• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Photo Contest CLOSED: Bluelight Weekly Photography Contest Round 340: Dresses

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His Name Is Frank

Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2006
Dresses (suggested by hydroazuanacaine)

1. Any photograph or variation of a photograph which has been previously submitted for one of the contest rounds cannot be used in subsequent rounds of the contest.
2. Photographs must be your original work and that has never been copyrighted or, if copyrighted, that you are the sole copyright owner of.
2a. No submitting pictures for other people, for friends, etc. Your OWN work, very simple.
3. Only one photograph may be entered per contest.
4. All photographs must be free of watermarks, signatures and borders
5. Photographs must be no wider than 700 and no higher than 700 pixels.
Free resizing website - Imgur.
6. Submissions will be taken September 22nd - 28th.
7. Voting will be open September 29th - October 1st.

8. Post your images in the appropriate thread in the form of an image, not a link to click on. To insert an image, use this code (for example):

9. Don't be a dummy and vote for your own photo, try and make it fun.
Be reminded that this is a photo contest and so images which have been heavily manipulated through an image editing software will not be accepted. To put everyone on a level playing field, editing should be restricted to cropping and resizing.
Images which are not relevant to the week's theme will be automatically removed.
If you have a problem with another contestant's entry adhering to the contest guidelines, please PM the forum moderators. Do not try to begin a debate about the issue within the contest submission or poll thread! There will be zero tolerance towards any attempts to devolve a contest thread into a bash-fest or witch hunt.

We will pick the next theme and post it the night a contest ends for the next round so people have a full 7 days to take pictures and submit them. After all the entries have been posted, a poll will be added on the last night, so people can vote. Voting will take place from midnight to midnight over the following 7 days (12am Sunday - 12am Saturday).
Those who wish to participate in sharing full versions of their entries may do so by providing a link only to the full sized version in the same post as their entry.
Thank you and have fun!


Next: Feast (suggested by bronson) Taking entries starting September 29th.
Followed by: Life (suggested by Max Power)
And then: Isolation (suggested by n3ophy7e)
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didn't think dresses would be difficult. but i'm not a photographer. despite recently purchasing an iphone.
Can anyone make suggestions for the photo contest? And if so who do you PM? Just wondering.
^ Yes indeed. No need to PM anyone, just post them here and they'll go into the list of stuff we pick from.

As for this round I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as Frank.
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