60mg)

Cocaine dependancy is no joke. I use to think it wasn’t that bad, nothing like an opioid dependancy …… but Methamphetamine addiction is astonishing problematic and complex …same for Cocaine.

Methamphetamine- Bupropion has been used with moderate success. High dose Adderall XR even more so
Cocaine- Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has had moderate success combined with low dose SSRI or low dose Tramadol to make the agonist replacement therapy more similar to a Triple Reuptake Inhibitor/ Inverse Agonist with prominent DAT/SERT releasing / increasing properties