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Christmas and possibly methamphetamine!


Dec 16, 2015
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and after seeing my family and enjoying a nice dinner on Christmas, I usually celebrate by getting really high. Most years I usually go for coke or MDMA (last year I had meph due to no MDMA) and I nearly always take regular phet anyway but this year I have found a source for meth, and I had a few questions

First, is meth really suitable for a party drug, and how different is the high from regular street phet ( I usually bomb approx 300mg a time, damp paste texture which causes tongue blisters when bombed without paper)
Second, I would like to smoke it but as I have never used meth before, what I a suitable dose for a first pipe?
Lastly, since I only want to use it as a one off party drug, would I be better getting MDMA since I can get 3 grams for the price of 1g meth

Thanks for the info and I hope everyone has a great Christmas and new year.
Thanks for the dose info, real glad I didn't just get it and munch 300mg like it was paste haha I'd of been so tweaked beyond all functionality. And yeah, I went with your 1g of each idea, looks like in for a sleepless but very euphoric Christmas haha :p

Edit: I'm guessing it'll be pointless taking my regular phet if I'm going to be taking meth, or will it help the effects? My guess is its probably dangerous but since I already have it I thought I may as well ask :)
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No point mate stick to the meth ticks all the same boxes just makes a better job of it/more euphoria and legs.
Don't bother adding regular amphetamine into the mix, meth is by far enough on its own, and it's way superior. Also, definitely don't do 300mg in one dose! 300mg should last you a few days and nights, depending on how you do it and how good it is. Smoking it provides a nice rush, but a rough comedown, whilst being more compulsive and addictive than oral and nasally. Snorting it is ideal, in my opinion. There's no need to smoke/IV it, unless you're planning on taking up a lengthy habit. Keep an eye on your use, because it's much easier than speed to keep on taking, without the positive effects disappearing as fast. If you hammer your way through that gramme, which is likely, you'll likely feel its wrath. Regular speed will almost eradicate the comedown, from what I've learnt, if you do find yourself in that position. Enjoy! :)
Good to know thanks man. Will just stick to the meth and MD, and keep the phet incase of horrific meth comedown lol.
I only suggested smoking as I have enjoyed quite a few crack pipes in my time but since I'm mixing I will probably just snort it (don't want to overpower the MDMA lovey euphoria). I should be good with 50mg lines yeah? Also the addiction thing is a good point. I already <3 phet (never IVd though, prefer to snort but usually bomb due to pasty texture) so smoking a highly euphoric addictive version of it would probably be asking for trouble

I will update and let everyone know my thoughts after I have tried this. Really looking forward to Christmas

Edit: I heard sleep is a lot harder after meth than phet and I have been reccomended benzos. I really dislike benzos though, same with alcohol. I do however have a 1/2oz of some really nice Hindu Kush, this should do the trick right? I usually can sleep after phet with only a couple of buckets so surely enough weed will work? If not i can get zopiclones or Pregablin I just hate the high from benzos and alcohol
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No weed will put you to sleep after ice dude. You need either Xanax or seroquel.
I have access to seroquel and much prefer that to Xanax so ill go for that. Thanks man you have helped a lot, I hate trying new things unprepared, main reason I joined this site was to help me learn, so I can enjoy myself more and be safer in the process :D
Np mate let us know how you get on with it. Be warned combining MDMA and meth leaves you with a deabilitating comedown for a few days after...make sure it's worth it ;)
It will be, its only once a year i do anything like this (usually stick to regular phet and weed as my main DOCs) and I'm prescribed Pregablin (lyrica) so if the comedown is that bad I can always just take a few and sleep it off, plus the added bonus of sedated euphoria until you drift off.
I personally wouldn't mix MDMA and meth, because meth is already quite similar to MDMA. If you do, 50mg lines of meth will be far too much, if you're thinking about having quite a few lines. You don't need to redose meth often, at all, because the duration is unreal. You'll think it's wearing off, and it'll suddenly kick back in. There is zero chance of sleep, without benzos/antipsychotics/booze (I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that they don't like benzos!). If you're planning on doing meth, then plan on not sleeping, for at least 12-24 hours after your last dose. I can sleep after speed, due to tolerance, but meth is a completely different beast. You won't want to sleep, anyway, it's too nice.
LMAO OP - do you bomb pre or post turkey, im gona be having a very 3-FMP yule. Think will play it cool tho, wait till after munch. I can't eat, drink piss or shit on this gear - i fuckn write tho....
Funny how we hype things that are rare in our locality.
Meth is...interesting as a novelty, but most aussies i know avoid it like the plague.
It's about the only stim going (besides mdma and prescription d-amp) around here, except for ridiculously priced coke.
And meth has a bad stigma attached to it, because of the sort of characteristics regular users often exhibit, which aren't pretty.
Still - in moderation, why not?

