
Shit, I just sorta stopped one day and it worked for me. It's all about the willpower....
Same here! Tomorrow makes 3 weeks.
I feel so much better, have been getting to know my taste buds again, and have saved a lot of money.
It gets easier every day.
No way dude, I have to disagree. Smoking is kick ass! You can fit in if you do it, and everyone will think you are cool. Why in the hell would anyone not smoke??? jeez...
getting physically ill does help a great deal... i got sick off the smell of cigarettes once when i was high, i stopped smoking for a while after that. dont know why the hell i started again 9 months later though... i think it was for the same reason i started to begin with. TEENAGE BOREDOM
No way dude, I have to disagree. Smoking is kick ass! You can fit in if you do it, and everyone will think you are cool. Why in the hell would anyone not smoke??? jeez...
this is proof of your intelligence right here...darwinism...anyone?
good on y'all, i've been on and off this band wagon for too long now.... always told myself i'd stop by the time i was 20, now pushing on 20 + 6 months, it's time.....
here goes... haven't had one since sunday.... 2 days encounting.....
For you guys that quit, there's a meter you can download that keeps track of how long you've been smoke-free down to the secong, how many cigarettes you haven't smoked, and how much time and money you've saved. You can download it here, it's called SilkQuit. It's pretty cool, and a nice motivation tool to help keep you going. :)
some stuff to help those trying to quit>>>
as taken from here
20 MINUTES AFTER YOU QUIT, your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal
8 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT, oxygen levels in your blood return to normal.
24 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT, carbon monoxide has been eliminated from your body. Your lungs start top clear out the mucus and other smoking debris.
72 HOURS AFTER YOU QUIT, breathing becomes easier. Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels increase.
2 - 12 WEEKS AFTER YOU QUIT, circulation improves throughout the body, making walking and exercise a whole lot easier.
3 - 9 MONTHS AFTER YOU QUIT, coughs, wheezing and breathing problems get better as your lung function is increased by as much as 10%
5 YEARS AFTER YOU QUIT, your risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a non smoker.
10 YEARS AFTER YOU QUIT, your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls to the same as a person who never smoked.
This lung was taken from a 82 year old male who died from natural causes and never smoked.
This lung was taken from a 42 year old male who died from smoking about a pack a day
Alright, my birthday is Thursday (7th) and I am quitting on Friday.
Gonna try the nicotine gum at the beginning...
Alright I started..... Its been 13 hours and counting. So far so good.!
Okay, I'm tossing my name into the hat too :) I haven't had a single smoke since I got up, which is pretty good considering that I am quitting a two pack a day habit.
Check out some of the articles at
kudos to you
quitting a 2 pack a day habit is a lot more difficult than quitting a pack a weekend habit. best of luck. if you get the craving for a cigarette, just look at the lung pictures i posted on page 4. :)
Add me to the list of quitters too, I quit this afternoon and started back on the patch! I picked a really bad day to quit, though, first thing that happened today was I got a call from a collection agency. :( Been really stressed all day at work...fortunately I was able to resist the cravings, gum helps a lot.