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Clonaz 0.5mg/day dependancy question.


Sep 13, 2018
Being prescribed 0.25mg Clonazapam twice a day for the past month and the next two months. Is there a worry for me in regards to benzo dependancy?
.5mg a day for 3 months? I would think yes but it wouldnt drive one to wits end in my experience(s) with benzos.
Talk to doc and see if ya'll can work out a plan to help the "discomfort?". Hopefully he has some idea of what is being discussed and not one who believes the old run of the mill "there is no addiction/dependence" inherent in benzos.
Good time to ask, though.
If doc doesnt get it prepare a taper of ones own. Two months left. Maybe the last couple or three weeks start dropping the dosage a bit. find what is enjoyable and do this... food, company of a loved one, movie (tv) binging, repairs around the house or ride, yard work, writing, reading, tomb raiding, gaming, sex, etc... < the distraction helps a lot for me.
At worst one may feel a little nervous for a couple weeks but as stated nothing to really worry about... functional IMO/E.
At best there will be no issues at all. Shoot for this and make it so. :) A lot depends on the individual.
Gotta fill out a sex resume and get some kinda "acceptance" forms which i think is bullshit but the rules are the rules, right?
merry christmas
I agree^. If it were me I'd cold turkey off of 0.5mg a day and get it over with, you should only get very mild WD if any at all really. I take 2mg daily and the WD from that kinda dose isnt that bad either imo.
You may be lucky, i can take low dose benzos for months and stop with no discomfort. Just your lsst week try to taper a bit but im sure you'll be fine
You may be lucky or unlucky.

I would always go for the tapper..with your doctor. Its 0.5mg but still... 3 months of use.
0.5mg a day for three months is a low dose and a low duration of use, you should be fine doing a rapid taper at the end and experience just mild rebound.

I totally agree. Just like when quitting any psychoactive substance, caffeine/nicotine included, there is going to be a little shock to the system. With that in mind, just prepare yourself for some minor discomfort. Given the relatively low dose and duration of use, this should not be bad at all. Like Wilson said, a rapid taper should be totally fine for your situation. Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable, but definitely don't dwell on a long drawn out taper, as I don't think it will really do you any good. If you have any questions you know where to fine us!