I wonder though - why mix meth with MDMA? If you're new to meth, what purpose will this serve?
MDMA and amphetamine is reportedly more neurotoxic than either on their own. Plus it generally equates to a nasty comedown.
I also think it coild be a waste of both substances - the MD crash might taint your meth buzz, the meth buzz might override your MDMA high. Many variables, but i dunno...i just wouldn't do it that way, it can become a blur of undifferentiated chemical effects.
But do as thou wilt.
I guess when i am having a new experience i prefer not to use it in a combo, but we all have our preferences.

Meth on its own as it can last a pretty long time, but most of the meth users i've ever known have sworn off vaping it because it can be so fiendish that the only enjoyment you get is when you are breathing that stuff in, and obsessing over the next hit as soon as you put down the pipe. ROA can make a pretty big difference in effects.

Have fun, be safe! (Stay hydrated!)
I didn't know meth was similar in effects to MDMA, I thought the effects would have been like a more intense more rushy phet, since its mostly dopamine based, hence why the MDMA for the lovely serotonin euphoria (I am not too well versed in how substances work on your brain). Yeah I don't like benzos or booze really, hate anything that blanks my memory out, hence why I'd prefer quitiapin or Pregablin for sleep aid

Edit: I usually bomb my phet post turkey, although last years meph session got way out of hand. 1 tester line Christmas Eve turned into a full blown session until early Boxing Day morning. Didn't eat anything, didn't dare go see my parents (jaw clenching was unreal)
Meth is highly serotonergic, as well as dopaminergic, and will dilate your pupils like MDMA does. It is more intense than amphetamine, but also has a relaxing MDMA feeling to it, making it less jittery and stuff, despite being a stronger stimulant than regular speed. It feels like a very clear-headed amphetamine high, with a small dose of MDMA chucked in, and can even be quite empathic, when you take the right amount. Start low, and only redose every few hours, because it can take you by surprise, and leave you feeling like you've overdone it.

If benzos make you lose your memory, then you're taking too much/mixing them with alcohol. They shouldn't affect your memory, if taken in recommended doses, they'll just relax you. Maybe go for something like zopiclone, if you just want something to knock you out, without the (in my opinion) horrible, zombifying day-after effects of quetiapine. Pregabalin will help, but it's nowhere near as effective as benzos. To be fair, if you're going to use benzos for sleep, and you get straight into bed, after dosing, there won't be any memory loss (providing they get you to sleep). The memory loss is normally a result of fighting the effects...
I didn't know that, in that case I'll save the MDMA for another day and try the meth alone. How small doses should I start, you said earlier 50mg was too much for a line, so about 30mgs?

To be fair I have only ever tried diazepam twice, and yes both times with alcohol, and the rest of the time it was Xanax but just 1 of those completely wipe my memory (no alcohol any time i took xanax) I can get zopiclones too so I might just go for them and get a couple of Xanax just in case nothing else works, but like you say just take them and go straight to bed
Yeah, I would especially advise not mixing meth with MDMA on your first go. You want to feel the meth, alone, before you go chucking in another stuff (apart from booze and weed, of course). I said 50mg was a lot if you were planning on redosing, frequently. I'd personally start with 50mg, if you want a proper kick up the arse, otherwise less. Don't do a line, then keep redosing every 30 minutes, because you're convinced it's not doing much. I've found it rather unpredictable, in that sense. I'd say 50mg every 4 hours would be fairly sensible, providing the first line doesn't blow your head off. It depends on your tolerance, really. Perhaps start at 25mg, and see what that does to you. Even with a decent amphetamine tolerance, 250mg will keep me going for three days. Be cautious with it.

That makes more sense, now you've said that about the benzos. If you take benzos on meth, and with no alcohol, you are unlikely to lose any memory. If you can get zopiclone, they'll likely knock you out quicker than benzos. Is there a reason you're involving sleep in your plan to experiment with meth? It's quite likely that even benzos won't get you to sleep, unless you take loads, especially during the peak. As I previously said, you won't mind being awake. Even when it's quite clear that it's wearing off, you shouldn't feel bad. The comedown is long, and gradual, like MDMA (from a one-time use, not from a binge!).