Clozapine withdrawal.


Aug 2, 2023
Well... I couldn't make it to the lab on time so I'm going with out my Clozapine... Which sucks. I only get two hours of sleep each night and I feel sweaty and nervous. I have to wait 'till Thursday untill I can back on it because the pharmacy won't refill it untill I get my lab work done. Which is on Wednesday. The earliest they had open for an appointment. In the meantime I'm going through hell. What do you think about my situation ?
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I've been in a situation like that with haloperidol

I reduced my dose by 20% due to side effects but this caused withdrawal symptoms. Insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, and later hallucinations

Long story short the remaining dose I was on was yanked by my psychiatrist along with pregabalin and basically every med I was on which made everything so much worse I spent 2 days in the ICU

I drank very heavily and sustained multiple injuries due to repeated falls

I was in antipsychotic withdrawal for a good 3 months before being put on Loxapine in hospital

Luckily you don't need to wait that long
What do you think about my situation ?
It is more common than not I think. All that I know on prescribed "good" meds run out early even me and all the oxys, bnz, relaxers etc that I was Rx-ed. Damn that's been a minute not long after joining BL. :nosuh:
Come a long way doesn't come at no cost.
Not sure what to recommend as I have never had the substance that I know of... my bad.
Well let me tell you how good Clozapine is. It keeps you calm threw out the day. It gives you great sleep and if you ever experienced it. It keeps you from thinking that people can hear you thoughts. I have Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type. Which basically means I have Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. So I'm out of my mind right now, but I did have some beer and that helped a bit. Didn't mean to bother you guys with this stuff.
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Didn't mean to bother you guys with this stuff
No, please keep us posted, yeah?
Sometimes it is good (ime) to spill some beans sometimes as it gives a certain perspective I think.
Man I got stuff posted everywhere almost and I'd say it is more down than up the: content.
What kinda beer ya got?
Well... I could make it to the lab on time so I'm going with out my Clozapine... Which sucks. I only get two hours of sleep each night and I feel sweaty and nervous. I have to wait 'till Thursday untill I can back on it because the pharmacy won't refill it untill I get my lab work done. Which is on Wednesday. The earliest they had open for an appointment. In the meantime I'm going through hell. What do you think about my situation ?
Sounds rough. I think your situation sounds shit. Best of luck finding a way through. Hope you got some comfort meds to ease that off. Maybe some drinks if benzos and beta blockers not available. All the best. BB
If it's similar to quetiapine (chemical cousin) clonidine and lorazepam work best for the insomnia. Depakote and carbamazepine work well for mood stability. Really well.

I can't remember the data anymore, but there is a chemical reason why lorazepam is the best benzos.

obviously, if you get it, don't get addicted.
I don't usually speak so strongly, but this is absurd. Tell your pharmacist that you need a partial refill until the bloodwork can be sent it. You should never have to go without your medication. Clozapine is a godsend, and it's very serious as far as meds go. Please, advocate for yourself in this situation and have friends/family do the same for you. Using substances like booze will not help in the end. Go there right now and tell them your situation.
Already talked to the Pharmacy for a partial refill to hold me over, but they said no. They said they can't fill Clozapine with out the lab work.
I don't usually speak so strongly, but this is absurd. Tell your pharmacist that you need a partial refill until the bloodwork can be sent it. You should never have to go without your medication. Clozapine is a godsend, and it's very serious as far as meds go. Please, advocate for yourself in this situation and have friends/family do the same for you. Using substances like booze will not help in the end. Go there right now and tell them your situation.
You are absolutely right! My pharmacist always prescribed just enough to get me thru. No good pharmacy will leave you without!
If it's similar to quetiapine (chemical cousin) clonidine and lorazepam work best for the insomnia. Depakote and carbamazepine work well for mood stability. Really well.

I can't remember the data anymore, but there is a chemical reason why lorazepam is the best benzos.

obviously, if you get it, don't get addicted.
Lorazepam is great, but I switched to Valium, because 6+ years is too long, and diazepam is easier to get off, of.
They said they can't fill Clozapine with out the lab work.
If in the US it is a thing for reupping Rx-es not only for opioid pain meds but bnz and even pregabalin (among others) for christ's sake (no offense).
What's holding up the labs? Procrastinating or hardship issue(s)?
This is some bullshit imo. Clozapine is not a med you can go cold turkey off your pharmacy should give you enough to do you until your blood test comes through. I would be fucking pissed if i was you and i would change pharmacies.

Ive run out of my zyprexa before and my pharmacy gave me extra no problem
Helps too to know people who also take it so you can bum a dose or two off of them. Still it's ridiculous that the pharmacy won't tide you over. If gone on too long, you can go to the emergency room and get it there.
Helps too to know people who also take it so you can bum a dose or two off of them. Still it's ridiculous that the pharmacy won't tide you over. If gone on too long, you can go to the emergency room and get it there.

I would be worried about rebound psychosis coming off a antipsychotic that quick. You arent supposed to quit any antipsychotic cold turkey.

Going to the ER would be the best advice imo
I would be worried about rebound psychosis coming off a antipsychotic that quick. You arent supposed to quit any antipsychotic cold turkey.

Going to the ER would be the best advice imo
Yeah I know for myself if it came to that I'd go to the ER. But I also know some people who I can ask for a day or two or three worth of it, so that I have enough until the bloodwork comes through and I'm ready to pick up my refill.
Well at least I got back on my Clozapine sense last Friday and I'm feeling better. Although I have to restart on a lower dose again. I'm finally getting some sleep. Ugh...last week was hell though I can't believe how wacky things feel when you go off that stuff. So, anyway... good news that I'm feeling better.