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Circumcision MEGA MERGED poll and discussion

How do you feel about circumcision?

  • I am male, intact and happy to be that way

    Votes: 170 35.7%
  • I am male, circumcised and glad to be that way

    Votes: 167 35.1%
  • I am male, intact and wish I were circumcised

    Votes: 22 4.6%
  • I am male, circumcised and I wish I were intact

    Votes: 33 6.9%
  • I am female and in favor of circumcision

    Votes: 44 9.2%
  • I am female and against circumcision

    Votes: 28 5.9%
  • Other - I'll post my response below

    Votes: 12 2.5%

  • Total voters
Finder said:
This is a pretty poor argument considering condoms reduce transmission of HIV and HPV by far more than the meager 50% you seem so amazed by while not permanently altering the body.

I'm sure as humans evolve you'll start to see them without these traits as neither wisdom teeth nor the appendix have a useful function. A foreskin, however, does.

Not to get off subject but the appendix does have a function, while it may be possible to live without a appendix. The function of the appendix lies in in its lymphoid follicles and the ability to control which essential bacteria come to reside in our caecum and colon in neonatal life. It helps the body realize early on that some bacterially derived foods(and some gut enzymes) need to be tolerated.(thats why Appendicitis is far more common in places like america where we have a highley refined diet, I:E High fibre) So, it plays its major role in small childhood. Such a shame they still teach in school that it serves no purpose.

Now as to the post, I'm circumsized and never thought twice about it as a "gift" or "curse". It's not like I can just grow my foreskin back if it bugs me enough, Why worry about such miniscule things?:p
I'm cut and don't really care. 99% of my friends are uncut though and sorta think its weird that I am. MEH.
I'm a male, circumcised, and pretty much indifferent. Having a foreskinless shlong has worked out fine for me, and I'm sure it would have worked out just as fine if I had it. I don't think circumcision is inherently bad or good, it just is.
And, you know, I guess I am kinda glad to be cut, because I have a damn handsome penis. I could put a top hat and a little tux on that guy and he could probably run for office.
TheRiseIsTheFall said:
Not to get off subject but the appendix does have a function, while it may be possible to live without a appendix. The function of the appendix lies in in its lymphoid follicles and the ability to control which essential bacteria come to reside in our caecum and colon in neonatal life. It helps the body realize early on that some bacterially derived foods(and some gut enzymes) need to be tolerated.(thats why Appendicitis is far more common in places like america where we have a highley refined diet, I:E High fibre) So, it plays its major role in small childhood. Such a shame they still teach in school that it serves no purpose.

Now as to the post, I'm circumsized and never thought twice about it as a "gift" or "curse". It's not like I can just grow my foreskin back if it bugs me enough, Why worry about such miniscule things?:p

You actually can (true story), but re-grown foreskin is kinda funny lookin'. I saw a special on it on TLC or discovery or one of those damn channels with health-related documentaries. Basically there's "exercises" you do (pretty much pulling the skin on your wee over the head of your little man and tying it that way for a few hours a day) and it makes you grow the foreskin back.
I'm uncercumsized, and oddly enough, my girlfriend didn't notice until I told her. :\
smegma is built up dead skin cells and such, similar to what happens if you wear your watch a little tight and dont take it off often.

it is very easily avoided by taking regular showers or whatnot.
I said circumcised and glad to be that way.

However, the act is really pretty weird. I don't know what I'll do with my son(s) if I have any.
I'm circumcised, and I'm happy to be. Granted, I don't have any sort of frame of reference, considering I don't know what it is like to be uncircumcised. I like the look and feel of circumcised penises much better -- I have to admit I'm actually pretty turned off by uncircumcised penises!

That said, I don't know where I stand in regards to whether babies should be circumcised or not. There may or may not be health concerns with not getting circumcised, but I'm pretty sure they're trivial at best. Sure, circumcision is a cultural thing, but because something is a part of an old culture does not make it right, of course.

All I know is that I'm happy the way I am, and I think uncircumcised penises are weird. Do I think that circumcision for babies is right? I don't know. Probably not. I probably won't be having children anyway, and if I do, well -- I probably won't get them circumcised. Anyway, that said, I still think uncircumcised penises look like the sand worms from Dune.


Johnny1 said:
C'mon, firewarner, you must admit that you have no idea what it's going to feel like yet. But after it's completely healed, AND you've lived with it for a couple months, then your experience would be very valuable to this thread. :)

See post 146
Seventeen years ago, I awoke in the hospital after having my son...I could hear him SCREAMING from the nursery. Don't ask me how I knew his cry, I just knew. I ran down the hall to the nursery just in time to have a nurse shove my still hysterical, beautiful son into my arms. She said, "Go breastfeed him. He'll calm down. It doesn't really hurt. The babies just don't like being strapped down to the board while the circ is done."

I then turned to the doc & asked why they didn't use at least a topical anesthetic. I had read that some doctors have found this to be more humane. He told me there are sometimes clotting problems when anesthetic is used & said I was getting upset over nothing. Yeah, I really wanted to believe that until I changed my son's diaper & saw the blood.

Bottom line: If I had it to do all over again my son would never have been circumcised. It was barbaric. Maybe I just got the shit Dr & nurse team. I'm sure not all medical professionals are this unfeeling. I will just never forget the screams of my 2-day old son.:(
As a female, I find an uncircumsized dick disgusting. Also, the un. men seem not to know how to pull back the skin and wash properly, making it stink.

Please get cut, fellas!;)
ccm said:
As a female, I find an uncircumsized dick disgusting. Also, the un. men seem not to know how to pull back the skin and wash properly, making it stink.

Please get cut, fellas!;)

No fellas, don't listen to this dumb broad.

You enjoy sex MUCH less when you're cut. And people say you last longer cut, it's not true, no worries.
ccm said:
As a female, I find an uncircumsized dick disgusting. Also, the un. men seem not to know how to pull back the skin and wash properly, making it stink.

Please get cut, fellas!;)

Uh, you must date some dirty men. 8o My nether regions always smell pleasant.
In my experience, I've found what makes a smelly package is when men don't shake/wipe efficiently after urinating. Urine can get stuck on guys boxers, which rubs into their pubic hair, and can really make us women dry retch when we go down there. It's even worse on hot days when this blends in with sweat.

My boyfriend (IT^) is uncut, and he always smells fine. I've been with guys, one in particular, who were circumcised and smelt horrible. It's really all about hygiene.
Sorry fellas, I stand by my post. I like a firemans hat. I won't be dating you so don't worry about it. No need to get excited, just an opinion as this post is soliciting opinions.

And just a tip, Double R, you are new here, so I will explain. Making sexist, hateful comments/name calling will not win you many friends on BL. You have the right to disagree with me, but name calling is unnecesary an immature.:p
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