Mental Health clonazepam withdrawl help

I have come off any where from 0.5 to 4mg of klonopin before after taking those doses for months, on 3 separate occasions. The first one, was when I was on 0.5 a day like you for a couple months, I began to build a super high tolerance and started taking more and more, until I ran out. It wasn't that bad for me that time because I was able to see the doctor after about 2.5 days of nothing, but it wasn't any fun either. I had the typical mental issues associated with benzo withdrawl. Anxiety thru the roof, insomnia, and was becoming super restless.

Now the next time sucked. I was on 4mg a day, 8x the amount you are on now for probably over a year or more everyday. I ran out way too early and had no way to find any from the street or anything at the time and had nothing for about a week. It was mostly mental the first couple days, but the third day I was physically ill with flu like symptoms and the worst anxiety you can possibly imagine. it was straight hell coming off a dose that high. I couldn't even try to sleep it off or anything I felt like I was going to die. It was opiate withdrawl x5. I was never as happy as I was the day I got my refill and tossed a couple down immediately. It was such relief.

I also went to jail while being of like 3-4mg of kpin a day once. I wasn't there long thankfully, but after I arrived I saw a nurse who asked me if I took any medicine. I told her I took klonopin and said they were seizure medication to her and I used to have seizures as a kid(I really did, had petite maul seizures up until I was almost 14) but as of now I take klonopin for anxiety and sleep, but I said that's what they were for. They put me in the infirmary to watch over me and make sure I didn't have any seizures. Well the first and only night I was there, they woke me up at like 2am long after I had attempted going to sleep(or at least attempted to, but those motherfuckers wake you up every hour!)I started getting the shakes and bad restless leg syndrome and immediately I was given 10mg of valium to keep me out of withdrawl. I was extremely surprised they gave me anything, because other than that it was pretty bad, as most jail time is.

Anyways good luck, hope you don't get locked up...
thanks guys I'm starting my taper today and court went well I got it continued and I most likely will be facing little to no jail time as I'm a first offender and everyone says this but innocent lol
I forgot to mention I scored 65 .5mg clonazepam so this taper should go smoothly
update I'm gonna do a 3-4 month taper my court date got continued to December so I'm all set. Crisis averted
OP, much sucess on your recovery. I feel this may do better in another thread.
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We'll give this a shot. Worst case, it will be a little rough, but probably not very much. There are people on here that cold turkey 4mg or more in here. That's much more extreme. Look at the search engine for withdrawal threads. You can handle it. Many more have. I must remind, if you do feel something is not right, then do what you have to do. There is never anything wrong with discussing a side effect with a doctor. especially if you were legally prescribed. Either way, you can handle this.
^cold turkey off of that dose is asking for some serious seizures.

One of the bad things about the internet is that people somehow think they're going to have the same experience, or a very similar one, to people they read about. Everyone reacts differently, at least by a little bit. That said, cold turkey from any benzo dose after years, is not a good idea.

I think now's a good time to self-advocate to the extent that you can. They should be able to taper you down more.
Sorry ho-chi-min, I thought you got the whole thread. OP is jumping from 0.5mg. I simply pointed out that people have tapered way fast, so by comparison, 0.5 is not a very big deal.
OP or anyone else. Even at that low of a dose, it can be hard to "jump" off without some side effects. If you need to prolong or would rather take your time tapering, you can always be switched to Valium and weened of easer, IMO.
I'm on my 3rd day of .25mg a day and I feel a whole lot better than I thought I would I'm gonna be down to .125mg a day by the end of the month and then I'm gonna take a month to jump if all goes well